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Artist Info:
<br />
<br />
Name: Sooperman<br />
Age:13-1 (SHHHH)<br />
Gender: I Be Female<br />
Rainbows: FUCK YEAH!<br />
Hai. I'm Becca, Rebecca, Bex, Becky, Bexxie, Rebecca Riot!, Crazy Chick, Whatever you wanna call me!<3 I Like girls, There is absolutely nothing attractive about a Penis, Sorry guys. Rainbows are pretty. I'm Weird as shit. I like to swear. I Will admit that I've only kissed a girl once, and she was just experimenting. I've been in love before, She broke me pretty bad. I Love To write and Read poetry, It's like a window to the soul made out of words. I Would really like to get into psychology, or something along those lines. Or anything Artistic and/or Creative, like painting or writing. My best friend is awesome, And Single *winks* jk, I Don't really have an Interest in her, but she is really pretty. I'm Single, and Looking. Artists, musicians and poets are always hot, even if they look like Patrick Star from Spongebob. Who the Hell am I Kidding? That Fish is HAWT! lol... I Love necklaces and Wrist bands and chains. I Tend to break necklaces a lot. I will date online, If anybody is actually interested. I Have a VERY low self esteem, so Compliments are always appreciated, even if I Deny them. I Think I'm a pretty good artist, <br />
DEVIANT: NoSleepBeautiful<br />
THEOTAKU: Troublesum Shika<br />
I'm a Decent cook. I'm Blond, sometimes stereotypically, too. I Love shopping for Band shirts and music, Spencers is My Fave store in the mall. It would Be Hot Topic if they had those in Canada.<br />
MUSIC<br />
<br />
Fave<br />
I love it<br />
Third Faves<br />
[3Oh!3][311][All Time Low][Alesana][All American Rejects][Attack Attack!][Au Revior Simone]<br />
[Blink 182][Blur][Breathe Carolina][Broken Social Scene] [Bullet For My Valentine][Bush][Cake][City And Colour][Cyndi Lauper][Daft Punk][Death Cab For Cutie][Dear Whoever][Dragonette][Emilie Autumn][Flyleaf][Fort Minor][Franz Ferdinand][Freezepop][Garbage][Gorillaz][Green Day][Hey Monday][Hot Hot Heat][I Haunt Wizards][Inward Eye][Knaan][Kanye West][Lady Gaga][Lady Sovereign][Lights][Lilly Allen][Linkin Park][MIA][Marcy Playground] [Marianas Trench][Matthew Good band][Metric][MGMT][Miyavi][Morningwood][Mother Mother][Nine Inch Nails][Nirvana][No Doubt][Oasis][Our Lady Peace][Paramore][Pheonix][Porcelain and The Tramps][Red Hot Chili Peppers][Regina Spektor][Saosin][Stone Temple Pilots][Superbus][t.A.T.u][Tears For Fears][Tegan and Sara][Ten Second Epic][The Adicts][The Clash][/color[The Dead Weather][The New cities][the Ordinary Boys][The Police][The Postal Service][The Rasmus][The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus][The Yeah Yeah Yeahs][Thousand Foot Krutch][Uh Huh Her][We the Kings][White Rabits]<br />
<br />
MONTH ONE:<br />
<br />
<br />
Mommy,<br />
I am only 4 inches long,<br />
but I have all my organs.<br />
I love the sound of your voice.<br />
The sound of your heart beat<br />
is my favorite lullaby.<br />
<br />
MONTH TWO:<br />
Mommy,<br />
Today I learned how to suck my thumb.<br />
If you could see me,<br />
you could definitely tell that I am a baby.<br />
I'm not big enough to survive outside my home, though.<br />
It is so nice and warm in here.<br />
<br />
You know what, Mommy?<br />
I'm a boy!!<br />
I hope that makes you happy.<br />
I always want you to be happy.<br />
I don't like it when you cry.<br />
You sound so sad.<br />
It makes me sad, too,<br />
and I cry with you even though<br />
you can't hear me.<br />
<br />
Mommy,<br />
my hair is starting to grow.<br />
It is very short and fine,<br />
but I will have a lot of it.<br />
I spend a lot of my time exercising.<br />
I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes<br />
and stretch my arms and legs.<br />
I am becoming quite good at it, too.<br />
<br />
You went to the doctor today.<br />
Mommy, he lied to you.<br />
He said that I'm not a baby.<br />
I am a baby, Mommy... your baby.<br />
I think and feel.<br />
Mommy, what's abortion?<br />
<br />
MONTH SIX:<br />
I can hear that doctor again.<br />
I don't like him.<br />
He seems cold and heartless.<br />
Something is intruding my home.<br />
The doctor called it a needle.<br />
Mommy what is it? It burns!<br />
Please make him stop!<br />
I can't get away from it!<br />
Mommy! HELP me!<br />
<br />
Mommy,<br />
I am okay.<br />
I am in Jesus' arms.<br />
He is holding me.<br />
He told me about abortion.<br />
Why didn't you want me, Mommy?<br />
<br />
One more heart that was stopped.<br />
Two more eyes that will never see.<br />
Two more hands that will never touch.<br />
Two more legs that will never run.<br />
One more mouth that will never speak.<br />
if you're against abortion, put this in your profile <br />
<br />
Any body who actually read all that, I Love you. - Avg. rating:
- 1 Fans
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