• Pinned down to the floor with your hands behind your back and your face eating the dirt was not a comfy position to be in. To make matters worse the boy which was in this position also had a thin and long samurai sword pressed against the back of his neck. “Fail.” A thick and heavy voice whispered into the boy’s ear. The pressure that held the boy’s hands behind his back was relieved and the sword was no longer pressed against him. “But sensei I-” The boy exclaimed, cut off by his master’s hand, which was held up. “Ryo, this is the third lesson you have failed, your training is not getting better but worse. I’m afraid I’m going to have release you for a more suitable student.”

    "But sensei! Im sorry! I was trying my best! Please dont kick me out! Please!"
    The sensei shook his head left to right. "No. you know the rules for three consecutive faliures in my dojo, so pl-" Ryo interrupted." But...But..." "Scilence! There shall be no buts in this dojo! Leave at once! come back when your ready to weild a sword again!" Sensei Ryono yelled. Ryo started again. "But.." "OUT! NOW!"
    Ryo got off the cold, hard ground and left while he had some decency left.

    The next day Ryo woke up, ate breakfast and walked to Shiokami highschool. He is a freashmen there and is a C student. "So, flunked out of the dojo huh?" Ryo had his arms on his desk and his face as well. "Huh?! what?! Who said that?!" Ryo asked. "Oh, its just you Miuray." Miuray was one of Ryo's best friends ever since nursery school. She is also a freashman but her status is being a A student. Quite the opposite of Ryo you may say. Ryo was wearing a navy blue polo shirt with a black highschool jacket wth black pants and brown shoes, while Miuray was wearing a blue highschool uniform long-sleeved shirt and skirt with a pair of red shoes. Her golden brown hair was let down and had a hairband on it while Ryo's jet black hair was also flat down.

    "You never answerd my question: Did you flunk out?" Ryo nodded. "Yeah.." Miuray pouted. "Dont worry!I know.." Ryo interrupted Miuray"Well, you dont fail at E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G you do!" "Im only trying to help Ryo!" Miuray stated firmly. "Sorry...Im just mad.." Miuray grinned. "Its ok. Tell ya what, after school today.." Ryo interrupted. "I tried Begging to him already. It didnt work." Miure continued. "Well thats bad. but lets try again! Im gonna be there this time so it should be a little easier for sensei Ryono to accept you back." Ryo sighed. "Fine. I'll try again as long as you come." Miuray laughed. "I just said I would come. So afterschool it is?" Ryo nodded. "Yeah. Crud. Mrs.Reinora is coming. I'll talk to you after class." Mrs. Reinora was a history teacher at Shiokami high. She teaches freachmen students thru juniors. She was known to be a very cruel teacher when it comes to lessons and tests.Miuray smiled with a thumbs up on her left hand responding "Sure."

    "Okay class. Please be seated.The lecture will now begin." Mrs.Reinora demanded. As soon as she said that, half of the class had their head up high, paying absolute attention to anything that was gonna happen. Miuray was one of the students that did so. The other half was either having their heads down, not really caring, fulling around, or passing notes. Ryo was one of the students with his head down. "Well, for the students that happen to care about my lessons, today's will be about a grand samurai warrior named Imahara Kiromatsu." Mrs. Reinora pointed out. "Imaharu Kiromatsu was the greatest samurai that ever lived. It's said that he was able to slay a army of 100 men with one swing of his katana." Miuray gasped. "Wow! Thats amazing!!!" Mrs.Reinora nodded. "That it is" she replied. "I guess its pretty cool..." stated Ryo. "How did Imaharu die?" questioned a classmate. "Well, it was said that he died in a one man battle against a army of 1000. He was bravely fighting for his life and his dojo. Sadly he got stabbed in the heart with a katana and died a instant death. He was only 40." Half of the girls in the class began to cry thinking of how tragic his death was while the guys were just grunting about it. "Wow..*sniff*..Imaharu was..so..*sniff* brave!" Miuray stated. "That he was." Mrs.Reinora responded. The class bell rang. "Class dismissed."

    It was after school already. Ryo and Miuray left the building and had walked to the dojo."I hope he lets me back in..."Ryo stated. "I know he will" acknowledged Miuray. They walked in together hoping that Sensei Ryono would take him back. Almost as soon as they walked in the sensei told his class "I shall be right back. Continue practicing your self-defence stances." The class responded by bowing down and continuing to practice. "What do you want Ryo? Did I not tell you to come back until you were ready?" Ryo nodded but stated "Sensei, I am truly sorry for disappointing you. Please give me another chance." Sensei Ryono shook his head. "Im sorry but you know the rules. You cant come back until I feel your ready to." Miuray stepped in on the conversation. "Look! please let him in! I know he dosnt look like a hard worker but please let him in! I know he"ll try harder!!!" "Hey! Im a hard worker!" Ryo exclaimed.

    The sensei shook his head in denial. "Ryo. I shall put you back in when I feel that YOUR ready. Until then, train on your own." Ryo sighed. "But sinsei.." Sensei Ryono interrupted. "Leave my presence at once." Ryo started again and Miuray joined in."But..." "Go! Now!" They both left the dojo while they still had some pride left. "Oh well...We tried right?" Stated Miuray. Ryo nodded. "Yeah. Well... I'll see you tommorow right?" Miuray nodded "Yeah. Well, see you later!" Ryo laughed. "Yeah... See you soon!" They both waved bye at eachother and headed home.

    Ryo was walking down the dirt street of his village. Ryo releases a heavy sigh and thinks to himself "Will I ever be good at anything..?" He continues walking through the village,taking his usual route home, pondering, looking towards the ground. He kept walking until he crashed into a shrine. "Owwwww! when was this here?!" he questioned. This shrine looked like the paint was way beyond faded;you can see the paint chipped off. The talismens on it were as well broken. Ryo was curious about this "new" shrine and decided to go in. As soon as he stepped in, he felt the strangest of all auras; not demonic nor angelic, but more like a fighters aura. Ryo walked foward, curious and slightly scared of what would happen.

    Ryo slowly paced further and further into the shrine. He was able to hear all the spirits that once were gatherd and sealed in this shrine. He was not certain if they were good or bad spirits, but one thing he did know was that they were fighting spirits. He could tell by the aura it gave off. These spirits were able to roam freely due to the fact that the talisments were broken. Ryo finally reached the end of the shrine, still creeped out. "Well, I guess theres nothing here after all" he stated.

    As he turned back, something cought his eye. He wasnt quite sure what it was so he decited to go have a closer look. He went over there and looked at what he thought was a staff, but when he saw a handle he thought "its no staff, its a katana!" He slowly tries to grab it. He senced that there is a powerful aura around the katana, but he grabs it anyway. He suddently feel a strong impulse take over him. Ryo was screaming in a frantic voice "Ahhh! Whats going on?!" but it was to late to stop what has begun. His body suddently changed; it became more thin for speed, more muscular for strenth and he had a more keen instinct. When he pulled out the sowrd from its case,it was no longer him welding the sowrd, but rather the spirit of the legendary sowrdman named Imahara, but Ryo didn't know this.

    Ryo, trapped inside his own body, yelled "Who are you! What are you doing to me?!" "You should know who I am,YOU are the one who summoned me by taking my sword out of its case after all." Imahara responded."Well YOUR the one in MY body so tell me who YOU are! Now!"Ryo exclaimed. "Alright, alright. My name is Imahara.." Ryo interrupted. "Your Imahara Kiromatsu?!" Imahara chuckled. "Yup. In the flesh! Well.. more like in your flesh but whatever." Ryo couldnt believe it!....