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- Artist Info: Hi! Okay, so my real name is madison but you can call me maddy or madiSON too, cause that's what my friends call me. This is me, I don't care who you are, what your religion, race, looks, or any of your flaws are, I wont look at those, I'll try to find the good, even though I have seen good in only one person. I wont judge someone for who they are, every one is my friend the moment I meet them, or if I don't. Until the day they don't want to be my friend. I do have anger issues which I try to control, but it sometimes comes out, but I never take out my anger on anyone that I care about. Don't get mad if I say I love the Twilight Saga, because I know there's a lot of people who don't like the series. I believe in vampires and zombies and werewolves, all of those supernatural things if you have a problem with that, deal with it. If I have something on my mind I say it! If you hate me, tell me! And I don't ever give up on anyone or their problems. If they think I have, they're wrong! Because they need to open they're eyes cause I will be they're guiding them, I always always help people and wont give up on my friends, or my enemies. They can hate me all they want and I can say that I hate them, but I don't, they just make me angry. Don't look at me like I'm a freak or I'll look at you the same way, give me a chance to prove that I'm much better than how I describe myself. I'm unique, so what? Since when was that a bad thing? I am trustworthy and I never want to make people sad, I can tell when someone doesn't like me and I don't hold back to tell them that. And that's pretty much me!
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