Werewolves in Gaia Part 7
As Aric and Twi walked a woman in a black cloaklike dress came running by screaming ‘DOOOOOOM!’. They watched her run before hearing shouts and battle sounds.
“What in the world?” Twilight asked as they walked over to see everyone fighting.
“Looks like someone started a fight between the races again.” Aric said frowning. “I wonder if we werewolves will be involved.”
Ian came running past with Rufus hot on his tail, running from whoever was chasing him, Aric and Twi watched him trip and a zombie appearing out of the building he tripped in front of.
“Good grief.” Aric said walking over and pushing the zombie back inside the building easily and closing the door. “You okay Ian?”
Ian looked scared and Rufus was the same. It took him a good while to answer since Aric dragged him off and Twi followed after them. After getting a good distance from the battle Ian finally told what happened making Aric laugh.
“That woman prolly didn’t finish the telling. It could be about anything really.” She said petting one of her dromes.
“Looks like your hunt is going to have to wait huh?” Twi asked.
“H-hunt?” Ian asked.
“Yes, I’m a werewolf.” Aric said with a pointy teeth grin. “But I tend to change what I am.”
“What are we going to do?” Ian asked.
“I dunno, I’m not getting involved but will aid if someone needs me.” Aric said looking at the sky. “If it’s kin, I will get involved.”
While with Saga...
He found what he was smelling... Dark Elves.
He listened to them talk even though he didn’t know where they were since there were many pipes and paths to choose from. He picked one and followed it to hear battle cries, and soon he got himself involved unintentionally when a Dark Elf attacked him thinking he was a vampire or zombie.
Saga managed to knock the elf out before disappearing into the darkness as more elves came over.
“Oh bugger....”
The hunt continues...
Werewolves in Gaia Part 7
Aric the Black Rose
here's part 7. Takes place during Halloween Hysteria!
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