• Chapter 1

    Rhea ran through the dark forest, on a moonless night. Her blue-black hair flew behind her and tangled in tree branches, thorns and nettles clawed at her legs, trying to restrain her. An alarm blared behind her, helicopters buzzed over head, searchlights streaming around, trying to break through the dense, protecting and restraining canopy. She pained little attention to where she was, just so long as she was far away from here. Finally, hours later, sounds of the search were no more, she had no idea where she was or how far she had ran. She sank to her knees for a brief rest.
    Yuna paused, hearing the sound of an alarm blaring in the distance, and helicopters searching the area.
    “What on earth?” she muttered aloud, her pale blue eyes scanning the darkness Watching, waiting.
    Rhea paused, and sniffed the air, then sniffed again. Someone was close by; she didn't know if they were friend or foe. She stalked off in the direction of the scent, already starting to change into her other form.
    Sensing a nearby danger, Yuna leapt lightly into a tree and climbed up to the highest branch she could find. Then sat to watch, and wait.
    Rhea paused and sniffed, looking around. Trying to decide what to do, and who she had smelled. She had to get away from here, but had no idea where she was, and did not know the forest. Finally, she decided she couldn't do anything in the dark, regardless of her excellent night vision. She reverted to her human form and calmed down.
    “What are you doing in my territory?” Yuna asked, leaping down to a lower branch, and staring at her guest. Her pale blue eyes held no emotion. Rhea turned sharply, a defensive snarl tearing from her lips as her claws and fangs extended.
    “Your territory? I thought this was wild land.” She replied.
    “No, this is my territory. But I don’t mind having a guest, so long as you don’t intend to cause trouble. Yuna said, jumping down to ground level. Her moon-white hair was stained with crimson blood. As Rhea relaxed slightly, her blue-black hair fell around her face. Soaked in sweat and tangled in branches and thorns, this was highly irritating, she brushed it out of her face. But then the smell of blood reached her nose and she stiffened again. Then eyed Yuna with dark gold eyes. She eyed the gaping head wound with a slight hunger. She swallowed and controlled her hunger.
    “You’re hurt, you need to lie down.” She replied.
    “Oh this?” Yuna asked, touching the wound.
    “Nah, it’s just a scratch.” She said, before she fell forward, unconscious.
    Rhea caught her, and then held her breath; she didn't need any more reasons to leave the poor girl here. She carefully picked up the girl and headed off in the direction of a nearby stream that she had heard bubbling. She quickly bathed the girls’ wounds in the cold water and then tore off a bit of her ragged shirt and bound the head wound. Satisfied, she leaned the girl against a tree, and proceeded to try and untangle her hair and remove the worst of the junk.
    “What…” Yuna muttered, stirring, she saw the strange girl trying to clean her hair.
    “Why are you? Why did you help me?” Yuna asked, trying to sit up straighter. The stranger made her sit still.
    “Lie down and rest, my name is Rhea. I stopped the bleeding, but it’s a nasty wound.” Rhea replied, laying a firm hand on the girls’ shoulder.
    “I’m Yuna, and thanks for your help.” Yuna muttered as darkness closed around her mind. After a few minutes Rhea stood, stretched, and stalked off to hunt. The hunger would get the best of her if she didn’t feed soon. She returned about forty five minutes later, the hunger successfully satiated. She sat down turn wait for Yuna to wake up. Yuna’s eyes fluttered open and she looked around. Dawn was approaching, but she was still too drained and weak to move.
    “Are you OK? How’s your head?” Rhea asked, glancing at Yuna with warm, butterscotch eyes.
    “I’m feeling better, but I still can’t move too well. Dawn is coming, would you mind taking me to a cave or something?” Yuna asked.
    “Sure, I’m getting tired too. So I guess we both need to find a safe place.” Rhea said standing up. She picked up Yuna easily and walked off in the direction of a cave she had seen when she was hunting.
    “I should be fine tomorrow, so you can go if you want.” Yuna said as Rhea found the cave. Rhea set her down gently in the back of the cave, well out of dawn’s bright reach.
    “Would you mind if I stayed? Just for a little while, I need a place to sleep before I try to find my way out of here. So…” Rhea said, her voice trailing hesitantly.
    “Sure, that’s fine. Um…may I join you when you go? It’s just you’re the only friend I have.” Yuna replied and a sudden wave of exhaustion sent her to sleep almost instantly. Rhea looked a little stunned. Friend? No one had ever considered her a friend. It felt nice, warm, comforting even. Having a friend. She smiled and curled up to sleep for a few hours