My Life As a Lady in Waiting
It started like most any other day at the castle. Being a lady in waiting for the princess
can be a difficult job for a person like me. Most women would kill for a chance at
being a lady in waiting but I find it dull and exasperating. Her highness is a kind girl
but in a few words missing common sense... She is now betrothed to a young french
prince whom has no interest in her whatsoever and the interest that she has in him is
limited to his looks. Enough about her. First I will tell you about myself and how I
came to be a lady in waiting for Her Highness.
I was born into a wealthy family, as a young duchess.. It was simple, really. I was the
heiress to my families dowry and a chance for some well off young man to gain more
lands. I am the oldest of 6 children, all girls as luck would have it. Growing up
knowing that I was to have my family's title did not seem to affect my disposition. It
seems that everywhere I went, there would be mischief coming my way. My mother
thought it was inappropriate for a girl of my standing to be so rowdy and my father
told her that it was just a phase I was going through and to give me some time. The
only problem was that no matter how much time they gave me, it never seemed to wear
As a toddler, I was the normal, into everything, little one. As a child I would always
wander off and end up covered head-to-toe in dirt or something of that sort. As an
adolescent, I was not any better. If anything, I got worse. Not only was I not as lady-like
as my other sisters were but I also started to find boys interesting and they took much
interest in me and my early-developed, womanly features. Not taking much note of the
fact that I was a lady, I constantly drew myself into wrestling matches and croquet
tournaments. Again my father told my mother that it was just a phase. Then, when I
was about 16, it happened. I finally crossed the line that my father had so gracefully
placed in my path.
I still do not understand how they could possibly blame me for what happened. They
were the ones that engaged a young, handsome man as my french tutor. He had the
most beautiful blue eyes. Eyes that were as blue as the sky on a warm summer's day.
His hair was a rich blonde with a hint of red, as breathtaking as a sunrise over the
ocean surrounded by cherry blossoms and blue jays singing. A face that could make a
woman faint by adding the correct expression. They should have guessed it would
Before you go thinking that I had ruined myself before marriage, I did not. It never
got that far.. My mother walked in during a very passionate kiss to tell me that my
lesson for the day was over and tea would be served in half an hour. Needless to say,
she did not react well to this physical indulgence. Not only was it improper for a
woman of my standard to indulge in this type of activity but it was unthinkable to do it
with someone so far below my station. My father did not react much differently,
though I had hoped he would. My father decided it best to put me somewhere that I
may learn how to be a lady.
I begged for them not to send me away but it was to no avail and far too late. It had
been arranged for me to join the royal court and be a lady in waiting to Her Highness,
Catherine, Princess of England. That meant, if I did not act like a lady, my entire
family and my name would be disgraced and would be stripped of our titles. Even I
would never be capable of such a disaster. My family, however much I may not show
it, is my world. (That, and my sisters would tie me to a tree, cover me in honey and
shake a bee's nest over my head) Alas, I was to leave my family within a fort night.
I never could have imagined such a cruel punishment. Not even in my most fearful
nightmares. My original thought, when I first arrived at the grand palace and met her
highness, was that she was a plain girl with beautiful clothing. Now, I realize that she
is so much more, she is stuck-up, selfish, spoiled, a perfectionist and a sweet girl in her
right motion. Still, I wish the spoiled brat were to sit on that tiara she loves so much
and stab herself in the rear-end!
It is absolutely horrid here. I am even forced to ride side-saddle. How can one get into
a good trollop riding side-saddle?! My life as I know it has become history and I am
forced to be someone that I do not even like! It is almost like I do not even know the
person staring back at me in the mirror... I would like to cry but I have never been able
to. It seems so superficial to some people but to me, it would be a feat to even get close
to crying. I have to make this work. If not for my reputation, then for my family's. If I
do not live up to these expectations and complete this task then it will be the fall of my
My job as lady in waiting to Her Highness is not to wait on her but rather to let her
confide in me, a babysitter per se... I am almost 18 and Her Highness is only 16. I feel
as though I am stuck in this hypocrisy, spinning in circles and screaming at the top of
my voice but nobody sees or hears me. I will complete this task if not just to show all
the nonbelievers that I can do it and be a real lady. Oh why could I not have been born
centuries from now? Perhaps in the future women will be able to act the way they feel
fit and not have so many expectations or perhaps nothing will change from now until
then and men will still be the deciders of fate.
6 months later...
Today I went to court with Her Highness and met an intriguing young Count. He and
I shared a few words but I could not be sure that anything would come from it. I am
beginning to find it much easier to mind myself and act like a lady then I had before. Of
course I still have my moments of wanting to jab a dagger into Her Highness' chest, or
mine for that matter... All she wants to talk about is her prince and their wedding that
will be held 5 months from now just after her 17th birthday. Boring gibberish if you
ask me...
3 months later...
I have been called upon by that intriguing young count 4 times now, with my father's
permission of course. Count Adrian Valmire may possibly be my kindred spirit. I
confess that I have feelings for him, though I hardly make them known. He has brown
hair, yet it looks almost blonde at times. He has the most wondrous blue eyes. Eyes
that one could get lost in, yet I feel peace come over my soul when I look into them. He
is rather tall, 6 feet, almost exactly. He has a medium bone structure and a most gentle
face. He is very modest about his looks, almost as though he does not believe me when
I tell him he is handsome. I expect a proposal of marriage any day now.
Present day...
It finally happened! He proposed and I accepted! Her Highness has protested to my
leaving before her wedding but I am finally going home so I can prepare for my own.
Imagine, me married! Oh, god love the day I met Adrian! My mother is beside herself
in planning the entire event. Father is happy that I am happy and that I finally took
my place as lady of the family. (He also told Mother, 'I told you so') My sisters are
mostly jealous but otherwise excited. I cannot wait for the day to come. Years from
now I may find this rather bubbly feeling nothing but a fond memory but for now, I
find joy and comfort in it. My life as a lady in waiting is no longer. From this day on I
start down a new path. One of my own. One that will hold many trials to be sure but
they are all welcome. I have a perfect life ahead of myself.
My Life As a Lady in Waiting
The following is a short story that I have been working on for a little while. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.
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