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  • Artist Info: Let's start on the first page.<br />
    I am a high schooler, going through that defining time in life. I enjoy running, games and reading, but not neccessarily in that order. I run track and field (800m) and cross country (No medals yet, but practice makes perfect!). I'd enjoy reading nearly any type of book, as long as it isn't Twilight, for reasons that are too long to list here. As for games, I mostly play CS:S, but enjoy RPGs.<br />
    What I don't like are posers, serious people, and Twilight, but I don't feel like discussing negatives here!<br />
    So for some tidbits of info that have absolutely no bearing on your life, but I put in here for the frivolous purpose of wanting it, this paragraph ensues.<br />
    I have braces. Never would I have imagined how horrible it is not to be able to eat beef jerky. I am single, straight, and not looking for a relationship right now, because it probably wouldn't work out (Because of me, not you.) I want a summer job so I can buy a computer for school and games.<br />
    That's the end. If you read it all the way the way through, good for you! If you didn't and skipped here, congrats anyway. Everybody has their own way of doing things.<br />
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