• A cute smile flitted across petal soft lips as Harley noticed Demnulix on the far side of the party, his dark eyes going back and forth, most likely looking for him. Pale blonde, almost ivory, locks jumped around Harley’s thin shoulders as he trotted nimbly through the large crowd of people in the enclosed space. In the dim, fluorescent lighting, the black and red haired male didn’t even notice the younger vampire run up to him, even with his vampiricly enhanced vision.

    “Hey Demny,” The small, bell-like sound of Harley’s voice resulted in a lightning fast turning of the older man’s body. He wrapped his arms around Harley’s small form, resting his pale head gently on the pallet of golden hair.

    “I missed you Dearest; I only came to this moronic event to see you,” He pulled his head away from Harley’s, now looking directly into the younger man’s bright, crystalline blue eyes. The loving look Harley returned him made his heart nearly burst in his chest.

    “Thank you for coming, Demny. I know it sometimes doesn’t seem like it, but I appreciate all the little things you always do for me… They really do make me happy,” He was looking up at Demnulix now and could no longer hear even a trace of what was going on in the party. It wasn’t like he really cared for the music or the people choosing it, but without Demnulix there to catch his attention; he wouldn’t have been able to focus on anything. It was just one of his many self proclaimed flaws.

    The host of the party, a young, black haired male named Kousa, walked over to the pair with a smirk on his face. He broke in between the happy pair, pushing Harley to the ground roughly, “I do believe that, that is inappropriate for such an event,” He crossed his arms over his chest, confident that Demnulix couldn’t and wouldn’t dare to hurt him. He was wrong.

    A fist was not something that Demnulix generally preferred to use but he couldn’t very well pull out an actual weapon of any sort in this kind of public setting. He debated a mere moment over whether or not to kill the man, though it was just enough time for Kousa to kick Harley in the ribs, which, of course, pushed Demnulix clear over the edge.

    Demnulix’s foot connected with the younger man’s face in a magnificent high kick, knocking Kousa to the ground in a mound of unconscious idiocy. It took the party goers only a second to notice their precious host on the floor, where he had landed in the center of the room. Demnulix, however, wasn’t paying one bit of attention to the fallen host on the ground or the screams of the guests; all he cared about, at the moment, was his now black out husband.

    He quickly lifted the now cringing Harley into his arms, gently caressing the younger vampire’s face, trying to wish away the pain he knew his love was feeling. Black and red hair fell gently onto Harley’s chest as Demny began towards the front door at a slow pace. He was not about to stay in that building. No intention of killing was in his mind tonight and he knew if he stayed he would murder the cruel and heartless man. Yes, he knew this would occur eventually but he wouldn’t dare perform that task while his love was in any sort of pain.

    Many murmurs were heard behind them through their exit, coming, of course, from the unknowing guests. Once the two were outside, however, no sounds could be heard. The only sound outside on the residential street was that of a cat yowling about a block away, “Harley, dear, are you alright?” His fist clenched just a bit at the thought of his love’s odd attacker.

    Harley opened his eyes slowly, trying to avoid acknowledging the major headache being knocked so roughly to the floor had given him. Although there really was nothing at all bad about waking up to someone as handsome and wonderful sounding as Demnulix, “Y-Yeah… I’m fine…” He smiled brightly as the older vampire began to feel for broken bones.

    Demnulix was finally satisfied after a few minutes of checking and re-checking, “Okay…” he hesitated before speaking, “You are just going to have a few bruises and be sore for a little while.” He was still sad he didn’t have the chance to kill the b*****d of a man who dared to hurt his Harley.

    Continuing on down the street, they could no longer hear the loud and blaring music from the drunken party. It was about a mile to the home they both shared but Demnulix really didn’t mind carrying Harley there. He didn’t want to have to talk to the valet and wait for his car. At his pace of walking, he knew he could be home faster than the boy could get his car to the front of the newly decorated home.

    Once they arrived at the front step of the large, manor-like home, Demnulix finally dared to set Harley down, though only for a mere moment. He was absolutely terrified his man would be once again injured. The key in the lock turned far too slowly for the man’s taste. Once it had turned the locking mechanism, Demnulix firmly pushed the door open, scooped up Harley, and nearly flew into the large home.

    As he made his way upstairs towards their bedroom, Harley began struggling, convinced thoroughly that he was perfectly capable of walking without the assistance of Demnulix. He wasn’t about to have anything of that sort of whim fulfilled however and he knew it. Demny would have hated for him to be unhappy though so he met their lips in a sweet kiss as he walked.

    This distracted Harley significantly enough to Demnulix’s purpose. He reached forward, never once breaking the tender kiss he had intiated, and he pulled on the large gold handle, rushing into the large space, the door closing automatically behind him. The smirk that crossed his lips could’ve put Roy Mustang to shame. His feet hit the ground, easily making no sound, as he broke the ever deepening kiss. He lay Harley down gently on the dark yellow tinged comforter. Harley let out a loud yelp as he hit the bed, though Demny wouldn’t had dared to set him down as anything less than a breakable artifact.

    Demnulix gave Harley a brief look over to be sure he wasn’t in any way severely injured, “Dearest, are you alright?” Demny lay down on the silken comforter, pulling Harley tenderly close to him.

    Harley leaned his face slowly towards Demnulix, preparing to answer, “Please, don’t worry. I’m sure Kousa didn’t actually mean to hurt me. Please don’t be angry…” He was almost begging his husband not to kill the man. He was truly convinced that Kousa hurting him had just been a mere accident of chance or fate.

    Demnulix looked down at Harley, stroking his cheek gently before speaking, “Love, you worry me sometimes. Believe what you wish but I know that he was trying to harm you and it was on purpose.” His eyes held worry for the young man in every blink. He couldn’t help but worry. Harley was what you would call a magnet for all things dangerous. The entirety of his luck would hit Harley one day and Demny was not looking forward to it.