• Running through the forest with brush slapping onto my legs holding me back. I felt like I was running in a frantic stride through the forest from a hovering fear that I sensed coming at me.
    My breath felt labored, my mind felt clouded in fear that everything was closing in all around me.
    The space around me was becoming overshadowed with the darkness, creeping up on me, scoring my flesh, and causing panic to whelm through me.
    Then as the dark consumed everything around me a light shown in the far distance that I reached out for, barely thrusting and squeezing my body out of the paining darkness, I stumbled a bit as I start a life-threatening sprint toward the light with brush still grabbing at me.
    As I got closer the light it brighten causing me to feel the warmth, I craved it the closer I approached it, but the branches got thinker and made me stumble also making it harder for me to see.
    I tripped after I couldn’t move any more from the brush; folded and wrapped around me. The dark wave flowed onto me and engulfed my body, as I reached out for the light with my free hand.
    I was screaming and struggling to breath as the entanglement squeezed against my ribs, I took one final breath and started fighting with all I had, but the light was fading and I realized my yells were not coming out my mouth that everything was being indulged with blackness.
    Then I was being yanked and pulled apart back into the blackest part of the forest, despite all my actions the enveloping tide of anguish and fear pulsed through me once the light completely diminished and was consumed by the blackness of the forest.