• On a warm Summer's day, the sky began to rise into the waves, striking rocks with their force...
    "Well that was horrible" she thought. How could you write a novel with something as boring as that? I didn't matter though. She had to turn in the first half by this afternoon, and she didn't even have a single page.
    He was being chased by unknown enities, beings he had yet to see. Gasping for air, he went under again. Eyes of gold and silver gazed upon him. Knowing not how he would survive, he went deeper, until his breath ran out. But then....
    She had to hurry. On the drive to the publisher, her car broke down. Walking over to the engine, something hit her. She began to fall, until the water swallowed her. Unable to swim, she sunk.
    He saw a body falling with him. Swimming her to shore, he began reviving her. Her eyes opened, a dark green. Before they could talk, more came, their cries worse than any sound that could ever be heard. They ran as fast as they could. They came across an old milatary base.
    They hurrily found several old guns, and 24 rounds. The beings entered the building. One, Two, Three. A sanguine liquad poured on the ground. Four, Five, Six. Their tears of scarlet stained their clothes. Seven, Eight, Nine. It was becoming to much for her to handle...
    They killed them all, or so it seemed. As they rested, expecting more to come, he said, "Who may you be?"
    She said simply, "Of everything, nothing." As she fired the last round into his skull. He fell to the ground. In a pool of red and navy, he died.