- Gutbust's Gallery
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- Misty lake
- Photography
- 4 recent comments
Comments (16 Comments)
- 6Usagi Kou9 - 02/26/2010
- LOL I'm sorry, but I have to ask. Are you blind? My painting that you commented on is under the drawing/painting category. Please check your eyes and take another peek. I'm keeping and screen shotting your comment for the LULZ. It will be posted on my website and LJ.
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- Zia~water~fallZz09 - 02/06/2010
- i truly think you are not a awesome photographer i feel is not professional at all it lacks meaning and emotion kind of like you. 1/5 on everything. how a wonderful life
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- Ich bin furchtlos - 02/05/2010
- While looking through your gallery I noticed that the photographs are great but are a little basic. When I see your photos thats all a see: a photograph. When I look at photographs for for the gallery (I am a critic) I want to see inner art, stories, emotions and so on; I don't see that with yours. I see a possible sample picture that may advertize how clear the lens is for a new camera. I do enjoy your photographs but they just are lacking a little something.
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- Pop-tart Vomit - 02/04/2010
- Obviously you didn't read it because photography is art which is on topic. In witch you cant report me because i did not harass you i only complemented you and asked you politely to don't be mean. so please don't comment back. thank you
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- Pop-tart Vomit - 02/04/2010
- Yes you are a great photographer but i would greatly appreciate it if you would stop harassing other gaians just because there art doesn't fit up to your standers. Art is an expression not a contest. Art is capturing things as you see it. And Everyone sees differently. But good for you for your talent but looks aren't everything.
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- Legendary Rainbow Stalin - 01/11/2010
- Just because your teeth might not be pretty and white doesn't give you the right to sy I edited mine.
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- sayuri171 - 12/21/2009
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