• As Arya stalked her pray, she heard a noise. But this was not just any noise. It was the sound that was made as soon as the vampire hunters were about to make a kill. After that, a light bulb went off in her head. She was stalking the vampire hunters. "How could I have been so stupid," she whispered to her self. As second in command of the Williamsburg clan, and the leader of the Elite Hunters of her clan, she could not afford to get captured. Her leader, Arturo, would kill her if she got captured. She crept along silently hoping and praying that they had not pinpointed her exact location yet. All of the sudden, vampire hunters jumped out at her from all angles!

    "Ambush!", Arya screamed as she was thrown into a fight the likes of which she had never seen. Soon after her cry for help, all of the Elite Hunters were in the fight. The Elite Hunters pretty much consists of the whole clan except Arturo becuase he cant risk getting killed. She smiled. The fight may be advantaged toward the vampire hunters, but they had the strength. Arya was in a fight for her life. Stakes narrowly missed her and crosses were thrown, holy water splashed. She saw one of her best friends, Thara, go down because of a thrown stake that sliced her right through her heart. Arya cried out, feeling her sister's pain. "Arya! No time for mourning! Get your head into the fight," Arturo shouted.

    Arya threw herself into the fight. She grabbed all twenty of her throwing stars and threw them randomly. But none of the vampires were hit by them and none of the throwing stars missed the humans. The ability to hit objects with out looking was one of Arya's specialties. The fight lasted for hours, but the humans slowly over took them. There were only two survivors left. Arturo and Arya were put into a white van and driven across the country.

    "That was not your fault, Arya. You can not blame yourself for what has happened," Arturo tried to console her as he stroked her flaming red hair. Her black eyes flashed over with pain and a new set of tears. "It was my fault. If I had just gone hunting with the rest of you guys this never would have happened. I hate being a lone hunter," she cried. "And why did you come? You are not part of the Elite Hunters," Arya questioned. "I thought that would have been abvious by now. No? Oh well then, I'll tell you. I love you, Arya." That only made Arya cry harder. "No. You do not love me." Arturo sighed, "You have to let that human go! He is dead for God's Sake!" "You can not know that! It is not true!" she cried out in horror. "I do know! It is true, would I lie to you?" (he would and Arya knew that)

    The rest of the trip Arya was silent. She stayed as far away from Arturo as was possible in the cramped little van.

    When she exited the van, she could smell that they were in a totally different place then before. She could scence that there had once been vampires here but there weren't anymore. She thought that either the vampire hunters destroyed that clan or ran them out of town. It was more likely that they destroyed them because the hunters were spreading out more and more each time. And if they could defeat the largest most powerful clan and capture its two leaders, Arturo and Arya, then they could defeat any other clans too.

    As she entered the building she felt a cold draft waft over her...