• Kiara: The story of magic

    Chapter 1

    "Okay, how is this even POSSIBLE!" Kiara said as she was going round and round in circles trying to figure it all out.
    "I can’t be, its just not possible, it’s not logical"
    "Okay, I see we are going to have to take this slowly, you are not human you are…."
    "Excuse me? YOUR’E the one with wings! I’m the normal one here"
    "WILL YOU LET ME FINNISH!!!, god you so totally impatient, where was I? oh yes, you’re in your human form, you have to focus before you can change into your magical form."
    "Look! I’ve told you, I’m not a magical person ,I’m just plain old Kiara, minus the old…Wait, the wish I made an hour ago…"
    "It doesn’t matter what you wished for, when an elemental fairy reaches the human age of 16, they are able to access their magic, which is what you just did to that slut who was making fun of your icy blue and pink stripes in your hair, which I think are VERY nice by the way…"
    "Do you EVER stop talking?"
    "Err, no but.."
    "Oh that’s my mom, got to go"
    " I’ll come back for u later then"
    " Huh what do you mean? hey!" FLASH! The mystery girl had gone, Kiara ran back to her house, as she thought by running away, it would make the mad experience disappear, but as she sat at the table with her mother and younger brother, she started to wonder…
    " Hey mother?"
    "Yes dear?"
    "You told me that I was adopted right?"
    " Erm, yes that’s correct…"
    "Well which foster home am I from?"
    " look at the nice weather, Matt, go out side and water the plants dear"
    "Yes mom"
    "Okay, you are old enough to know the truth your father found you."
    "Found me, where?"
    " In the forest in a little basket in the middle of the lake."
    " All that was with you was a blue tear drop stone that was attached to a silver chain. It had a piece of paper attached to it"
    " What did the paper say?"
    "*sob* It said… Bring this child to this spot, on the stroke of midnight, on her 16th birthday, with this gem, and until then, take care of her… Kiara is her name. *cry* *sob* *cry*"
    " Oh my god"
    " I wasn’t sure whether to go through it…"
    " No, I must go… alone."
    "Yes, ill be fine, just think of it as me going to university 2 years early"
    "Okay, *sob* go and pack don’t let Matt see you, it will break his heart."
    Kiara’s heart was racing, she felt a whole rush of emotions overflowing her, this was a very unusual chance for adventure. With a chance to find out her true identity.
    That night, Kiara ran towards the forest, she got there early so she wouldn’t be late, (even though she wasn’t sure what she was going to be early for…)
    "So you came then, coolness, I didn’t introduced myself before, my name is Mysti, my elemental magic power is air."
    " From the incident with the slut before, I’m guessing your elemental magic power is water, come on lets go, ahem… air and wind lifts us up where we belong take us to Crystilia nomila nagula!!!!"
    With a click of Mysti’s fingers they were at a sign saying: welcome to Crystilia, it was magical, purple and pink clouds filled the sky and the three shinning suns began to rise, the suns raise shone on the crystal building that was placed in the centre of the most magical place in the solar system.
    "This is our new home…And school."
    "This is the school where we learn and practice our magic, cool huh?"
    "Its amazing"
    "Over that hill, is a hero school, they tame and fight dragons and stuff cool right, and on the opposite side of MT.Ember (the hero school) is Mischievous rock, where the bad people go, basically witches, did you know that witches are actually fairies that have had there wings per mentally clipped because they use there magic for evil."
    "Hmhm, you are such a chatter box."
    " I know, come on we have to find out who we are rooming with, I so totally hope I’m rooming with you, come on"

    End of chapter