• Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, they belong to J.K. Rowling, as does the setting. The brilliant plot, however, is mine.


    “RON, can you at least try and catch the bloody ball!?” a furious Fred Weasley shouted at his younger brother and teammate. “It’s not that difficult, just stick your hands in front of your face when you duck!”

    Angelina, the captain, blew her whistle furiously, but neither of the Weasley boys took any notice of her. They were speeding towards each other, also ignoring the pouring rain, and the fact that they were undoubtedly about to crash soon.

    “Can you at least try to keep your mouth shut for five bloody second!?” Ron shouted back, ears and face crimson. Harry flew several feet below him, wiping his glasses nervously and preparing to catch one of the boys when they fell.

    “I would if you learned how to play!” Fred bellowed back. Katie was tailing him slowly, annoyed that he had interrupted practice yet again, but not wanting him to fall the fifty long feet to the ground when he crashed. Having a beater with a broken arm before their first match of the season would put a bit of a damper on the game. “I’ve seen flobberworms with faster reflexes than you!”

    George couldn’t help but chuckle at that rather brilliant insult, and Alicia chucked the Quaffle, the one Ron had just dropped, at his head. She didn’t miss, but George’s cry of pain was drowned out by Ron’s retort.

    “You think you’re so smart don’t you, just because you’re messing around with spells and actually getting a few lucky results instead of blowing yourself up?! Well you’re not smart, you’re a bloody idio—“

    The rest of Ron’s comeback was lost when the brother’s collided with a sickening crunch. They had finally crashed into each other, both slipping off their now-splintered broomsticks and falling towards the wet and unforgiving ground.

    Harry, being the youngest seeker in a century, wasn’t about to let his best friend fall to a certain death, or at least a broken arm, right before his eyes. He flattened himself against his broom and zoomed forwards to intercept Ron’s fall. Unfortunately, there was quite a bit of Ron falling, and the momentum he had built up sent both Ron and Harry spiraling towards the ground when Ron hit Harry’s broom with a thud. Fortunately, Harry managed to slow down, and when they finally did collide with the earth, it was gently, and not broken-bone inducing.

    And as for Fred, well he suffered a concussion and three broken ribs.


    Katie, being a fantastic chaser, swooped forward and managed to catch Fred a lot more gracefully than Harry caught Ron. Unfortunately, Fred was emitted an extremely high-pitched and rather feminine shriek as he fell, and when Katie caught him, the volume of his scream was too much for her, so she promptly dropped him. Fortunately, Angelina was directly under her, and caught Fred, but because of the look of pure rage on her face, Fred almost wish he had just hit the ground instead, because the ground was likely to put him out of his misery a lot faster than Angelina would.

    The End!