• Many years ago, 19 to be precise, Angelic Smith and Tod Lonk met. They met in an alleyway at night. It was love at first sight, and after a year they were engaged. They were planning to get married the next year in September.
    The next year, as planned, they were married. They were married that is, without each other knowing their deepest darkest secrets. Angelic Smith (now Angelic Lonk) had some powers. Magic powers. To make a long story short, she was a witch. Tod on the other hand, had a son. Not just any son, a vampire son. They didn’t reveal the secrets to each other because they didn’t want to lose the love they shared.
    4 years later they had a baby, actually 2 babies, twins. One had amazing green eyes, they named her May. The 2nd one had pale blue eyes. They named her Ella. Like their mother they had some powers. Not even close to as powerful as their mother’s was because it takes years of training to make them so powerful.

    14 years have passed and the two girls are freshmen at Micklin High School. They still have not found out about their powers but they are wondering why weird things happen whenever they snap their fingers or wave a stick in the air. One time when they were about 8, they were in music class and they had to snap their fingers. They did, and (like in the creative mind of May’s) the piano lifted off the ground and flew out the door. Or in 7th grade, Ella was taking a test in Science. She really didn’t want to take it because she already took 3 before that. She kept thinking in her mind that it would be cool if suddenly the tests would burst into flames. She for some reason clapped her hands together and the papers just did what she thought. The test was postponed.