• A Dark Day For A Dark Age by Midnight Stark

    The footsteps behind me screamed in the silent night of Kiren, my home island. My name is Miranda, a young 17 year old girl with no time to spare. Rain was pouring down in sheets, flooding my entire village. I was soaked to the bone with icy rain and caked with mud but I didn't care. My dress was ripped to shreds a while ago. My arms, legs, face, and neck is cut up with many scratches from branches and brambles. The sound of many horses hooves were gaining up on me. I turned, a very tragic mistake to make. I tripped over a root, completely unseen except by the mud. Sprawled against the ground, I was losing time. They were gaining. Them. The Trackers, a secret vampire society wanting to keep me in my place. I'm a fourth vampire, a fourth werewolf, and half demon. I never wanted to be what I am, it's just the way I was born. I was born a demon and vampire. Then, after torture and hours of writhing pain, I was turned into a werewolf by their leader. I turned again and didn't have to see them to know they were there. I could smell them through the rain, their rancid meat smell. I faced them, scared out of my wits. The leader stopped, sword out. He went for an over head strike that could've killed me when a sliver of a sound escaped and he fell into the mud, shurikan in his throat. The others dropped as well until the last five could see what was going on around them. I didn't know what was happening, until I saw them; Shadowers. They match the darkness of the forest, unable to be seen unless you know where to look. The rest of the Trackers dropped, dead in their tracks, unknown to the death at hand. I blinked twice until I figured out there was someone behind me. The next think I know, darkness. neutral