• Tal tried to ignore Fenwick's complaints at having Knight Silverblade join them. Tal had tried to convince him to leave them alone, but to no avail. He was just too stubborn. Fenwick even threatened him with a good sharp bite, but he didn't seem to hear it. So he simply waited outside the room as Tal dressed in her men's clothes and put her long hair in a horsetail. Then she stepped out and looked at Knight coldly. The young man only smiled pleased.
    "Let's go. We can't waste any time." Tal told him with a barely audible snarl. Fenwick lay curled around the girl's neck like a fur scarf and bared his needle point teeth at the handsome, white-haired man.
    When they got downstairs where everyone was having breakfast, everyone stared and murmured about them. At one point, Tal's ears perked as she heard a man say, "Has that boy finally chosen a bride? I've never seen him trail so close to a girl before." Tal was about to spin around and spit at him, but Knight gripped her arm and said calmingly, "Ignore them. They don't know."
    Tal glared at him, but continued out the door. Fenwick tightened his warm furry body around her neck. A breeze blew at Tal and she shivered. Knight gave her the thick green cloak he had given her, and unlike last time, she took it gratefully and draped it over her shoulders.

    They exited the bustling town into the woods. The cat attributed girl could've sworn she heard growling, but figured it was just her imagination and pushed it out of her mind. Though she was unnerved. But not by what she heard. It was Knight. He kept moving closer to her and his hand occasionally brushed hers. Once if felt as if he would grab her hand, but Tal quickly wrenched her hand away from his grasp. The man didn't seem to notice, he only smiled strangely. Tal's face felt hot and she hid her face in her cloak to hide a blushing face. It was so embarrassing to have a man staring at her like that. She felt like punching him just to prevent Knight from smiling like that at her.
    Fenwick continuously glared at Silverblade. His teeth bared and his fur bristling.
    Suddenly, the growling Tal had been hearing got louder. A huge blood red bear leapt into their path. She brought out her dagger, but Knight raced in front of her and weilded a long, gleaming blade of silver. He held it up high, ready to slash at the bear.
    Tal looked down, disappointed that she wouldn't have to chance to test her skill with a blade. But then a grin rapidly spread across her face and she fell to the ground in a fit of laughter. Fenwick looked up surprised, then burst forth with laughter when he saw the cause of Tal's joy. Knight turned around and exclaimed, "What? What's so funny?"
    But Tal and Fenwick were too busy laughing to say. The bear seemed unnerved by their laughter and scrambled away, as if desperate to leave. Knight scowled, annoyed that he had brought his blade out for nothing. Then he again asked the reason for Tal and Fenwick's laughter.
    Tal and Fenwick composed themselves and calmed their laughter. Then Tal delightedly replied, "Your pants fell down at your feet! Who wouldn't laugh at that?" She chuckled again and struggled to hold it down.
    Knight looked down and his face turned red with embarrassment. He quickly pulled his pants back up and stormed away saying, "Come on, let's go!"
    Tal and Fenwick followed, still chuckling happily.