• As she donned her wedding dress, she figured this was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. Hah. She didn’t love him. She never could. She wanted to, you don’t know how much she wanted to just be happy with the man her friends finally approved of, but she couldn’t, apparently her will meant nothing here. But he loved her. Oh how he loved her. That was the only reason she had stayed, the only reason she still stayed. She knew herself, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to bear the guilt if she left. She still cared about him, how could she not, with the amount of pure love he directed to her? It was unconditional, and that’s what she craved. She loved the love in itself, just not the man behind. But she knew that he would support her always, this was not always so with her friends. Their husbands started out sweet, and they loved them with all their being, but then they turned out to be drunkards, or lacking in fidelity. And then her friends ended up getting hurt. She tried never to love that much. But she usually did anyways. It was ironic, in a way, the one time she wanted to put her all into something, the one time she wanted to give someone all of herself, for that’s what he had given her, she couldn’t bring herself to. Her life lessons had always kicked in at the worst times. She smiled slightly to herself, adjusted her hairpiece for the final time, and went to join her father at the aisle, full knowing what would be waiting there. A man who loved her, and always would. She had gotten her one wish in life, and now she was fulfilling it…funny how it seemed to leave her feeling empty inside, instead of full. Funny how It would stay like that for always…