• "Where are we?" A brown female whimpered to her mate. "My pups are coming soon." The white male looked around, he spotted a small cave. "There!" He ran to the cave. "Small, but it'll do." The female grunted. The male lift his head and howled calling to the pack, an answering howl came back to him. six wolves come running from the bushes. "Hark." An old gray wolf growled. "I smell Morgra around." Hark growled at the name Morgra. "We can't leave, Dawn is having her pups soon." Hark looked in the cave, where dawn disappeared. "Hopefully, she has her pups soon." Hark standed guard and waited. Some whimpers of Pain came, if anyone came close she would growl a warning and they will stop and turn around. Two suns pass and Dawn was still in the cave, Hark was asleep and a paw prodded his side, he opened his eyes lazily and looked up to see dawn. "Come." She padded back in the cave with hark behind her. One pup was lying on the ground, it was not breathing. "No Dawn." He whimpered. "Over here." She whispered. Three small bungles of fur were whimpering for food and Dawn lied down and pulled them to her belly. "The Gray one should be Dusk, The light colored one should be Sakura, and the brown one should be Tsubaki." Dawn named each pup.
    Three suns later, Morgra was scents in the Moorlands. "Morgra, i knew it" Hark snarled. He ran upthe hill and stopped where a shape of a wolf came in view. "We meet again, Hark" The wolf laughed evily. "Morgra." Hark snarled.
    You: Your ending it now! evil Me: Calm down there is chapter Two coming soon sweatdrop
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