• Elrand was standing in an alley concealed in shadows awaiting his contact. Elrand was about twenty years old. He stood about 6'3, was somewhat thin, he had brown hair that covered half of his face and brown eyes. He was half human and half elf. The was nothing significant about his appearance. To humans he was completely normal, but to elves he was feared. They could sense the darkness within him, and they knew immediately who he was, Elrand Reatori. The "run away", the "one who should not be." He was called many things, personally he didnt care. Elrands thoughts drifted, where was the contact? He grew impacient with waiting. He began pacing up and down the alley when he heard a sound. He moved quickly and quietly to the wall. There was a man walking toward him, he sent a magic pulse out to check for magic. The pulse reflected back to him, there was magic, he knew exactly what kind. Whomever it was did not want their identity known by him, they had casted or had someone else cast an illusion to change their appearance. They drew closer to him they had the illusion of a man about thirty years old, clearly human. He was rather short, had jet black hair and brown eyes.
    Elrand was curious, he mumbled a word. Almost immediately the illusion faded away revealing a young woman. Elrand thought, she cant be much older than me. she had long blonde hair and brown eyes. She was wearing decent clothes consisting of a blue,collared shirt and blue pants to match. Elrand smiled, she had finally figured out her illusion had faded,"Who are you?" he asked her.
    "Very good, my name is of no concern to you." She said. "You must be Elrand. You've got quite the reputation you know." she added with a smirk.
    "Yes I am. What do you need from me?" he asked impaciently.
    "Very well, as you know we know your a mercenary. Correct?" she asked. He nodded and she continued."We need you to find and dispose of someone." She said slyly."His name is Charlie Nitta, last we heard he was somewhere in the snow-woodland."
    Elrand was confused."Why me? There are plenty of mercenary you can hire to kill this Charlie you speak of."
    "No, there is no one else qualified. Even you may find it difficult. He has many that are loyal to him. They all hold some sort of powers, only you can judge them accordingly, and for him to be able to keep them under control only stresses to you the extent of his power." She finished.
    "I see, so I am to sneak into a magic infested settlement, assassinate their leader and escape? Your crazy! That would be suicide." He said knowing what he said was a lie. He'd had many jobs like that
    in his past, usually it was incredibly easy.
    She smiled knowing he was toying with her."If you succeed you are to bring proof back here.
    I will be waiting here everyday at noon for the next week. You will recieve payment upon your return." She said.
    "Very well, I'll do my best."he replied.
    "Thats why we picked you. You always try, and win." She smiled and walked away slowly.
    Elrand waited for her to dissapear out of sight and began walking. He walked out of the alley and turned left. He glanced around him and saw nothing out of the ordninary, kids play fighting with sticks, older people argueing, other than that he didn't see anything. The building here were all run down for the most part, everyone was either engrosed in poverty or just didn't care.