• Spell Bound
    Chapter Three

    "Wake up Addy. It's time for school!" Meet Adam Reighlynn, my foster father.

    "Uhnnn 5 minutes..." How anyone could be so chipper at such an ungodly hour is beyond me.

    "Addy!" If he says my name one more time, I will not be held responsible for my actions.

    "Adele Rae!" Christina on the other hand, scares the crap out of me, so I'll be getting up now.


    "What's with the long face Birdy?" Birdy is a nickname my mom gave to me... My real mom. Emele is the only person on the planet that is allowed to call me that.

    "Do you think Christina and Adam like me?" Oh geeze... that didn't just come out of my mouth... This is the sleep deprivation talking!!!

    "Oh Birdy," Emele wrapped her arm around my shoulder as we walked to class. "They adore you. They love you as much as they do Elyshia. Why on Earth would you doubt that?"

    "I dunno..." I shrugged out of her embrace. "How hard do you think Ms. Porter's test it gonna be?"

    "Pshh. It's not as if we haven't done this all before. I don't even know why my mum wanted me to come..." Emele rolled her eyes and walked faster to catch up with me. "Oh!" Emele snatched my shoulder and spun me around.

    "If this has to do with the lunch supervisor and the janitor having and affair, I already know!" Emele was the schools gossip queen. She knew what happened in and out of school. She also knew everything that happened with the celebrities.

    "Did you hear about the royal family?!" she shrieked in a whisper. I groaned. Mentally, of course.

    "No... What's up with our Royal Stuffinesses?" Emele gave me an angry look. She gave me this look for only two reasons. When I insulted Benjamin the Crown Prince of our little parallel universe, and when I refuse to share my ice cream.


    "Ugh!" I shuddered. "Don't call him that! You don't know him!" I got the angry look again.

    "Everyone calls him Benny. Anyway!" Her accent always got stronger when she gets pissed. "He's coming on a tour of our school!" My eyes almost popped out of my head. A prince? In our school?!

    "I'll believe it when I see it." I muttered, ducked my head, and barreled into our classroom.

    "Glad to see you cared to join us, Ms. Paulsen." That was Ms. Porter for you. "Is Ms. Baxter attending too?" Ms. Porter's mouth was all mashed together. I didn't get it. Class doesn't start for another, 3 minutes. But I suppose that's how you get treated when you're in AP classes. Emele burst in, panting, with a big, smug grin on her face. The smugness faded when she looked at Ms. Porter though.

    "T-The Prince!" She squeaked, bolted to her seat, and snatched her lip gloss from her bag. Half the girls in our class looked at Ms. Porter with wide eyes, and then copied Emele. When she was done, she grabbed a compact mirror and started fixing her hair. I stared at her incredulously. As if sensing my stare she looked up at me with sharp blue eyes.

    "Fix yourself." She shoved the mirror in my hands, as Ms. Porter, who was looking quite flustered herself (although her lips were glossed, and she stealthily put away her comb) started lecturing us on proper etiquette. I stared in the mirror. My black hair was pulled back into a pony tail that hung in little ringlets. A strand that had escaped the dreaded hair binder hung by my temple. Grey eyes were a shocking contrast to my mocha colored skin, but in my opinion, made me unique. My lips were naturally a rosy pink color, but did that stop Emele from shoving that stupid gloss wand in my face? No.

    "I'm fixed." I whispered, flashing her a smile, and snapping her mirror shut. 'Just in time' is what her answering smile said.

    Comments are appreciated, and so are ratings. Subscriptions would be like gold. Or diamonds. Adele likes diamonds biggrin