• Chapter 1
    “um…..,” I say squinting.
    “I said did you have another nightmare?”
    I open my eyes completely. I look around the room, analyzing it. I then realize it wasn’t mine. Then I look up. Bryan’s intense, dark brown eyes stare back at me. I figure I was in Bryan’s room again. Tears were still running down my face.
    “Yeah,” I reply.
    I sit up on Bryan’s bed.
    “You know you shouldn’t climb over here. It’s dangerous, plus my parents might come in and see you one day,” he says. “And you shouldn’t sleep in a guys bed…,” he whispers.
    He was hinting at something but I just let it go.
    “That’s why I told you to lock your door and the wall that separates our balconies is up to my waist. I don’t know why you’re making such a big fuss about it.”
    When I have flash backs or memories about my parent’s death or I just feel lonely I climb the little wall that separates Bryan and I from each other’s apartment. I’m not concern with falling; I mean we live on the second floor, but if I were to fall I would be with my parents faster. I would miss Bryan, but I want this guilt to end.
    “You should get changed and come back over for breakfast.”
    Bryan has been my best friend since seventh grade. He’s the closest thing to me right now. I always felt like a burden to Bryan but he reassures me that I’m not.
    “Are you sure I can eat here?” I ask feeling uneasy.
    “Would you stop that? You know my mom loves you, now hurry up!”
    “Okay.” I smile.
    I get up to leave.
    “Oh, wait. Come here!”
    I sit in front of Bryan on his bed. Bryan draws me close. Then he pats my head.
    “It’s not your fault. Remember you have us, ok?”
    “I know, I know,” I say in a small voice.
    I let go of Bryan.
    “I have to go or I’ll be late.”
    I head for the balcony that separates us.
    “Didn’t tell you not to go that way?”
    “Well do you want me to go through the front door?” I ask sarcastically.
    “No but,-”
    “Okay then. That's what I thought.”
    I take a last glance back at Bryan, who was smiling at me. I smile back, then I was off, over the balcony wall.