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Artist Info:
Hey all!<br />
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I'm SyriMoon! I'm 19 years old and I live in the middle of Nowhere, Kansas. If you want to find me, I'm probably in the AMC. <br />
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Being a regular around the AMC, i's obvious I'm an anime fan. I like many series, but my one true manga love is X. And Tokyo Babylon, casue, well, they go t ogether. I like CLAMP n general,mostly their older work.<br />
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I like yaoi, BL, slash and, my fave, homoerotic shojo. I ship Seishirou/Subaru, naturally, and Fuma/Kamui, and any combination of those four.<br />
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I also ship Clow/Yue. I refuse to believe this isn't canon!<br />
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I've reccently come to love Kaori Yuki work, especailly Godchild and Angel Sanctuary. I'm still working on AS, but I just love it.<br />
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As for real life, I'm a freelance artist and dog lover. Border Collies make me squeeeee, and Australian Cattle Dogs. My baby girl, Wysh, just happens to be half and half. I'm also into books in general. I'm a Koontz fan, and a Golden Compass fan. I love true crime novels, and books on Anti-feminism. <br />
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As for real life, I live in he country, pretty rural, on..not exactl a farm, but just...country. We've raised everything from pigs to goats to wild Amazon birds. <br />
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I live with my father and grandmother, and have 6 brothers and sistesr. 3 whole, 3 half. Halves all from my mother's side. I don't associate with her much.<br />
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I can't say I have much of a life. I don't get to leave the house much, or see many people See, I'm visually impaired. I have nystagmus, a condition where the eyes shake constantly back and forth, strabismus, where one or both eyes looks in the opposite direction of the other, and amblyopia, which means I'm unable to see out of both eyes at the same time. That one's kinda wierd, since until I was 18, I didn't realize that normal people COULD see with both eyes, I was like, "woah.." o,0 So, cause of this, and a family that thins I'm just a burden, I'm pretty much at home, all day, every day. Yay me, wastng oxygen. <br />
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Syri wants to be a housewife with, like, 5 kids. And a dog. - Avg. rating:
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