• Light fire, bright flame
    burning heart, and all the same
    soaring up, burning eyes
    lighting up the midnight skies
    swooping down. what a sight
    'tis the dragon's night
    in the day, hide away
    fearful things, held at bay
    with the light, battles sound
    the dragon's cave, circled all around
    sadness dawns, battles ease
    spears prod, nets sieze
    concealed inside of stony halls
    the keepers tear slowly falls
    but her strength will come anew
    dragon capture men will rue
    the keeper sings the dragon song
    stone cracks, hits the gong
    bells ring, alarms sound
    but the dragons are not to be found
    flying up, out, and free
    the dragons night, a sight to see
    soaring up,out, airborne
    the keeper now is tired and worn
    another comes to take her place
    steady forward, steady pace
    slowly, surely, now she comes
    the dragon song she softly hums
    the dragons have begun anew
    now seen only by a few
    the dragons night the dragons song, will follow on, will follow on
    the very path eternity has come and gone, has come and gone