• people who read this, its only a draft,thats y it sux a lil
    Helion stood up slowly, letting his legs adjust. He walked over to the mirror, to see his reflection. Un combed, long, blond hair, and blue eyes, tall with wrinkled clothes, and nothing to cover his feet. He pulled open a dresser drawer, and pulled out some pants, a black shirt, some socks, and finally a black hooded sweatshirt.
    First, he took of his shirt. He wasn’t very muscular, but physically, and mentally fit. He slipped on his black shirt, then the sweatshirt. Next, he took of his pajama bottoms, and put on the black pants. He slipped on his socks, then looked for his shoes. Helion found them in the left corner of his room, beside his bed. He slipped them on slowly.
    He could hear the sound of the t.v. down stairs. It had to be his little sister Jenny watching sponge-bob. She was only eight, more polite, than picky.
    Helion opened his room door, to find his stairs in front, his parents bedroom beyond the stairs, and his sister, Jenny’s room to his left. Helion followed his path downstairs, to hear his sisters voice.
    “Mom and dad are on there way to Chicago Helion, they left you a note on the kitchen counter, they said to tell me to tell you to open it when you wake up”Jinnee said.
    “Alright, thank’s” Helion responded.
    He entered the kitchen on the right. It was very cluttered with pots and pans. A pop-tart paper was on the floor from where Jenny ate break-fast.
    A white envelope caught Helion’s eye though. Imprinted on the back was his name. He opened the envelope to see the writing of his mother.
    Engraved in the paper was,
    As you know, today is the day where your father and I fly out to Chicago.
    We will be back in three days minimum. In the envelope, there is 300 dollars for groceries. Do not spend them freely. Take good care of Jenny for me. X o x o x o, mom .’
    Helion dumped out the envelope, and two-one hundred dollar bills , and five- twenty dollar bills had fallen out.
    Helion had opened up put the bills in his back pocket.
    “Hey Jenny, I have to go to thee store, that means you have to get dressed. Were gonna go in a few minutes, hurry up.” Helion said .
    Jenny shrugged, and made her way up stairs, returning in a few seconds. She had her brown hair brushed, and her brown eyes looked more decent. She had on blue jeans, and a pink cheer-leading shirt.
    “Are we going to drive?” she said.
    “Mom didn’t leave me the car keys. So I guess were going to have to walk.”Helion responded.
    “Fine, does that mean were going to Kroger? I mean, cause it closest.” “Yeah, after that, you want to go to McDonald’s?”
    “We really can?” Jenny asked with excitement.
    “Really,”Helion said, “we really can. Com on, lets go before we het rushed inside the store”
    Jenny and Helion walked through the hall, to the front door.
    Helion unlocked the locks, then walked outside. He grabbed his keys, and locked the door, waiting for the sound of the mechanism to tick.
    Helion and Jenny walked up the drive way, then down the narrow street. They turned left at maple, then right at oak. They turned one more time on Jonathan for the neighborhood exit. They turned right, then they walked past a gas station. Finally, they got to a cross walk that connected to the store. They turned at the cross walk. Kroger and McDonald’s weren’t far apart. They turned right and walked there way inside the store. Jenny and Helion walked through, and got a buggy.
    People crowded the store, then Helion started a conversation with Jenny.
    “Come on, lets go get some pineapple, then how about some more pop-tarts. Ok?” Helion asked Jenny.
    “Ok, hey, can I try the claw machine when we leave?” she responded.
    “Sure, but only two try’s.”
    The two siblings walked to the fruit and vegetable isle. But then a loud voice went into there ears. “This is a robbery! Everyone one the fricken ground!”
    Helion and Jenny dropped to the ground.
    “Make sure noone comes in, or goes out!” the man said.
    Helion turned his head, to see at least five tall men with guns, and ski mask.
    “Jenny, just stay calm, don’t worry, we’ll be alright.” Helion whispered.
    Everyone in the store panicked even Helion. He heard gun shots go up into the air , then began to think of what to do. His mind had gone blank, he couldn’t find out how to get out of this situation, although there were only two ways out, get through a door, or have fun being robbed.

    Helion looked over at Jenny, to see that her face was drenched in tears. Helion thought one more time. ‘I used to work here, there's maybe a door at the back. I don’t really know what to do, but I’ll get jenny out of here.’
    He looked back over at Jenny. She was still crying.
    “Jenny,” Helion whispered, “there’s probably a back door, if we can go through there, we’ll be fine, but if we do this, were going to have to move quietly.”
    “O-o-ok-k-k.” she shivered.
    “Follow me”
    Helion crawled to a close-by isle. He saw many things on the shelves, caned foods, such as bean , fruits and tomatoes,and picked at least four. He turned around to look at Jenny, she had just finished crying. Helion held out two bottles of the sauce.
    “If one of those men come up to you, I want you to throw one of these bottles at them. Were not far from the back door, its only a few isles down. We just need to make it past isle six. I’ll go first, then you follow. We only have a few minutes. Are you ready?” Helion said going into perspective.
    Jenny nodded her head, then turned it right , then left. Helion saw her veins in her neck pulsing when she turned.
    Helion started to crawl towards isle two, then three, four, five, and finally six . He got up into a crouching position, and started walking past waist high freezer’s . He stopped, and got onto his knees when he heard the sound of large combat boots walking on the floor. The man walked bye, then glared at him with an evil stare. Helion hid the bottle, and then clutched it tight, getting ready to make a sudden move.
    Helion got onto his knees, and then straight to his feet.
    “Get back on the ground, or I’ll blow your ******** brains out of your freikein head!”
    Jenny looked over at Helion, to see that he was ignoring the gruesome command.
    Helion stood, then felt the barrel touching his head.
    . He clutched the can of what look like beans, then forced it towards the mans arm. That wasn’t going to work, the man hit it back with the gun, removing the barrel from Helion’s head. Helion clutched the other bottle, and this time forced it at his head. The sound of the glass shattering made another sequence of sounds. Two pairs of combat boots.
    Helion roach for the gun, then ran back into isle six. Jenny stayed put.
    Helion walked to the end of the isle, seeing two of the men, robbing the registers. He aimed the gun at the closest mans head, then pulled the trigger. Seeing the sight of a falling, decapitated man.
    The other man turned, then aimed his gun at Helion, but he was to quick, he pulled the trigger again. The man fell, with a hole through his heart.
    The only reason Helion knew how to use a gun, is because his father John took him to the firing range once a month. Helion was currently holding a simple revolver. He checked the ammunition in the gun, to see that there were only three shots left, and only two men.
    Helion heard the sound of the combat boots running, then stopping behind him, then feeling the piercing of a bullet coming through his leg.
    Helion fell onto the ground, then turned his head and arm. He shot at the closest man, he missed the first, and second time, but hit his elbow the third, hitting a major artery. The other man, aimed his gun at Helion, then saw something unexpected, flying glass
    Heion saw the glass fly, then the man turn around. The man saw jenny, then stared a demonic like stare. The man simply stood another second, then grabbed jenny by the throat seeing into her in the eyes, and finally pulled up a gun. Helion screamed, but the shouts didn’t over power the sound of the gun .the man turned around and saw helion and glanced like he did before.
    Helions eyes were now drenched with waterfalls of tears. He started to approach him. Helion looked, then tried to move, but the wound in his knee wouldn’t allow him. He pushed away with his hands, but only to se the man in front of him.
    He picked helion up by the throat, then stared the same evil stare. He finally spoke.
    “Your eyes so affection for this little one, a sibling perhaps?” His voice was deep, and dreadful.
    Helinos hands were on his, trying to break free. But somehow he wasn’t choking, but barley breathing.
    “Yes, and u just killed her you son of a b***h!”he screamed.
    “Someone who can see that, but do anything about it, has a superior heart. You might be a useful companion. I might someday need you.”
    The man gripped helions throat tighter, then his mind , and consciousness went slowly black.

    chpater 2

    Helion found himself to awake, with a severe pain in his right knee, and a tear in his eye. He looked around, it was dark, and depressing. Helion tried moving his hands, to see that luck was gone. His arms were bound to a chair, with what felt like a chain. Helion rocked back n forth, trying to break free.
    Nothing, no response. No movement. It felt as if the air had left his body, then sucked out of the room. It felt like his life would soon end, die into a slow and painful death. His mind went blank, and his heart black with hate. He remembered what happened, what happened maybe hours, or days ago.
    He remembered the loud bangs, and his screams. He remembered the sound of a body, hitting a ground lifeless.
    The sound of a door opening alerted him. Lite came through a door, as it revealed the stairs. Helion stared, until he saw a pair of feet making there way down.
    Seconds later, more of the body was uncovered.
    Black cargo pants, followed by a rolling stones t-shirt. Then a face was reveled. Short black hair, only down to his eyebrows. Helion couldn’t see the eyes because of the shadow, but until he heard the voice, he knew who it was.
    “So, did you have a nice sleep? You probably did, its been three and a half days there buddy.”
    Helion sat motionless. The man got right in his face and stared into his eyes.
    But helion noticed something, the chair was wood. Then another thought struck his mind, his legs were loose.
    The man stepped back, and started to speak again..
    “So, now why are you here right now?”
    Helion just sat and returned the stare. “You know, im in the position to kill you right now. Im just choosing not to.”
    “Oh, now is that so.” the man said, as he pulled out a long steak knife.
    He approached helion with it. And swung at his chest with force.
    He screamed, and felt the blood drool down hist chest quickly. Something happened, helions mind snapped, his eyes, now were pitch black, the anger was now forced out of his body.
    He stood, back bent, chair on his back. He spun, hitting the mans hand, rocking the knife out. The man stepped back as helion turned around, back faced towards him. He backed up as quick as he could, just fast enough to break the chair on his chest. The chains were still on helions wrist, but from his perspective, he didn’t care. He now bolted for the door.