• The Forbidden Forest

    There once was a village that was near a forest full of demons that feast on human blood and flesh. In that village a child was born with wolf ears. Her name was Allena. Allena was half demon and half human, and for that the other humans and their children were always either teasing, mocking, ignoring, or putting her in harms way when she was very kind to them. One day Allena came home to her mother, but she was saddened to find her dead. Her mother had always protected Allena from any harm and always gave her good care. When she went outside of her home she was carrying an amulet that was able to open. She had tears running down her face as she looked at the crowd of people that were standing in front of her giving her cold glares. "Get out of here half breed!" One of them had said harshly. "Your not welcome here!"Another had said. She looked at them with scared and sad eyes knowing what would happen if she did not leave. So when she left she had gone into the forest even though she knew it was dangerous.

    100 years later after Allena had gone into the forest, she still looked young cause of her immortality. She looked as if she was only a 15 year old even though she was older than that. While she was fighting a large lizard demon, a 15 year old human boy named Kai had entered the forest not noticing the sign that said not to go into the forest. He did not know about what had happened 100 years ago and he did not know about the demons inside of the forest. As he walked he could hear the leafs and twigs crunching under his feet as the wind blew softly. A very large rat demon appeared in front of him staring at him. "Finally! A nice human to devour."He had said with a loud scratchy yet booming voice. Kai's eyes were filled with fear as his puples had shrunk and his eyes were wide. He backed away from the demon, completely terrified. The demon had a evil smirk on his face as he grabbed Kai with his tail. "Help!"Kai had screamed at the top of his lungs. Allena heard the scream and ran towards it seeing human bones near the location. The demon swung his tail at a tree about to slam Kai in the head to shut him up. At that very moment, Allena jumped at the demon's tail slicing it off with her claws. Her ears were pulled back as the demon screamed in pain. As Kai fell to the ground still wrapped in the tail, Allena grabbed Kai in mid air and set him down at the foot of a tree trunk. She then went back to fighting the rat demon scratching his eyes out and finishing him off by cutting off his head. She went over to Kai and untied him. Kai stared at her dog ears still scared. "A-another d-demon?!"He said with a shaky voice. She cut the rest of the tail off, freeing Kai. "Im not like the other demons ok? So you don't have anything to worry about when your around me."She says as Kai backed away from her. She looked up at him, stood and turned. Once she turned she started walking away. Kai blinked not understanding why she dident attack him. "Why did you n-not attack me?"He asked. "I already told you, im not that kind of demon."She says looking at him out of the corner of her eye with a calm voice then continued to walk. He decided to follow her.

    She was heading towards a indescribably large weeping willow tree. She walked up the side as Kai watched amazed and a little weirded out by the size of the weeping willow. "H-how on earth are you doing that?!"He asked Allena with a surprised expression. "I am a demon, do you not remember?"She said stopping in her tracks and turning her head to look at him. He walked over to some rather large mushrooms growing on the tree and started to climb them. "I know, but how are you able to--"He paused staring at her feet seeing that they had claws on them that were sticking into the tree. He blinked as she turned and continued walking. She headed up to a hole in the tree as he kept climbing. Once she had gone in, there was a bunch of petrified roots, flowers and a pile of hay. She went up to the hay and sat in it leaning against a root.