• I was in a large feild. The fog was thick, obscuring my vision. 'What is going on?' i asked myself. Then, i see faint lights from the fog, slowly coming toward me. I leaned forward, to get a better look. A crowd was coming, and they didn't look to happy. Torches alight, they stormed forward, raising their fists and guns. I gasped. 'What have I done this time?' I ran from them, but they surged forward, soon catching me. "Kill her! Aniallate this... thing!!" an angry man shouted. I soon reilized why I couldn't out run them. They were dead already; the very people I had killed on my Demonization night. The town of ShallowHill. They took turns kicking me, and shooting at me. And i knew i deserved every bit of this torture.

    I awake in a sweat. I sit up, wrapping my arms around my knees. This dream had not been as bad as the millions of other times i dreamed it. Usually the mob would rip open my chest, revealing my insides before they kill me. I stand and crack my back. The rapib popping always made me feel better, like i was still human. I look around. The mist had disappeared, but the grass was wet with dew. The sun hadn't risen yet, but it wouldn't be long now. I bend over, retreiving my bag, slipping it onto my back. "Time to start again." i tell myself aloud. Then, I start.
    The dampness of the forest around me feels good on my skin. I run, faster than the speed of any normal human, but it feels right. Being alone makes me feel... less demonized.
    Just as the sun rises, I come to a town. It's quiet and small, the way I like it. 'Gally Veiw' a sign reads by the main road. Not many people were out walking about, but I fuigure the shops must be open. I look around. I see no carts, nor store signs. Someone taps my shoulder. I turn, a harsh frown on my face. Whoever it was, I have to scare them away. Or they may have no hope of a future. It was a boy, around my age, i think. "What do you want?" i snarl, glaring. "I was just wondering if you lived here." he says, cocking his head. I growl. "Obviously not." i snap. He shrugs. "So what are you doing here?" he questions further. I roll my eyes and walk away, to the center of town. Annoyingly, he follows. "So?"
    "No reason YOU might care about." I sling my bookbag to the other shoulder, 'accidentally' hitting him. He chuckles, to my dismay. "My name is Devian. Yours?" he asks, keeping pace with me. I glare at him from the corner of my eye. "If you can find a food store, i'll tell you." I eye him. If he can find one of these blasted stores, he deserves that much. "How about the one that has 'Food' in the front window." Devian comments, pointing. "Humph." i huff, storming away to the building. I hear foot steps on the dirt behind me. "Wait! Don't you owe me something? Such as your name?" He catches my elbow. I try to pull away, I really do. But i can't.
    (I know what you must be thinking. 'A demon can't pull away from a human? HUH???' but, really, i'm not as strong as a full demon. Why? Because i was demonized, not born demon.)
    His grip tightens and his eyes search mine. I growl and look away. "Alice." He lets me go, smiling. "Do you mind if i accompany you?"
    i turn away, to the food shop infront of me. "Do what you wish."
    I go inside the shop, a small bell rings to announce my presance. "Ek, kfsodum." a man says, smiling and shaking my hand. I glance at Devian. "What did he say?" the man repeats it, as if he understands me. "He said, Oh, Welcome." I nod to the man and ask slowly, "Do.. you.. have.. any.. chocolate?" he smiles and nods. He isn't that old as far as i can tell, and he looks as intellegent as anyone else. "Why does he speak jiberish?" i ask Devian.
    "They speak a laungage called Erikit. Shall i translate?" He informs me. I narrow my eyes. But for the first time i truly see Devian.
    His amber eyes gaze down on me, for he really is taller than I. His hand reaches up to his dark brown hair, sweeping it away from his eyes. Then, he notices me staring and smiles. His teeth are perfect, in every sence of the word. I blush suprisingly and look down. 'why?' i ask myself. 'Why bother blushing when you'll never see him again anyway.' And i knew this to be true. "Trugen. Domma' ko rodde sodlkf" the man says, handing me a large bar of milk chocolate. I nod and look at Devian, who explains. "He said, 'Here. That'll be thirty dollars." I gasp and narrow my eyes at the con-store owner. I hand him the money. I need the chocolate, even at this cost. If i don't have it, everyone here could be soaking in their own blood tonight and I'll be full. I storm out of the over-priced shop, only to be followed by Devian. "Thank you, but i really should be going now. Goodbye." i say, ripping off the candy wrapper. He shakes his head. "I was thinking, that if you don't know this laungage, who's to say you will know the next towns' laungage? That is why I will be joining you." I turn around to face him, my eyes wide. "YOU WILL NOT!!!" i almost scream. He laughs and nodds. "Oh, yes i will. Unless you want to stop me?" he leans down a bit, so we're eye to eye. His amber eyes burn a hole into me, through me. I sigh and throw up my hands, "Like I said before, do what you wish!!" i exasperate. I turn on my heels and walk to the woods, my new, and undesired compainion trailing behind.
    I take a bite from my chocolate and continue on.