• It was mid day, the sun shining down on the small town. Not much ever happens in this town. But for some reason, it did today. Allison and her friends, Fran and Betty sat in the back yard of Betty’s boyfriend’s house, Michel. He had a few of his friends over as well; Will, Mike, Kenny, and Brad.

    Allison has blond hair, tied up for the hot day, and stands about 5”3. She was wearing white tank top and blue jeans cut off shorts. Fran has long auburn hair that flowed down her back and stood 5”2. She too arrived in a light blue T-shirt with cut off blue jean shorts. Betty, taller than most girls her age, stood at 6”2 and had her hair styled short. It came just down the side of her face and was short in the back. She dyed it red with green and blue strips.

    The girls took a couple of beers from the refrigerator and sat down on the lawn chairs, talking amongst themselves while the guys looked over at the pool. Normally the pool would be full to the brim with ice cold water, but not for the past week. Michel had to empty the pool due to repairs. Will 6” 4 with mid length, shaggy blond hair and wore just a pair of sandals and shorts, stood with a smile on his face. That was never a good sign to Allison. He made an announcement. “Hey, I’ll be right back.” He ran into the house and returned a few minutes later with a skateboard in his hand. “This will be fun. Just like a half pipe.”

    The other guys nodded in agreement and laughed when Michel immediately fell off the board. The girls couldn’t help giggle at the fact that the shorts now supported a large hole where he landed hard on his butt. Brad, 5”9 with short brown hair wore a pair of jeans and an army t-shirt (since he is in the army), grabbed the board and announced, “It’s my turn. “

    Off the edge he went, skating down into the pool. The bowl shape at the shallow end working perfectly for what they were doing. He skated across to the deep end and up its side before the board flew out from under him. He rolled along the floor of the pools concrete. Luckily, the after the amount of beer they had all consumed by this point, he got up, looked at the blood on his arm, and raised his arm in the air as if in victory.

    Allison, always the tomboy, decided to show them all how it was done. She made the announcement that it was now her turn. Brad hand the board up to her and she sets it at the edge of the pool. She puts one foot on the bottom of the black board, securing it to the ground before she starts out. Even a little bit tipsy, she can feel the hot wind start to blow. She looks up to see dark clouds on the horizon starting to move in. The wind was really starting to pick up.

    Once, more she looks down into the pool. She grew up the only daughter of four children. Her mother had died in a car accident years ago, when she was only four. She grew up playing with her brothers and one thing they use to do all the time was head to the old Skate Park. She became quite good at boarding.

    Her foot lifted up off the ground and on the top of the board, forcing the board over the edge. She felt the hot air blow through her hair as she went down into the empty pool. She feels each and every tiny bump of the board’s wheels as they run over the pool’s texture messaging her feet. Down she went, like a bird of prey swooping down on its prey.

    She glides down into the deep end of the pool and rides up the slope. When she gets near to the top, she guides the board around, letting the board lead its self back into the pool, gaining speed as she goes. When she reaches the bottom, she turns the board again, running it up the left side of the pool. Thou the board does not reach the top but nears it; she crouches down and reaches out, touching the edge of the pool with the palm of her hand.

    She turns the board again and heads back into the pool, up the other side. This time, the front wheels reach and goes over the top of the pool. Standing straight on the board, she easily turned the board back into the pool. This goes on for several minutes, her performing a different stunt each time the board leaves the pool and enters the empty air. She preformed them with ease and with perfection, impressing all the onlookers.

    As she was completing one stunt and entered the pool to attempt another, the wheel of the board hit a crack in the pool. It had been drained for a reason. The foundation of the pool had shifted, causing cracks and brakes along the bottom of the pool. The front left, plastic wheel just happened to find one of these cracks. Thou the board stopped moving for a moment, Allison did not. She became airborne once more, tumbling down into the pool head over heels, the board following after her.

    She tumbled and tumbled and rolled into the pool, the board hitting her several times on the way down. Finally, she lies still in the center of the pool, a trail of blood showing where she rolled down to the bottom of the pool. She opens her eyes; her arm feels like it is on fire. She wiggles her fingers and toes and they move. Good she thinks, At least they’re not broken.

    She sits up and her chest begins to hurt. She looks down over herself and see’s that the cut off blue jean shorts are now just shaded cloth. She reaches down and rips the cloth the rest of the way, taking them completely off and revealing her bikini bottoms.

    Up on top of the pool, her friends see her fall and the guys instantly jumped in to help her. When she sits up, they see something she can’t. She was bleeding profoundly from a 5 inch gash in her left arm and her golden blond hair was now turning dark red on the right side of her forehead. They knew she was hurt.

    Allison felt her hair growing wet. She reached up to touch it with her right arm and feels a jolt of pain when she does. She pulled the hand back to see it covered palm to fingertip in blood. She reached up with both hands to hold it and slow the bleeding, but she now notices that her left arm is covered in blood. She takes a closer look and sees the 5 inch cut. This was when the guys reached her.

    Michel yelled to the girls on top of the pool to get some towels from the bathroom inside the house. Hope runs off to obey the command. To them, the bloody wound on her arm looked worst then it did before. It seemed to be the one bleeding the worst as well. Hope got back with the towels as the guys carried Allison out of the pool. They load her into the back of Brads Ford F150 as Hope holds one towel to Allison’s while Michel wrapped the other one around her arm, both holding pressure on the wounds to help stop the bleeding. Soon they had her in the small town hospital. The doctors used to cut her golden hair to stitch up the cut on her head, only a couple of stitches. Her arm required more stitches thou, twenty more. They told the teenagers that Allison was lucky to be alive. Beside the stitches, she only had a couple of bruised ribs. They can’t stress enough how lucky she is, but the teenagers already know that. They saw it.