• The Beast Within

    Chapter 1
    I lay there . . . drenched in blood. On my hands, my face . . . even in my mouth. Speechless, I begin to get up. As I arise, I scanned the cold, isolated room I found myself in. I stopped, dead in my tracks; a shredded lifeless body was before me. I fell to my knees, never once removing my eyes from the body. There seemed to be teeth marks and scratch marks engraved all over the body.
    “Di – di - did I . . . do this?” quivering as the words escaped my lips.
    I looked at the body, and then looked at my body. I didn’t want to believe that . . . I . . . could have possibly slaughtered this corpse that lay in front of me. But it all added up . . .
    “Ugh!!!” I yelped.
    I couldn’t stop. The mere thought of me killing another human being . . . it disgusted me to the point of vomiting. Then I collapsed . . .

    Chapter 2
    Flash . . . flash . . . flash. . . Bright lights passed over my closed eyes. I slowly opened them to find out what was happened.