• I blink my eyes.Where am I?Im on the beach..i look up at the dark,star filled sky..the moon!!It's gone!!!Without the moon..im..nothing..I stare at the blank face of the sky as the stars shone down as eyes..and i just listen as the wind whispers to my frozen body.
    I sit there,motionless...then,the wind speeks to me..~look up at the sky.its trying to tell you somthing~it whispers to me in a soft voise.
    I'm still trying to think..i dont know what to do.So i take a big breath and look up at the stars.
    i see a face....its someone that i know..then its clear..my grandmother..then, it dissapers. i see dull glow in the north of the sky.It gets brighter and brighter.My moon..i just reach out and it seems like i grabbed something..i pull it. and there it lays infront of me..the moon.and i reach out...my grandmothers special rock.
    "AAHH!!" i scream. i had fell out of bed.I sit up.i get up off the florr and walk down the hallway. i hear my dad crying.Me as nosey as i am i walk up to the door and listen. "NO! NO! SHE CAN'T BE GONE!!" I hear my dad cry who is he talking about? "Well,now I know..grannys' gone" my dad says.i drop and sit on the floor.I get up and run to my room,pick up her rock lay on the floor and cry next to the rock.
    My grandmother had died.