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  • Artist Info: You know you live in 2008 when...<br />
    1. You go to a party, sit down and take MySpace pics<br />
    2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years<br />
    3. The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is because they don't have AIM, MSN, MySpace, FaceBook, ect...<br />
    4. You'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing button on the T.V.<br />
    6. Your evening activity is sitting at the computer<br />
    7. You read this list and keep nodding and smiling<br />
    8. You think about how stupid you are for reading this<br />
    9. You were to busy to notice number five was missing<br />
    10. You actually looked back up to see if there was a number five<br />
    11. And now you're laughing at your stupidity<br />
    12. Put this on your profile if you fell for it,<br />
    (And you know you did)
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