There is a village on the outskirts of a large dense forest. The forest was well known to house the most dangerous creatures known to the world. Some even said that the forest was ruled by a Pack of Wolves that could become one with the shadows at will. The villagers were weary of the forest and would house travelers who would pass through the village during the dusk hours. Doing this, they saved many from running into the 'vicious pack' and it's merciless leader.
None of the villagers could accurately explain why the Wolf pack would attack travelers that walked the beaten path to the other village on the other side. All they could say was the fact that any traveler that walked through the forest after the sun set, well that their screams could be heard merely an hour or two after they entered the forest.
One day a group of travelers, gypsies of sorts, arrived at the village, heading to a faire that was to take place in the village on the other side. The group consisted of only a few people, but many of them were well trained fighters and dancers. When the group heard that it was dangerous to travel any further since the sun was setting there was uproar from the group. Some wanted to stay just to be safe, while the fighters arrogantly wanted to continue on. Soon the fight nearly turned physical till a soft spoken woman spoke up. Her silver eyes were filled with a strange uncommon wisdom for a woman who appeared to be but eighteen.
"Why don't half of you stay here, while the other half continue on if they wish." Her voice was quiet, yet it seemed to silence all those who heard it. The group all nodded. The dancers and other woman folk decided to stay and rest before continuing on, while the majority of the guys decided to continue on. Once the men headed out the silver eyed woman settled the women into the inn before grabbing a bow and a quiver full of arrows and heading out after the guys. She had a feeling they were going to do something stupid that would land their asses in trouble.
She was walking along the path when she came across one of her company. He seemed to be just lazing about. She pushed him from behind, startling him out of his daze. She whirled around, as if to punch him, but stopped once she realized who it was. He scratched the back of his head.
"Heh...so ah you following us to the other side?"
She blinked at him and pushed him forward , signaling him to continue walking. He just shrugged before continuing forward.
"So..ah why did you come? I mean I thought you would have stayed with the other women...I mean I thought you would have been scared to come and....."
He ran right into the back of another of their company. Both jumped and stared at each other.
"Hey! Where are the others?"
"They are just sitting up ahead. I thought I heard something so I came to check it out. Turns out it was just you guys." The red head eyed the woman before he headed over to where the others were.
She mentally rolled her eyes at the guys' reaction to her following them. The snapping of a twig behind her caused all the guys to jump into fighting mode. She merely raised an eyebrow before she just continued on the path. She looked over her shoulder before speaking in her monotone voice.
"Come. Now"
The guys growl at her, but followed none the less. Finally once they were in the middle of the forest one of the guy spoke up.
"Why they hell are we just walking through the forest without stopping?"
"Because stopping give you a chance to do something stupid, that could get us all killed." She spoke as she continued to walk.
"So true." A deep rich voice said.
She stopped, her silver eyes staring at a man that had appeared in front of her. Amber eyes stared at her coldly as he walked passed her. He eyed the other males, making note of all of their size. She did the same to him, noting that he was far more stout and built than any of the other guys. She stiffened when he snorted.
"Stay on the path and don't touch anything, that way all will be fine."
With that the guy continued to walk the path in the opposite direction. The woman blinked several times before continuing on her way, she wanted to exit the forest. She had noticed, and possible the only one to do so, that there was something following them inside the forest. She paused to rest, wanting to see if the sounds stopped with her. They did. She waved the guys on and waited to see if the sounds followed them, and they did. She frowned before she ran off in hopes of catching up. What she saw once she did made her stomach clench.
The guys were circled around a black wolf. It's green eyes flashed at her as she called out.
"HEY! What are you guys doing?" She tried to break into the circle, to stop what she knew was going on.
"This is one of those wolves that attacked all the other travelers, we're going to make sure that it never hurts around Person again." The red head said as he moved to kick the wolf. Wrong move.
Before anyone could blink the shadows from the trees moved and had them surrounded, just like the wolf. She spun around and stared at the shadow turned into full grown people, only with wolf ears and tails. Their tails flicked in irritation and their eyes seemed to glow in hatred.
She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end when she saw a darker shadow appear inside the circle. As the shadow came together, she moved back feel the anxiety of her group behind her. She felt a large hand grab her but she jerked away, she would not be hidden away.
The shadow turned out to be the guy that they had run into on the way, only this time he to had ears and a tail. His amber eyes were glowing and his features had taken on a more vicious appearance.
"I told you not to touch anything, yet you move to attack one of MY pack members. Foolish humans will never learn!" His voice was rough and vicious as he snarled at her. She felt her back straightened, she was not one to be blamed for things she didn't even do. She notice that the people around them place a foot behind them and hunch their shoulders a bit, causing her to realize they were going to attack. She muttered something to her group before she walked to the man, who she figured was Alpha. She stood in front of the man.
"I take full responsibility for their actions" Her tone was still monotone and plain, but was laced with authority and power. She heard one of her men move to object but she silenced him with a look, before she turned back to the man in front of her. "Do to me what you have planned for them, but let them go and I swear to you...I give you my word that they will never do such things again."
The man growled at her viciously and step closer to her, making her feel even smaller but she would not back down. She kept her silver eyes locked with his amber one. "How can I trust you? You are just a foolish human just like them and you will probably try and wiggle out of your word."
She felt something shift inside her when her word was questioned. A large gust of wind blew pasted them, her scent seemed to waft to him. His nose twitched as his eyes narrowed. Her scent was nothing like he had even smelt. Not on a human or magickal being before. She smelt exactly like nature itself. Of dark rich soil, of fire, of water, of a cool breeze and a coming storm all at once.
"Wolf, she tried to stop what was going to happen." The voice came from behind her, and for some reason she knew it was the wolf her group had circled, but she refused to let her eyes leave those of the man, Wolf, in front of her. He growled at her, leaning down into her face. He whispered viciously at her.
"I'll take you at your word...for now." His large hand gripped her arm and jerked her to him as he nodded at the wolves.
"Escort them out of My forest. Remember this day, for it will not happen again." He jerked the woman with him as he walked into the forest. She didn't struggled, instead she seemed to move gracefully through along side him. She was the first to ever survive, then again she was also the first to take responsibility for those under her command. He moved to a large rock that was situated in a clearing of sorts. He shoved her to sit on a stone, just beside the large one. He crossed his arms and leaned back against the boulder, waiting. She sat, very regally, on the stone and waited for judgment to be passed on her.
She didn't have to wait long, for a couple of moments later the entire pack of wolves appeared in front of the large boulder. She just stared out into space her mind slowly preparing her for what could come. Wolf pushed off the stone
"Brethren, we gather here tonight to pass judgment on the leader of the gypsies. Her men moved to attack and kill one of our very own, Raven. Upon facing us she took full responsibility and gave us her word that her group would not do such a thing ever again. However punishment is still required. Now I ask you, as my family, what shall we do with her?"
There was a loud up roar, everyone speaking at once trying to get their punishment heard. However the one that came through loud and clear was from a very stoic looking man. He had a mean look to him and he spoke softly but when he opened his mouth, everyone shut up.
"The Run."
The group was quiet, then once again the entire group grew louder, all in agreement. Wolf nodded, agreeing to that form of punishment. He turned to her and stared at her.
"You, woman, have been given a cursed gift. You are to be punished through our ritual known as the run. You are to run, given a half a minute head start, and try and escape this forest. However we, " He made a sweeping motion with his arm, "will be chasing after you. The entire pack. Know this, no one has ever escaped these trees. Ready woman."
She turned her silver eyes to him and just nodded before she stood. Her mind was racing and calculating what she should do. She didn't know where the path was and she had no doubt that one could get lost in the tree easily, add to the fact that these wolves were of the shadows, and during the night time they had a huge advantage. She waited for the word from Wolf, waiting till she had to run for her survival.
"Run" He growled out the word and instantly the wolves turned into shadows and growled at her, waiting for the time to attack.
She ran quickly, counting in her head. Suddenly she doubled back, jumping into the trees. She hoped that her scent suddenly stopping would confuse the wolves. She continued to run through the trees, when suddenly she felt something pulsate inside her, as if something just now came alive inside herself. It ripped through her body and made her fall to her knees in the tree. The pulsation grew in strength till eventually it stopped completely. She panted lightly before something behind her growled.
She whirled around in time to see a wolf leaping out at her, his teeth bared to sink into her neck. She winced, not having enough time to protect herself. Suddenly vines wrapped around the wolf, keeping it tightly bound. The wolf snapped and growled at her in rage trying to get free.
She ran across the branches as an idea came to her. She would never make it out of the forest with the shadow wolves at her heel. That was impossible. The next way to get out way to beat the Alpha, Wolf. But she would have to draw him out, by taking out the pack. She felt her stomach clench as she shook her head. No. She would incompasitate the wolves, but she wouldn't kill them.
So one by one, the woman took down the members of the pack. She had the most difficult time tying down the one who suggested the run in the forest place. He even managed to scratch up her arm before she could turn the vines into metal chains made of light. How she managed that, she had no idea but she did. Now it was on to find the alpha. Not that that was a hard thing, but it would be difficult to try and defeat the man that commanded such a strong force.
She jumped down, into a small clearing. she stood on top of a fallen tree log, looking around. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as the moon stood in the middle of the sky. Suddenly she felt herself being tackled off the log and onto the ground. She bucked and struggled against the hard body behind her. Her powers started to flare but before they could attack, fangs ripped into her neck, causing her body to stiffen and her powers to stop.
She suddenly felt the need to escape and run away, but for some reason the more she tried to get free the more his teeth dug down into her neck. She could feel his teeth get right to the point in which the skin rips. She didn't know what that was a bad thing, she just knew it wasn't a good idea for him to do so, not under these conditions. Her instincts told her to just tilt her head to the side and stop moving completely, but her mind said for her to struggle to get free. Her mind won out, and with that the fang penetrated the skin and dug into her flesh. She cried out, whimpering while tilting her head to the side. She was so engrossed in what he was doing that she didn't see that the other wolves were circled around the clearing, ju st watching what was happening.
Then without warning he ripped away from her, stood above her and howl to the sky. The other wolves soon followed suit. In hopes of getting away while they were distracted, the woman stood, stupid move. The moment she did, she black out completely and fell backwards.
When she woke up once more, she found herself lying in the middle of a thick fur pelts, covered and surrounded by them. She shifted to her side, trying to get even more comfortable wondering if that was even possible. She felt so at ease for some reason. That is, until the events of last night came to her again. She sat up quickly, leapt from the pelts and ran out of the den. She was in such a mad rush that she didn't notice two wolves running after her. Then, once again, she was tackled to the ground, only this time the ground never met her side, instead a strong arm wrapped around her and rolled with her. She blinked and struggled a bit before she heard that velvet male voice caress over her skin.
"Be calm, none of my pack will harm you, but bow you can not leave ever." His voice seemed to crack a bit. "And for that I am truly sorry." His voice was laced with such sadness that she couldn't help but relax. He picked her up, moved her back to the den, before lying her down on the pelts. He kissed her forehead gently, almost lovingly.
"Sleep, you need all the rest you can get for what your body is going through."
She couldn't help but fall into a deep sleep. She once again awoke, only this time a woman was sitting next to her with what looked like a long thick piece of wood and a good size chuck of red meat. She sat up slowly, her eyes never leaving the woman. The woman had shoulder length black hair, moss colored eyes and a small smile on her face.
"I'm glad you are awake." The woman bowed her head a little before holding out the piece of wood. She found that it had been hollowed out and now was filled with some sort of liquid. She smelt it before she took a sip, only to find that it was pure water. She drunk half of it before she put it down. She looked at the new woman before her.
"Who are you?" She asked in a monotone, still ever cautious.
"I'm Raven. The wolf you tried to help. I thank you for that. Now, come. You need a change of cloth and to bath in the river."
She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Something was going on. The sudden shift in attitude towards her was making uneasy. But instead of questioning it she would figure out on her own. She paid close attention to how the other wolves acted around her as she moved out of the den and past the field to the river with the woman.
Most of the wolfs bowed, many didn't acknowledge her presence, but one seemed to take quite an interest in her. She noticed him watching her intently but she also noticed that the mean looking Wolf she had a run in with before was watching the male wolf that was watching her. She continued to process all this until she got to the river. She took off her clothes, unashamed by the fact Raven was watching. She dove gracefully into the water, right to the middle of the waterfall pool. She surfaced, knowing that letting herself get washed down river would only make things worse. She washed herself off before wading over to the edge and walking out gracefully. She blinked when Raven handed her a pair of grey slack and a top. She pulled them on before heading back. She walked a little ways behind Raven, thinking.
She was so engrossed in her thinking that she ran right into the male wolf that had been watching her. His hands griped the tops of her arms, as if to steady her but they didn't let go, heck his thumbs seemed to caress her arms.
"So very sorry about that. I'll be more..." His sickly seductive voice was cut short by a hand grabbing him by the throat and ripping him away from her. A loud vicious growling match began between Wolf and the man she had run into. But it ended quickly for Wolf quickly moved to bite the man's nape. He bit down hard, till the man submitted by tilting his head to the side. Wolf pushed his teeth in a little more before shoving himself off the other wolf. He growled at the other wolves before he grabbed her hand and dragged her out into the woods. He dragged her all the way to the log clearing. all the while her mind proceed what had just happened.
She tilted her head to the side, her mind racing a mile a minute when suddenly everything fell into place. The way Wolf had attacked her, the way he howled after doing so, the bowing and the growling match. It all made sense, even his apology and the reason why she couldn't leave; He had marked her as his mate. She heard him clear his throat beside her, causing her to pull out of her daze.
"Look, what just happened back there, normally never happens." He crossed his arms and stared at her seriously. "Why didn't you eat?"
She shrugged before she stared at him with calculated eyes. "Didn't feel like it. Why did he do that anyways?"
"You lack my scent." His answer was curt and to the point. She stared at him, before he questioned her. "What is your name anyways? You know mine, why not tell me yours."
She was silent for a moment before she spoke "Artemis."
He nodded slowly before pacing in front of the log. Suddenly his ears went erect and twitched in the direction of the den, his tail paused in it's sweeping motions. He stood there like that for a good couple of moments before she spoke once more.
"Why did you mark me as your mate?" Her question was direct and to the point and more over it would hopefully give her the answer she was looking for; was it permeant.
"I did it out of instinct...Your scent as well as what you did to my pack made me instinctively view you as mate material. Then when you wouldn't submit to the bite, I took it as a challenge and marked you."
She stared at him before her hand, quicker than lightning, move out and punched him across the face. He stumbled back a few paces before he turned his eyes back to her. They glowed amber as he grabbed her by her arms.
"I'm the Alpha in this pack and you will not , will NOT challenge me in front of them! You hear me?"
"Should have picked a better mate then. I will challenge you every single day, just because I can."
Wolf's Mate
This is the first part of my story. I write a lot of stories, thou if I plan to post them, I will have to edit many of the parts out. But I hope you enjoy it.
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