• 4
    By now everybody should know that even when you say you don't need or want any help true friends will help you anyways...

    Amber's eyes were blazing and she looked mad enough to kill...which she might have ended up doing, should she have the guts to go back to the house. Through clenched teeth, she managed to snarl, "I..don't....beleave...this..." While all Dylan could do was look back and forth from Amber's furious expression and the newspaper in her hands. Then finally he found his voice and managed, "Ah...neither can I." Dylan reached for the newpaper although he was scared that Amber might be so mad she might end up ripping his arm off. Luckily he got if from her before she ripped it...or him.
    He reread the paper then said, "Wow. It's hard to beleave how cruel people can be."
    Then out of the blue Amber firmly stated, "I'm going back." Dylan was startled at her words then looked at her and replied with a confused, "WHAT!?"
    "Dylan! Those two little girls...it's me and my sister! The parents! They kidnapped us BOTH! God only knows what they've done to her. And it says our names.....my name is Hope. And my sister's name is Ruth. Dylan I have to go back! I have to find her!"
    " Amber! Er..I mean Hope..HOPE! If you go back the parents will kill you! If they ever found you again they'd try to kill you!"
    "Dylan I know that! I meant I have to go back to the hotel in Mexico! I have to find Ruth there! She must be!!"
    "......I'm coming with you."
    "What!? No way you can't! What about your job? And your parents? And school?"
    "My parents and job will understand if it's to help a friend. And I'm not in school at the moment. Classes don't start until June. Anyways, I wanna help."
    "I can't let you do that. I have to do this myself."
    "Fine. But, how are you planning on getting there?"
    "Well, as soon as I get paid then I should have enough for a plane ticket."
    ".....I'll be right back." When he came back he handed her $200 in cash and merely said, "Here. For the ticket."
    "Are you serious?" Dylan nodded then Hope threw her arms around him and squeezed him tight.
    "Thank you so much!!!"
    "Ahaha! Chillax, It's no big deal!"
    "Yes it is!!"
    "Haha, hey c'mon, you're embarrasing me...and I can't breath."
    "Oh, haha, sorry 'bout that." Then she let go but was still smiling.
    "Heheh. It's okay. Well you better get going."
    "Going? Going where?"
    "To the airport of course! Get your stuff while I go get a taxi."
    "Uh, okay, thanks."
    So while Hope packed up her stuff and stuffed the money securely in her pocket, she saw Dylan outside running along the side of the street, flapping his arms around like a freak of nature. She couldn't help but lagh.
    She rolled her suitcase outside and saw Dylan standing next to the cab he hailed. He looked out of breath.
    "Alright, Hope, the cab driver knows the directions to the airpost so he'll drive you over. once your there just buy your ticket and get your butt on the next plane going to Mexico."
    "Okay. Tahnks for all your help Dylan."
    "No problem." Then, they hugged and Hope got into the cab and closed the door.
    As the taxi drove away from the resteraunt they waved until they couldn't see each other anymore. Hope felt she would miss him but, for some reason, felt that they would meet up again some time soon. But, for now, Hope leaned her head back on the seat and closed her eyes to rest. It had been a long day for her. And she had a pretty good feeling that things weren't gonna get much shorter.

    Hope stirred when she felt some one poking her. Then she heard a dep voice say. "Hey! wake up we're here!" Then she realized it was the taxi driver and that they were at the airport. "Oh. I fell asleep haha."
    She stepped out onto the pavement then got her suitcase and thanked the taxi driver.
    "How much to I owe you for the ride?"
    "Oh, that young boy from back at the resteraunt already paid me so don't worry about it."
    "Oh okay, thanks for the ride."
    "Eh, don't metion it. It's my job."
    He then tipped his hat and drove off. Then, Hope turned and walked into the airport. She got her ticket, went through security then found her gate. In 15 minutes more they would be boarding the plane. Hope would be boarding what might lead to her fate.

    Hope stepped into the air-conditioned plane then found her seat. She was still pretty tired even after the 45 minute nap in the taxi, so she rested her head against the window. About ten minutes later, just when she was starting to doze off she heard somone say, "Hey, Hope, you wanna pillow and a blanket?"
    Her eyes shot open when she recognized the voice then looked next to her and couldn't beleave her eyes.
    "DYLAN!?" She pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She wasn't.
    "Hey, what's up?"
    "What are you doing here!?" she whisper-yelled so she wouldn't disturb anyone.
    "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm taking a trip to Mexico!"
    "I told you not to help me!"
    "What makes you think I'm here to help you? I'm just taking a little trip to Alcapulco!"
    "Okay, okay. But, look I just couldn't let you do this alone! I mean, what if something bad happens or something?"
    "Well, then, that's my problem!"
    "Aww, c'mon, aren't you happy to see me?" Then he smiled like a 6 year old asking his mommy for a cookie before dinner.
    Then Hope sighed and said, "Yeah I guess I am happy to see you."
    "Eh, yeah, sure, whatever. Hey, do me a favor and wake me up when we get to Mexico will yah?"
    "Will do." Then he put a blaket over her and placed the pillow against the window.
    She put her head back down and fell asleep almost instantly. While she slept, Dylan listened to some music on his iPod and leaned back just to relax, even though he wasn't really sleepy.
    The plane took off while the answers awaited Dylan and Hope in Mexico.
    And they had no idea what answers they were gooing to get.
    Answers that most people think can only be found on tv. There was only one difference.
    This was real life.

    To Be Continued...