• Darkness had fallen over the vast elven lands.The air was still, no breeze russeled the leaves of the ancient trees. Clouds blocked out the moon and stars, spreding pitch blackness over the lands. All was quiet, save fot the occasional incect noises. Nothing seemed out of place and all was well.

    A quiet russeling broke through the scilence of the night. A young elf was running for his life through the forest,making hardly any sound as he went. He was being presued by five demons, who were determined to catch and kill him. He ran as fast as his legs would allow him to, heedles of the small cuts and bruises he attained whyle he ran through bushes and under trees.

    His foot caught on a tree root that was sticking up and he fell to the ground. Before he even had a chance to get back to his feet, the demons were upon him. Their horrid stench filed his nostrils, making it hard for him to breathe.

    He quickly grabbed the short sword that was belted at his waist and fought back with his remaining stregnth. He fought furiously against the demons, killing two of them. As soon as he had slain the second one, he took off again, wanting to get as far away from the remaining demons as possible.

    The demons took up the chace imediatly, not troubled bu the death of their companions. The elf ran on, chancing a look back at the demons. They were catching up to him faster then he had expected them to. He would have panaked then, had it not been for the small pouch bumping against his leg.

    He rached down for the pouch at his side and thrust his hand into it, searching for something. His hands closed around a small, round object. He brought it out of the pouch and examined it. It appeared to be an ordnary black pebble, but it was not. It was an elfstone, and a powerful one at that.

    He stopped in his tracks and turned to face the oncoming demons. He held the hand that held the elfstone in front of him and called upon its magic. A thin stream of black light shot out from the elfstone and streaked twords the advancing demons. The light wrapped around the demons, cutting of their escape routes. As soon as it had come, it was gone, and with it, the demons.

    As soon as it was over, the elf sank to his knees, exausted. He plced the elfstone back in the pouch he had gotten it from, then quietly gave a sigh of relif, thankfull that the demons were gone. He sat quietly for a few minutes, slowly catching his breath. When he again got back to his feet, the sun was rising. Thin streams of light were falling through the leaves of the trees, Lighting up the forest. He sighed contentadly and began walking. He would have to report this incident to the king; his father was probably worried about him. He smiled to himself.

    "Father probably won't believe me when I tell him about this, but then again, who would believe a story such as this?"