The demon Aprentice-uncomplete
The day stared as everyday. A hard time waking up. Taking care of, Bailey, Chloe, and Sunny, and getting to school before the 5 minute bell rings. A boring day at school, except at lunch. My friends are the weird kind. They are the funny ones but are made fun of a lot. Ok so am I, but not as much. I have some other ‘acquaintances’ that make sure of that. Then I got a ride home and do my chores. Afterwards I sit down and watch my favorite show, House, till my step dad, Doug, comes home. Now he can be unpredictable sometimes depending on his day at work. If it was a hard day he comes home mad, if not has nice. Now if he comes home unhurt after a car accident then that’s when he’s the best. Today he came home and was in a mild mood. He talked to my mom in her office since she works at home as a transcriptionist. My mom sounded happy after awhile. They soon walked out together and sat around me. My step dad turns off the T.V. and turns toward me.
"Now, John, you may be uncomfortable about this news but I and your mom have decided it’s for the best,” Doug said.
"It will give us more money to use to our disposal." my mom says with a slight of guilt in her voice.
"We have rented out the spare room upstairs."
"WHAT!!!"I screamed.
"Now calm down,” Doug says moving his hands in a downward direction.” She won’t be here till tomorrow."
"Yeah I thought that would worry you the most.” He says.
"You live in the basement. What do you care?"
"ALL OF IT!!" John says finally calming down a bit.” First off unless she is having her own refrigerator up there and keep her food then how are we going to keep that straight?"
“Well you’ll have to work on that, alright.”
“Fine. What about .......”
"You have nothing else to worry about do you?"
"Alright you got me there. So what?"
"It means that you will get used to her around trust me.” That was a statement I never wanted to become true.
The next day at school I told all my friends during lunch what my parents did.
“What? That’s absurd. How can they do that?” Nate says.
"Is she hot?” Sean says.
“I agree with you Nate and I haven’t seen her yet so don’t ask that....ever.”
"Aw come on. At least get me a picture."
"Fine if it will make you leave me alone the o.k. finished my lunch and went to class and continued the day normally. Then I got home. As soon as I was in sight of it I saw a strange car in our drive way. It had a few essentials in it but not much. A surprisingly hot girl walks out of the house and gets some more stuff. She has some trouble with a dresser so I go and help her.
"Here let me help."
"Oh thank you. You must be John. I’m Jenifer."
"Nice to meet you.” We take the dresser up to the spare room.” Anything else you need help with."
"Well I got a lot of books if you want to carry those."
"Oh really what kind of books.” To most people, I’m a book fanatic. Everywhere I go I have a book with at least 100 pages.
"Oh some on magic but mostly demons."
"Oh wow my favorite subjects. So of course they are fiction so what’s the story line to your favorite one.” I said to her as we walk back outside.
"Fiction? What do you mean? It’s all real.” At that I get my second conclusion on here. First she was alright now she was 'crazy'.
"Oh ok. Well is it good?” I thought to keep this conversation short so we don’t get on the wrong side of each other to quickly.
"Cool." That’s where I ended it there. I took the crate up to her room and place it on her bed. I caught a glimpse of the titles of some of them and they were weird. They said 'The world of magic and you', 'How to use the magic in you', 'How to kill a demon', 'the type of demons and their weaknesses’.” Well anything else you need help with?’ I ask her.
She comes in carry four draws filled with cloths and sets them down." Nope that is it. Thanks a lot."
"No problem.” I walk down the stairs and start my chores. Afterwards I go to my room in the basement and play my playstation.
Now my parents go out sometimes on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. My baby sis goes to my grandmas down the street sometimes to. I mostly take advantage of the alone time to read a book. This night is about assassins. As I’m reading I hear a loud bang upstairs and I go investigates. Another bang and I find out that it is coming from Jennifer's room. I go up the stairs and knock. Right then I hear a devilish scream and then Jennifer's scream. I cover my ears at the noise that was coming out of her room. I think its some kind of music so when I open the door I get the best surprise of my life.
A huge, ugly, red, face pops out of the door and I fall back. I notice then that it’s also oozing green goo. The face is ripped away from the doorway as I sit there thinking, s**t what was that! I then regain a part of my senses and hear Jennifer screaming at me.
“RUN!!” I look up and see her standing there.She turns around and a bright yellow flash appears.She jumps back and shuts the door turns around and picks me up with one hand. I finally get my sense of feeling back and noticed that’s she’s cold and not warm. She burst through the door with me in her arms and sets me on the front lawn. In the distance I hear sirens. She runs back in and I hear another devilish cry and then nothing. I stand up and run back in to see what’s going on. Bad mistake.
As soon as I get to her door and see inside the door I notice blood everywhere. I run in and find her on the ground and a pile of ash on the floor a few yards away from her. I start to shake her.
Her eyes flutter open. As soon as she sees me she sits up. I try to tell her to lie back down but my throat is to dry to do so. She says something before I can.” Are the cops coming?” All I could do is nod and she jumps up. "Dimmit." She goes to her closet and gets a glove on and puts finger prints everywhere. She quickly walks by me and kicks me in the temple almost knocking me out.” Wow your tough.” She kicks me again and the last thing I see is the glove touching my body.
I wake up in the back of a ambulance, my parents watching me from the doors. I hear my mom exclaim, “Oh thank god!”
I try to sit up but a nurse keeps me lying down. “You need to rest, alright.” So I stay down and tilt my head.
“Where’s Jennifer?” I ask remembering what happened.
“She’s in another ambulance, hun. Don’t worry she’s fine.” The nurse reassures me.
“I need to speak to her.” I say in a urgent tone.
Doug hearing me complain asks, “What do you want me to tell her.”
“You can’t know. I need to talk to her.”
“I’m sorry hun but you can’t.” The nurse says. “You need to rest first.”
Right then I feel this urge to get up and run out the door. Normally I wont do stuff like that but this time was important so I followed my urge and bolted out the door and turned right. I ran to the next ambulance and hopped in and seeing no one was in there shut the doors behind me.
“Wow you are tough. I thought it would be an hour before you woke.”
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?” That was the first thing I thought to say and it came out.
“Please don’t yell someone might hear you.” That’s her reply!
“How can I do that?”
“Just like you just did.”
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
“That’s because I don’t want to. Well not right now.”
“Then at least tell me why you knocked me out!”
“My story would be more convincible. If you weren’t then I would be in a police car right now.”
“That hurt.” Behind me banging on the door started. I can hear my mom yelling for me to come out.
“We can talk later when we have privacy just not right now.”
The nurse opens the door with a key. “Are you alright.”
“Yes, I’m fine.” I said right away and jumped out of the car. An officer walks up to me. His tag reads Officer Thoman.
“Well he looks alright now so I’m going to talk to him alright.”
“No I’m not ready.” I said thinking of what Jennifer said about her story.
“Yes we need to know what happen.”
“Fine I heard some banging up stairs while I was reading and went to investigate. When I got up there, I opened the door and was knocked out as I stepped in. The only thing I saw was a mask and blood.”
The officer was writing all of this in a notebook. “What did the mask look like?”
“It was weird, some kind of monster. I can’t describe it.”
“Fine is that all you remember?”
“Yes. Now can I go grab something in the house?”
“Fine just let me follow you and make sure you don’t touch any evidence.”
“Alright fine.” I walk into the house with Officer Thoman tagging behind me. I go down in my room and grab some clothes and my lab top where I keep my own e-journal where I keep everything I do in it.
“Is that all?” Officer Thoman asks.
“Good now lets go.”
“Wait I want to grab a book.”
“Well then grab one.”
“Umm ok.” I walk upstairs and was about to enter Jennifer’s room when Thoman stops me.
“Woo there. What are you doing?”
“I’m grabbing a book.” I take another step but he stops me.
“You can’t go in there.”
“Fine can you grab a book in there for me?”
“Fine. What is it called?” He said taking a step into the room. For the first time I noticed that the room has no blood in it like last night. “What is it called?”
“Oh sorry. ‘The Types of Demons and Their Weakness.’”
“O…k.” He walks over to a crate and grabs the book and hands it to me.
“Thank you.”
“Yeah now get going I might get in trouble for that.” Listening to him I bound down the stairs and into the ambulance to find Jennifer and hand her her book.
She looks at it and takes it. “Why did you do that?”
“I thought it would provide some comfort. I know it does for me.”
“Well thank you.”
“Hey mom, Doug, can you leave us I need to speak to her.”
“Come on Carla.” Doug says being nice to me since I’ve been through a lot lately
“Alright.” They walk to some chairs that were put out and sat down.
I close the doors and sit on a bench across from her. “Now can you please explain last night now?”
“Fine.” She opens the book to a page with the corner folded over and shows me a picture. It was a picture of the creature or monster or whatever that thing was. A word was printed above of it and it said ‘A Troegtich.’ A paragraph about it was next to it but she shut the book before I could read it. “That demon came to me for food and Sonny was up there so he at it. I grad-
“WHAT!?!” I scream out almost crying.
“Yes, I’m sorry I tried to stop it.” She says with a little sympathy. “That’s when I grabbed my sword and started to fight it. That’s probably when you heard the bangs and started up the stairs. I had cut its leg when you knocked, so it lunched at me and tackled me. That’s when you opened the door and it tried to get out. Now I knew if it got out after the noise it made then it would be a total mess, so I grabbed it and told you to run. You just sat there and I should have known that would be your reaction to him so I stunned him with a spell and grabbed you and toke you outside. I ran back inside before the spell wore off and stabbed it in his head, but before he died he hit on the head and I got knocked out. That’s when you ran up and woke me. I asked you if cops were on their way and I knocked you out and put prints of a dead guy I use to know everywhere.”
“So the cops are misled. That’s explains the glove. “What was the blood and ash from?” John says
“The demon. That’s why they are not there anymore.”
“So if a demon leaves a trace then it disappears if it dies?”
“That’s about it.”
“So wait-.” A knock on the door cuts me short so I open it. A police officer is standing there.
“I need a word with Miss Moss.”
“Alright.” I jump out of the ambulance.
“We’ll talk late alright.”
“Ok.” I leave them alone and go sit with my parents. The first thing I do is open my lab top and start writing the days events to where I don’t give to much info until all of this is over with and just for comfort reasons.
“What are you doing?” Doug asks trying to read it.
I tilt the screen so he can’t see it. “I’m typing.”
“What are you typing?” he presses on.
“Stuff alright.” I get up and walk away. I hear my mom say something about doing that but I didn’t catch all of it. Sean hearing what happened comes over since he just lives down the street.
“Hey John! Tell these cops that I can come in.”
I look up and see a cop holding him back and looking at me. I wave him in and the cop lets him go.
“Thanks. So how’s it going?”
“Well let’s see…..EVERYTHING!!”
The demon Aprentice-uncomplete
its a story that I just started to write and this came to mind as my parents accually told me the first major thing in the story happens to john might happen to me so read and have fun
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