• One day there was an ordinary girl named Christine walking along the shore of a beach when all of a sudden the sky turned black,the thunders roared,and lightning struck, she was so afraid.She saw a dark figure in the distance, she began to quiver,and scream ,her face turned pale.She began to run away,but the figure still followed her,while she was running she stumped her ankle on a rock and fell,she stood there motionless and afraid.Christine couldn't move so she just sat there crying,the figure approached her and touched her, but his touch felt like air.Her heart pounded,the figure removed the air mask he was wearing and she took a gasp,she knew who the figure was it was her boyfriend trying to get her away from the mysterious storm that was going on, she breathed a sigh of relief while her boyfriend helped her up, everything had turned back to normal. They went home to heal Christine's broken ankle.Christine was just glad everything was the same again.