I woke up early, in the mourning, waking up to bright lights flashing all around, and hearing shouting noises of “get the hell up before I make you!“ going on. It was really just an average mourning for me, nothing new, and nothing different. I got myself out of bed and stepped onto the floor, feeling shard pains travel up and down my legs as I cringed in pain. I took, one step, then two, and finally started walking, holding my hand out to cover my mouth while a made a loud yawn. I stepped out into the hallway, blocking the light from my still halfway open eyeballs, and I stepped into the bathroom closing the door behind me, and stripping myself of my clothes.
When I had stepped out, my sister stood there with her hand over her eyes. “Gee, don’t you ever at least put a damn towel around you or something, it’s ******** disgusting when I walked by the bathroom and your stark naked with your pubes out and everything!” I sighed and headed for my room and closed the door behind me while my sister then stepped into the bathroom to do her business. My room was pitch black, darker than you could pretty much make your room. I had the windows covered up with the curtains and I barely had any light in my room at all, it was great. I put on some clothes, picked up my CD player and put on my hat and headed out the door.
My house was crummy, but at least it wasn’t as crummy as that last place I lived in. My parents were so disgusting when I lived in that place; it made me feel so sick whenever I thought about it. The floor was littered with trash, the place was filled with junk, and altogether, it smelled like cigarette smoke all the time. My parents were heavy smokers, both of them not giving a damn about our health; it made me so angry whenever I thought about it. I just, just wanted to hit something and break my hand so I could think about the pain instead of that ******** nightmare!
The world outside of my house wasn’t too great either. The streets were full of one of three types of people. People who were richer than all hell, people who wanted to rob your a** of everything you were worth, or people like me, who didn’t look act any of those ways at all, and looked at the world differently. The neighborhood wasn’t all to bad, at least it was better than my old place. The apartment were crummy but had decent living shelter and space in them. The houses were only fairly bigger than the apartment but usually belonged to rich kids. Everywhere else was pretty much crappy compared to this place, or I least so I thought.
When I got outside, it was hot and brighter than it was in my house. The sun beamed overhead like spotlights, and the air felt warm and hard to breath. “Welcome to the city,” I thought in my head, population, whoever the hell can stand the weather. I laughed to myself as I wiped some sweat off my brow as I popped on my headphones and walked towards school.
I passed by some preppy idiots, always talking about how rich they were and how their moms/dads had more money than somebody else’s, it got sickening to listen to after a few seconds. I stood there turning up the volume on my CD player, hoping to block out all the noise, but it didn’t work so well because it was all the way up already. I closed my eyes saying “********.” really quietly to myself, because these kids seriously annoyed the hell out of me; I just wanted the ******** to shut up already. I sighed and just stated to walk faster ahead of them, hoping that the bastards’ voices wouldn’t get louder or anything.
The whole city was falling apart, the government was corrupt, and the police didn’t give a damn about anyone unless they had money. The news everyday was pretty much the same, either another dude was found robbed and naked on the street, or the cops were gunning down someone because they had threatened the fuzz. The politicians didn’t try to do a thing about the city either, they just sat back and watched as people starved to death or watched the world go by because there was nothing else to do. Everything about this place was crumbling down to the ground, and nobody was doing anything to try and help it.
I sat back and watched the people. I pretty much studied the people, how they behaved around each other, and what they were really trying to accomplish. To me, studying the world and how it behaved was my idea of education. I could give a damn about school, the only things they ever taught us in school was how to be successful in life, that’s it. Day after day, I tried to sit through one lesson, but day after day, I got out of class because I frankly didn’t give a damn about how I should live my life! I reached the entrance and watched person after person walk into the building.
Class was as boring as I thought it would be, nothing was ever different about it, and I’m pretty sure nothing would ever be different about it. I watched as all the rich kids sat around each other and talk, and talk, and talk until I had finally had it! So, I got up and looked around for my target, eyeing around the crowed looking for one unsuspecting sucker. Bingo, I found him, Joseph Kon, one of the main idiots that always talked about his personal life, he sat there talking to his friends about something, but the perfect thing to get me out of class was sitting perfectly out in the open, waiting for somebody to use it.
What was it? It was an opened bottle of soda, lid completely off and full about ¾’s of the way, my perfect weapon for disaster awaited upon me. I started walking over to his seat, perfect chance awaiting my arrival. When I reached the place, I “pretended” to trip, and “pretended” to knock his soda all over him. When I “pretended” to get up, I watched as the guy got up, screaming like a little girl about how cold his nuts were, standing up and trying to wipe off all the soda off while people all around him pointed at him and laughed uncontrollably. The teacher looked at me, trying to hold the laughter in. “Okay buddy, office, now!” yelled the teacher, who probably was thanking me for livening up his day inside right now.
There wasn’t anything to do anyways, so I might as well go to the office and see how my buddy the principle was doing! I stepped out of class with my bag and everything else I had with me. I walked off towards the principle’s office and watched as I saw preppy b***h after preppy b***h walk by me, staring at me and still talking to each other in their loud obnoxious voices, it pissed me off so much, I just wanted to smack one of them so badly! But I kept walking, pretending to ignore the crowd of idiots as they kept on blabbering about nothing.
When I got to the front desk, the person behind the desk said to me, ”Gee, already in trouble, I think that’s a new record for you Skulls!” Skulls, that was my nickname; I have no idea how exactly it became my nickname, but that’s what it was. I guess it wasn’t to bad, but most people thought bad of me because my nickname sounded as if I was going to spilt their head in half or something, but it didn’t bother me because I didn’t care what those people thought. I laughed at her comment and replied back to her,” You know, maybe it just might be a record for me, but then again, I’ve lost track of that thing. So, what’s up Sarah, anything new in your busy schedule, you hardly come over anymore. You seeing someone or something?”
Sarah was my best friend, we both have been going to the same schools ever since I was little, and she was my only friend I ever had. How we became friends was like this. She was walking home one day, carrying a stuffed animal and looking down at the street when a bunch of stupid idiots walked up to her and tried to take her things. I happened to see her in distress and I beat the hell out of those kids and scared them off. She looked at me and started to cry. She hugged me as well, which was kind of freaky at first because I didn’t know her, but I talked to her, found out that she’s been bullied by these guys for a while now and she needed someone like me to come along and kick the snot out of them.
But now we were older, and she had changed a lot. She had become more confident and more courageous then I have, plus she was also nicer than me, which I thought was funny. But she was very pretty, she had long, red hair that she never tied back, she was very thin, a pretty big chest, and altogether, she was just beautiful. But I never really had much of a thing for her because we were friends and I didn’t want to do anything to ruin our friendship. But I didn’t quite know what she thought about me exactly. So, I never really thought about it much and went onto regular life.
She smiled at me and laughed, “Oh you know me, always trying to do things to help out. But what makes you think I’m seeing someone Skulls?” I rubbed my forehead and smiled back at her,” Well, I really don’t know why I asked that, but I guess anything to brighten your day and talk to me is something I guess.” She laughed again, blushing a little bit,” Well, I guess it’s its for you to see the principle again. You know, I don’t think he’s in a very happy mood right now, so you might want to be careful around him, he might try and tear your head off if you piss him off to much.” I laughed, the principle was a funny guy to piss off, you could push his buttons as much as you wanted and he would never try anything to hurt you.
I stepped into the crowded office full of trophies and papers. To be honest, it was just messy as hell, it must have been time for him to send student reports or something, but I didn’t care. I sat down in the only chair that didn’t have stuff pilled on it and watched as he turned around and sighed. “Back again for the 4th time this week, Skulls?” (Like I said, everyone called me Skulls, nobody except my sister knew my real name) I sat back and relaxed a bit and replied in the same annoyed voice that he talked in just to pull his chains some more. “Yeah, guess I am back in here then, it seems we have will have to schedule more visits for me if we are to continue our relationship here.” He got mad and pointed his finger at me,” Okay you little punk, cut the tone! If you get sent back into this office this week, I will involve cops, and you don’t like cops do you!” I rolled my eyes, the cops wouldn’t care, and they never did care anyways. “Go ahead, the fuzz don’t give a damn about me or you!”
This guy sat back and rubbed his forehead, as he got more and more annoyed with me. “Okay then, if you want to keep acting this way, then I guess ill just have to keep you held back in school, make you go to Saturday school and summer school, hold you back from graduating even, yes, ill make your pain worse and worse by keeping you in school until your 21! How would you like that?” I laughed at his rant, “ You sure you want to keep me here, think about it, if I’m here, then ill make you regret your words. If you keep me held back forever, ill just make your life a living nightmare, and trust me, I’ve already got worse stuff in store than what you see me do everyday.” He sat back again and shouted in frustration,” Out! Get out of my office now!”
I was out of there and back with Sarah.” So, you can get people out of class right?” I said to her, nodding my head and smiling. “ Yes, I can get you out of class, but if I do, then ill get in trouble! And I don’t want to be apart of your wild schemes remember,” she said back to me very sadly. I sighed and placed my hands on her shoulders; she blushed and looked up at me with her mouth open a little. “Sarah, I’m tired of this place, I really need to get out of here or else I will just keep getting into trouble. Please Sarah, I’m begging you, write me a pass, please.” Sarah looked down and sighed,” Ok Skulls, ill write you up a pass then…”
I hugged her and bolted out of that place, if I had stayed there any longer, I probably would have beat somebody up. I walked around the corner and put on my headphones, turning up the volume to my music pretty loud while I walked somewhere. Now that I was out, I might as well head on to the Mart, I was feeling hungry and I really need something to eat. And It was so perfect that I managed to get out really early, the Mart had some pretty damn good food, but it was usually packed with preppy idiots when school got over. Geez, I would go there if I could stand them, but every single one of them was just always talking, it got on my nerves so damn much!
I started to head to my destination, walking in alleyways, watching people pass by, talking about their days and s**t. God, how I hated them so much, I just wanted to hit one of them so badly whenever I heard them. Pretty soon, I had found my way a large group of preps that couldn’t be avoided. I heard one of them talking, and the rest laughing along or agreeing or disagreeing or something like that, I tried to ignore them by turning up my volume on my CD player. The strange thing was, my volume on the thing was up all the way. I fiddled with it and kept hearing the voices in my head, just talking and talking.
Pretty soon, I started hearing more and more of them, talking all at once, saying weird things that you would never say to somebody else on occasion. I looked at them, very questioning and annoyed as all hell. I had had it now. “Will you please just shut your mouths and stop to listen to the ******** birds, you’re all so annoying!” They had all turned around and looked at me, and once again I started hearing tons of voices. Voices that sounded angry, voices that told me to shut up, and voices that were confused. One guy stated to move his mouth and he said to me, “What’s your problem buddy, you like the silence don’t you, well why don’t you walk in front of us so you can listen to the ******** birds you a*****e!”
I moved ahead of them, still hearing their voices in my head, by this time, most of them were angry at me. When I hit the corner, I bolted out of there. I could still hear their voices inside my head, it just wouldn’t stop! By the time I was about a few blocks from the Mart, my music blasted into my ears causing me to throw off my headphones as I sat there listening to my music fill the air. I gripped my head and started panting crazy. What the hell just happened, I stood there and thought about it. I heard their voices, but I couldn’t hear my music, until just now, my CD player wasn’t broken or anything, (but now my headphones were) but I could still hear their voices. I pondered the idea for a moment, then I stood up and walked off to the Mart. I had no idea what the hell had just happened, but all I knew, was that I was hungry.
- by wrym the anarchist |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/05/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Psych!
- Artist: wrym the anarchist
- Description: Im working on this story, its just the beginning but i just want some feedback on it please. So if you can, please respond. Another thing, this story does have some profanity in it so be warned alright.
- Date: 10/05/2008
- Tags: psych
- Report Post
Comments (4 Comments)
- Smashing Heartbeats - 05/31/2009
I think it's nice[:
but, you might actually want to seperate into paragraphs, with a spacing in between. - Report As Spam
- VampireGirl738 - 05/03/2009
- i like it. it's long and i actually took the time to read it all unlike some of the other ones on here! lolz. 5/5
- Report As Spam
- Lindsey B3 - 02/21/2009
- This is really good.
- Report As Spam
- Reboot-Restart - 10/05/2008
As a story this looks okay. As far as critique goes you need to work on spelling and avoid the whole Block O' Text thing you have here.
Good Luck! - Report As Spam