• It was around the time of Autumn. Leafs were either orange or a hue of brown. There were many dirt roads and along them were travelers. However, traveling on foot without protection of body guards or warrior was rather dangerous. What is happening currently on one of these many roads? So far, no sense of danger or fighting were in the vicinity of the area. There was one rather interesting traveler on the road.

    Now what made this traveler so special? Well, the most logical thing to do is to identify what this person is by simply looking at the appearance. It was female obviously by figure and facial features, she had to be at least eighteen years old, her eye color were a dark blue, the style of of her hair was a long ponytail in the back, and she had the armor of a fighter. In her one hand was a spear, but no ordinary spear, as it appeared to be double edged and had two blades on the top and the bottom. That's quite the interesting weapon there.

    This young woman was pretty well known by people. Mostly by a title to which they call her 'Graceful Angel of a thousand spears'. Sounds rather cliche for a human to have the title of 'Angel' included in her title. Humans will be humans. Her real name is....Miki Akihide.

    Backing away from information about Miki, lets focus more on other things. No need to go so deep into her personal life. Now that would be just plain rude, wouldn't it? Exposing someones past and agendas as simple as that.

    Miki whistled to herself as she continued to walk down the dirt road. Needless to say that she has quite amount of good patience because she seemed to have been on the roads for quite some time and hasn't been anywhere near villages, towns, or anything civilized. Something rustled in the trees to her left and she turned towards it with a dead-pan serious expression, tightening her grip around her spear, and readying her style of stance.

    Was it really that time again? The arrow that shot out from the tree proved it much. Miki dodged the arrow by rolling out of the way, only to have more shot at her as she kept dodging until something came falling out from the tree. It was a bandit. Figured as much. Knowing there was one bandit, there were probably many more.

    "So this is the Graceful Angel? You don't look so tough for a woman." The man spoke with a taunting voice. He chuckled before snapping his finger and four more bandits came falling out from the other trees.

    "You bandits are all the same. Numbers is not what matters, Quality is!" Miki replied back with anger and determination in her tone. She was quite the feisty woman in battle, despite her previous attitude from before.

    "Men! I want her head mounted on my wall! Legends are nothing but fakes. Get her!" The head bandit ordered as three of them charged right straight at her. In a line formation. The basic strategy for all out assaults.

    Miki charged straight at them in response, only when they were inches away from each other, Miki jumped into the air, soaring right over the three of her oppositions. They were quite shocked, as expected as much from the run of the mill bandits. Miki used this chance to cut through all three of them with a simple twirl and not one blood drip on her. Quite the show off. When she turned around, the bandit leader was less of an arrogant man, as he was trembling a bit, trying to keep his bow steady. He turned around and fled in fear. Miki scoffed a bit before turning back to where she was once walking and had a proud smile on her face.

    "Well that was refreshing."