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Artist Info:
I have made this acount in loving memory of my old account. <br />
'Anbu-Blackops-Ninja-Sand' <br />
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Quote: I Hide My Sorrow Behind A Smile. Because If I'm Not Happy, Then The People Most Important To Me Won't Be Happy... <br />
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I am a simple person. <br />
A forgive and forgetfull person if you might say! <br />
I love to roleplay, and always am in the mood for any anime or manga!<br />
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So far, ive been trying to keep track of all the anime and manga I have either watched or read in my life!<br />
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Myoccupation, or the choice of gender I choice to like it all. <br />
I am Bi-Sextual and I am damn proud of it. <br />
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I was born in 1995 Im not going to but on my age, because as time goes by, im never really going to remember to update my 'about me' <br />
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My username, is my main roleplay username, but i enjoy to make, or be, other roleplay charecters most of the time. <br />
But in most caes, i enjoy to be Kaz Nara. <br />
Yes, the last name is from a charecter in Naruto, but I cant help it, I'm a Narutard! XD<br />
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I'm the type to <br />
never like leaving a <br />
friendbehind, and when something bad happens withen my group of friends, i always feel as if i where the cause of the problem. Weather or not i was at the least bit invovled. <br />
I try to keep the ties I have with my friends as strong as i can, because I hold them <br />
dear to my heart. Without the friends i have today, I would never be able to be the person i am today. <br />
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In the past, I was a weak person, that could be broken easily, and that wasnt really that long ago. <br />
But now, as times goes by, I am getting stronger, and stronger. <br />
Or at least thats what I'm trying to do. <br />
I want to become strong, not in physical strenght alone, but emotional and spiritually.<br />
So that if a friend of mine is hurt, or down in someway, I could have enough strenght to help them up, and at teh same time keep myself up. <br />
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At times, I can be a bit too nice, and let it get the best of me, which is never a good thing to do.<br />
I understnad i should be nice, and i love to be nice. <br />
But at times, i just need to practice on what would come out of the actions i do.<br />
I was too much of a push-over one day, and thought i was doing the right thing since i believed in the phylpsophy of 'what goes around comes around' which for some reason, lead my other account to become hacked...sadly...<br />
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But that isnt teh point. The point is, that i was weak, and now, im trying to be stronger! And smarter XD<br />
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Back in my younger years, i used to be pushed around allt he time, and used like an item, and when i fell, i had no one to help me up. <br />
But then, when i met the most wonderful people in my life, who have become my best friends now, i began to stand. And because of them, i grew the courage and strength to learn how to lift myself up. And now, even though my work for 3 years was left and gone, i still smile, and try to make the most of what i have now. Y<br />
Yes, i still feel as if i should be angry, but instead, i smile, and try to look at what I gained, or what im going to try and gain, instead of fussing over spilled milk and starting a fire over it.<br />
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ex.<br />
Name:<br />
Age:<br />
Gender:<br />
Personality:<br />
Occupation:<br />
Special Ability:<br />
Type (What the Charecter is):<br />
Job:<br />
Bio:<br />
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Image: <br />
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Name: Kaz<br />
Age: (Depends on the RolePlay; normally ranges from 14-26)<br />
Gender: Female<br />
Personality: hyper-Active-Super-Crazy-Physco-Nut (in a good way); can be a bite bi-polar at times; caring; funny; determined to do anything.<br />
Occupation: Bi-Sextual<br />
Special Ability: (depends on the RolePlay<br />
Type (What the Charecter is): Human (but could be part UN-human; depends on the RolePlay)<br />
Job: Ninja; assasign; teacher (for ninja's)<br />
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The Story of Kaz (Can be Changed in the RolePlay I Am In):<br />
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Kaz, a girl who had been raised completly on her own. Her parents died when she was only 5 months old by an evil man who has longed to kill her too. She was rescused by a friend of her parents, and was raised by them until she was 7 years old. She had run away from them when she found out that she was being searched for by the same man that had killed her parents, and didnt want what had happened to them, happen to her new caretakers as well. But what her caretakers had tried to hide from her before she left, was the fact that she had a special gift. They had no idea what i twas, but it was a gift none the less, that was supose to help the world in some way. And, that the man that has been searching for her, came from another planet, where she was born, to kill her. Once dead, he would have the power and strength to become more than what he is. He would become imortal. Along the years, Kaz has traveled, and trained with her trusty sword by her side, and the friends she meets on her path through life, and the many challenges she faces.<br />
Kaz loves to read, and write stories. She always has some tpye of writing item and a notebook on her at all times.<br />
Her favorite weapon is the bow staff and the bow and arrow.<br />
Her favorite Color is Black; BLue; and Green<br />
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Image: (depends on the RolePlay)<br />
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If yo want to change the world, or more or less want to try and help it some way. Do something about it. We cant jsut stand around being bystanders whating life go by with all the hate and pain in the world. Please, people, we have to stand up. And this is not a normal chain message. This is a chain that people should have on their profiles if you believe that the world should change. The song below tels on how we all need to make another difference because of all the hurt taht this world feels. So please, pass this message around weather you enjoy this song or not, to pass the message that this world should change. Because since we're the new generation, we should make a change. If not, why are we here?<br />
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H1r1BMmGbc - Avg. rating:
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