• Happiness...

    Everyone seems to have had the emotion atleast once in thier life time. It isn't rare by no means. It happens quite oftenly for some and fewer for others. Happiness is always remembered, however.

    The humor behind this emotion is the fact that everyone has had it at one time. For the oones that are nearly always happy, they never realize it until they aren't anymore for the moment. The ones who get it occasionally try to hold on to it for as long as they can. Happiness will, as always, slip from thier grasp.

    It's a tricky emotion. Happiness is like life in a cruel since of looking at the way it works and plays out in it's own world.

    Happiness is never given,but only taken.

    A line that will take people only with the ability to read between the lines. I suggest double checking this quote of mine, however, because it is always understood diffrently atodd moments of your life. It all depends om the mood swings of your current mind set.

    Read it through out the day and ask yourself, "What does it mean?" Then watch as its meaning transforms from one to another...

    Assume that you are happy, because if you feel that you are not, then you don't truely understand the nature of unhappiness...