In this quiz I will ask you a question and you have five options A, B, C, D, or E. you select one letter A-E. Not F-Z. After you answer look what would happen if you found yourself in this scenario. Now we commence with the quiz.
The Date is December 21 2012, (the day the world ends) in New York City, USA. Your no that superstitious and think nothing of it. The day has been surprisingly normal with only the slight end of the world joke. You sit down to turn on the TV. It powers on to the news. A shocking report comes on and anchor man Ron Williams comes on. “Today at 5:19 PM legendary hero Chuck Norris died. He was working out lifting his two ton dumbbell with his third fist located in his chin region when he suddenly just fell over and died. We know it could not be a heart attack because his heart it to scared to attack. Doctors ha…..” The TV goes dead and a tremor shakes the house. You rush out side and look to see that a flaming hole has cut its way through down town. The chasm and engulfed multiple buildings and is spreading at a rapid speed. Then suddenly it stops. Then out of the hole a giant round rock appears. It is white and smooth and spans for miles. Then a crack appears in the rock and it spreading in every direction. The rock caves in and reveals the horror inside. A GIANT CHICKEN!!!!
The Chicken rises and lets out a gut wrenching wail. Then your phone rings your still in shock but you some how manage to answer. It is your friend from Texas and is wondering if you are seeing the same thing he is. Then you realize that this is happening world wide! This is the apocalypse in the form of chickens!!
Now here are your options.
A) You have no idea how but you are going to try to drive your Mom’s car as far away as possible. You basically will run like a pansy.
B) You go to every KFC in the Area and get them to form an army against the chicken army.
C) You say screw this and go pick up as much girls/ boys as possible and party your a** off.
D) You hide in the bomb shelter you secretly made with your girlfriend/ boyfriend and a few others and an X-box 360.
E) Other type your own answer and comment
If you Chose A:
You tried to start the car only to realize it is out of gas then you run to the gas station to fill your tank while you fill the container the Giant Chicken somehow sneaks up behind you (don’t ask how. I don’t know either.) and decides its potty time you are then crushed by 3 tons of chicken crap.
If you chose B)
You successfully form an army of KFCers (or at least I think that’s what their called and form an attack plan on the chicken overlords. You take every oven in NY and form a giant oven. Then you and your army lures the chicken over with a giant bag of Feed (I don’t know how you got a bag that big you have too much time on your hands.) and then bake the chicken for the one week it is roasting you harvest wheat from the farms to make two giant buns. Then when the week is over you put the chicken on the buns to make the worlds most Giant Chicken Sandwich!!! Then you eat it in your victory. It is so delicious, then three days later you die of food poisoning. Eh oh well.
If you Chose C)
You find 33 girls/boys and throw a party. Latter you try hitting on them it turns out their gay! Then the Chicken steps on the house you planed to party at.
If you chose D)
You only bring one game in the shelter for the X-box and you have already sealed the door .Your ventilation system consists of an air conditioner and gets air from the surface. Then the air is getting stuffy you check the ventilation something has blocked it off! If that wasn’t bad enough your friend confesses he has farted really bad. You suffocate on stale stinky air.
If you chose E)
Well I don’t know what the heck happens to you. Eh oh well I willl comment on the options I like and tell you what happens to you. So look out for my comments. Hope this made you laugh.
Apocalypse quiz
Dark Fragment
In this quiz I will ask you a question and you have five options A, B, C, D, or E. you select one letter A-E. Not F-Z. After you answer look what would happen if you found yourself in this scenario. Now we commence with the quiz.
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