• Nemo's head peered into the empty room right behind the blood red curtains. 'Hmmm?....' She thought warily '...No one is here....' Her delicate hand clutched the golden lining tightly , as if for support. It WAS a room actually,though a room with mirror walls, nonetheless, a room. Nemo entered it cautiously,her steps cushioned by the furry carpet itself. She stood right in the middle,gazing all around herselves with such young eyes. Nemo locked eyes with herself in the mirrow right in front of her. A tear drop wet a spot on the carpet and it dried just as quickly. Her head was hung low, staring right where the tear had landed, yet none followed. Ashamed...of who she was...Nemo's head shot up and spat at her own reflection and fled out of the room,leaving behind a crack in the wall