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Artist Info:
Hey, my name is iRetaliate... but you can call me iRetaliate... (only my friends know my name, and thusly, only my friends can call me by my name) I am currently the guitarist and lead singer of my band called Saturday Morning Cartoons. <br />
<br />
I also enjoy playing video games, (as you can see by the expansive list of video games I own below) listening to music, playing guitar, (duh) drawing, and reading comic books (again, look below for my preferences)<br />
<br />
In regards to Gaia, my total account worth (as of 06/05/10) is 2,168,121 gold. The way I made so much gold is basically by luck... I originally earned about 100k from selling art, and another 50k from vending, then I got bored of Gaia, and went on a 2 year hiatus, and at the end of the hiatus, the items I owned SKYROCKETED in value (from about 50k, to about 600k) and from their, I played zOMG a lot, bought and sold a little, and booty grabbed all the way to 1.3mill...<br />
<br />
In other Gaian news, even though it says I've only been here for 3 years, I've actually been here for 5 years, as my old account got hacked, but it's been so long that I can't even remember the username razz (probably something gay though since I was 13 at the time)<br />
<br />
I'm also currently a proud captain of the guild "Negative70" (which can be found in my guild list... which is somewhere around this page...)<br />
<br />~~Donators~~<br /><br />
Mai_Matsuko - OMFG<br />
I Goed Poof - 10k<br />
Trade Assist - Angelic Mood Bubble<br />
HrithikBond - Ancient Katana AND 50k<br />
<br />
~~Donatees~~<br />
Kitty McNinja - 250k<br />
ScottieBears MiaKitty - Wonderland<br />
Cassandrena - Fausto's Bottle<br />
Costly Cosmetics - 100k<br />
Concealed Identity - Embarrassed Dream<br />
Trade Assist - 100k<br />
2OO5 - 50k<br />
minimist - Oculus Magica<br />
Dark One Reborn - 50k<br />
DEFiiLED MAiiDEN - 3,992 Pieces of Trash<br />
mia risingbird - 90k<br />
Blood Tipped Thorn - 91,601 Flowers<br />
<br />
~~Art Donatees~~<br />
Da_ROFL<br />
Leur Amour<br />
x - Jieeo Alfito - x<br />
Admiral_Hidan<br />
Arktic Soul<br />
Chiiuko Ramuki<br />
Neko and Incest (actual usernames not known)<br />
Mermaids in Love (actual usernames not known)<br />
Lunchbox Material (x2)<br />
Celestia25<br />
Relusap<br />
Getso<br />
Haruhi Fujioka Hitachiin and Raccoon_Black<br />
OnlyIfYouSayIt<br />
xXPriest_TakahashiXx<br />
UnheardProphecy<br />
Supah Chan<br />
superskiller<br />
Thorn Allen<br />
x - Crazy Loon - x<br />
<br />
- Avg. rating:
- 2 Fans
- Tainted Phoenix
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- 100 recent comments
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