• Chapter 5 Wind chaser

    Yet another week flies by. It seems like the passing of time has increased ever so slightly now that I have some friends. Kira-san is still just as sweet as when I met her. And Marco-kun is a real chilled person when you get to know him. Tonight was no different. We were all seated at the table enjoying the meal I prepared for us. …..Yes I can cook. You got a problem with that take it up with me after this book. Now then. Back to what I was saying. We sat at the table enjoying the company of each other and being quite marry.

    “So Marco-kun what have you been up to today?” Kira-san asked.

    “ I’m working on some paper work. Nothing to important,” he said. I looked at him kinda confused.

    “What kinda work do you do?” I asked him. He looked at me with a slight smile.

    “That’s a secret,” he said stuffing his mouth with rice. I sighed and began to shovel my own rice down my throat.

    “Hey Sano-chan?” Kira-san asked. I grunted to let her know I was listening.

    “Can you teach me how to fight?” she asked. I spewed rice all over Marco-kun with a spit take. He just sat there with his rice bowl up to his face glaring at me until I finished spewing rice.

    “Are you done?” he asked in a very angry tone. I smiled and chuckled then scratched the back of my head.

    “Sorry about that Marco-kun,” I said apologie. I looked over at Kira-san. She had a innocent smile on her face.

    If I teach her how to fight then that would be the ultimate guard breaker, I thought to myself.

    “Fine, I’ll teach you how to fight,” I said. I closed my eyes and sighed heavily. That’s when Marco-kun chimed in.

    “You know, we should be sparring partners,” he said to me. I looked over at him. He had his glass of tea at his mouth.

    “Can you handle it?” I asked him. Without even dropping his cup he threw 20 punches at me at high speed. Just as easy I deflected them and continued to chew on the steamed lettuce in my mouth. We looked at each other for a few seconds.

    “Your hired,” I told him. A smirk went over his face. He sipped his tea and continued to eat as well. Things grew silent for a good part of the night. After those two went to sleep at about midnight I went outside for my evening training. I decided to do some practice in my “un-masked” state. As I moved between stances my mind kept racing.

    “Why couldn’t I access my full power. I have full control over my bird abilities, but,” I looked up at my ears. Then looked behind me at my tail.

    “I feel like these are just for show. It sucks.” I continued to practice my stances. Unknown to me at the moment I had someone watching me. It was Kira-san from her window. I stopped practicing and stood tall. My frame highlighted in the moonlight. It was a nice full moon. I stared at it longingly. As if I could just. HOWLLLLLLLL, I couldn’t resist. I laughed to myself.

    “I’m no wolf, but that felt good. Maybe I can do that to ease my sadnesses away,” I said out loud. That’s when a gust of wind passed by me. I moved my hair out of my eyes and looked in the direction of the wind. I looked up. I saw something falling. It looked like a bird. Nows a good a time as any to use my bird trait. Hawk Eye. My eyes became like telescopes. Able to see long, far off images as if I was standing next to it. I found what I saw. It was a girl falling from the sky. I immediately ran and took to the air. I flew till I was in range for a dive. I dove after her. She was falling fast. I pressed my wings tightly to my body. My ears pinned to my head as I gained speed. I stretched out my arms. About 2 minutes till impact with the ground. I scooped her up in my arms and opened my wings at the last second, just barely grazing the ground. I took to the skies with her in my arms. I examined her for a few seconds. She had blond hair, with a single silver streak on one of her bangs. Her eyes were closed, so I couldn’t tell. Her body was slim and slender. She was wearing a skin tight undershirt that went from her stomach to her the top of her neck. It had long sleeves. She also wore a sleeveless tee shirt over it. She had on a pair of black jeans and snickers. She started to stir in my arms. She must be cold. I landed and placed my shirt over her. She opened her eyes and gazed at me.

    “Are you an angel?” she asked. Her eyes were a lovely blue color. I looked back at her with my own demon yellow eyes.

    “Far from it. Sleep,” I told her. She closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep. I picked her up and flew back to Kira-san’s house. I landed outside and walked in through the back door. I walked through the house and placed her on the coach. I “masked” my form again and went back to Kira-san’s room. After a couple of knocks she came to the door.

    “What is it Sano-chan? Its past 3,” she said.

    “I know, but you need to take a look at this,” I lead her to the living room. She saw the sleeping girl on the coach.

    “Oh my god, what happened?” Kira-san asked.

    “I don't know. She was falling from the sky when I saw her. We can question her in the morning,” I said.

    “Ok. Goodnight Sano-chan,” Kira-san said going back to her room. I settled down in my corner and drifted to sleep.

    Morning came a few hours later. I could feel the sun shining on my face. But there was something else on my face. Warm breath. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw a pair of blue eyes starting at me. Normally this would startle a normal person, but I'm not normal. My eyes opened fully. As I stared at these eyes staring at me, a silver strand of hair flopped in my range of sight.

    “Are you the one who saved me?” The eyes asked. I looked confused.

    “Could you back up a sec?” I asked. The eyes closed as the girl backed off me. She was in full view now. Sure enough it was the girl I saved.

    “I'm gonna ask one more time. Are you the one who saved me?” she asked. May as well tell the truth.

    “Yeah it was me. What of I-” I was cut off. The girl had lunged on me and kissed me on the lips. My face got hot, my vision blurred, and my brain went numb. At that moment Kira-san walked into the room.

    “Morning Sano-ch-” she stopped and stared. I couldn't see at the moment.

    “WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?!” she screamed ripping the girl off me and throwing her onto the coach. My head drooped, blood running from my nose. The girl rubbed her head.

    “That really hurt,” she said. Kira-san was looming over her.

    “You're about to die little girl,” she said with a cold glare. The girl and Kira-san were in a deadlock glaring contest till I finally recovered.

    “What the hell just happened?” I asked. Kira-san looked over at me and slapped the hell out of me.

    “You b*****d!!!!” she yelled and stormed off. I rubbed my face until it didn't hurt anymore.

    “I'm sorry. I kiss when I want to thank someone,” the girl said. Marco-kun came out of the back with Kira-san by the back of her shirt.

    “You want to explain this?” he asked. I sighed and tried to explain everything. About an hour later, after a near instant fight and several knives thrown at me and Marco-kun, Kira-san finally calmed down.

    “So your saying there is nothing going on between you two?” Kira-san asked still glaring

    “Yes,” I said.

    “Not yet,” Said the girl. My face and Kira-san's were in shock. Marco-kun was sipping some coffee. He looked at the clock.

    “As fun as this is, I have somewhere to be. Later,” Marco-kun said grabbing a bag and leaving. I watched as he left and dodged another knife thrown at me. I looked at the clock.

    “Oh man! Class starts in 10 minutes!” I shouted. Kira-san stopped trying to kill me long enough so we could get ready and leave the house. Before I left I turned to the girl.

    “Don't leave,” I said running out the door. We made it to school just in time. Kira-san and I sat at our seats. Mizara-sensei finally woke up after the bell sounded.

    “We have another student joining us, please come in,” she said looking at the door. It slide open showing Marco-kun. He walked in to the room with his school jacket open, like he normally dose.

    “Watashi Kuno Marco deso. Nice to meet y'all,” he said.

    “Kuno-kun is the youngest second year in the school, and he just transferred here from Osaka,” Mizara-sensei said. But as she said the word Osaka, Marco-kun started to shack a little. After he got settled and class started Mizara-sensei passed out mid-lesson, generally meaning free time. The three of us gathered around the window.

    “Why didn't you tell us you were transferring in to our school?” Kira-san asked.

    “Because it would have been a pain to tell you that,” He said putting his hands behind his head. I looked at him in my normal, 'You've got to be kidding me' type glances. I leaned back in my chair and thought about the girl at Kira-san's house, waiting for us to return. I was half asleep when I felt something, or rather someone, shake me. I snapped out of it to see about 20 girls crowded around Marco-kun and my desks. We just stared as these giddy girls gawked at us for nearly 5 minutes. Finally annoyed by this I asked.

    “What are you doing here?” I asked. As soon as I spoke they all screamed.

    “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!! He spoke to us!!!” one of them said.

    “He is soooooo sexy in his speech!!! He is such a super hottie!!!!” Another said. At this point I was kinda scared, and Marco-kun was in the same position as me. I was wondering what caused this flood of fan-girls when I noticed Kira-san wasn't around. One of the fan-girls got in my face.

    “Oh my god! His eyes are so deep, I think I might loose myself in them!!” she screamed in my ear. I covered my ears as her wail felt like nails on a chalk board. The scream seemed to go on forever when a hand grabbed the girl by the back of her uniform. I thought it was Kira-san, but I was wrong.

    “Get lost you little skank,” the new girl said. Marco-kun and I looked at each other and then at the girl. It was the one we left at Kira-san's house. She walked over and sat on my lap.

    “Hey honey,” she said whispering into my ear. My face went bright red. As my face exploded she leaned over the desk and rubbed Marco-kun's chin, whispering in his ear as well. His face was just like mine. After she made us both seem nervous, uncomfortable, and embarrassed she looked at the group of fan-girls.

    “Sorry ladies, but these to are mine,” she said looking at Marco-kun and me. The girls all looked disappointed and left. I finally calmed down enough to the point that I could talk.

    “What are you doing here?” I asked her. She smiled at me.

    “Returning the favor,” she said winking at me. She then leaned in again as if to say something, but someone grabbed her collar and pulled her. It was Kira-san this time, and she looked madder the a hornet.

    “What the hell are you doing here?” she asked in a ice cold voice. The girl's face went really, really pale.

    “Oh Yukino-san, I was wondering when you would get here,” Mizara-sensei said over Kira-san's shoulder. We all looked at Mizara-sensei.

    “Yukino?” we all asked except the girl. She turned to face me.

    “Yep. In all the confusion I never introduced myself. My name is Yukino Kagome,” she said smiling. Kira-san quickly shot a glare at her again. Yukino-san just smiled nervously. Mizara-sensei put her hands on Yukino-san's shoulders.

    “She'll be seated infront of you Yuroto-kun,” Mizara-sensei said with a smile. I thought my heart stopped beating out of fear and embarrassment. Having Kira-san sitting next to me was bad enough, but having Yukino-san, who is obviously interested in me sitting in front of me will make things both awkward and mean that these two will constantly fight. I knew this spelled disaster.

    “Kah, so he's still alive. We really didn't do a good job did we boys?” I heard someone say coming twords us. I knew exactly who it was, too. I turned and looked. Jonuku and his entire crew this time. All four of them. These five never gather like this unless its to destroy someone. And in this case, it was me.

    “So what should we do about this, Kinako?” he asked.

    “Don't know, I guess we should beat him till he cant see anymore,” he said cracking his knuckles. Manana was holding a bokken.

    “You remember this boy?” he said looking me in the eye. The bokken was stained with blood. My blood. My normally warm eyes, I have been told, turned into my death glare as I stared the thugs down. I stood from my seat and walked over to them. Jonuku met me half way, our eyes looked in fearsome glares. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Manana swing at me with the bokken. I quickly ducked and blocked the attack. Sanji was right behind me about to punch me in the back of the head. I whipped around and caught his fist before it could hit. As I blocked that attack Kinako attempted a ax kick to my head. I dropped to the ground and kicked at his kick, canceling them out. Jonuku pulled off a sweep kick to my arms to make me drop. I pressed against the ground and jumped to avoid the kick, but I forgot about Nokome who was prepared to punch me in the stomach. He hit hard and sent me into Jonuku's knee. At this point I was upside-down and in pain. As if on command, Jonuku grabbed me by the legs and held me there as Manana swung at me again. I pulled myself up with my legs to dodge the swing. Manana was swinging for the fences on this one, and he got them. Except they were Jonuku's ribs. Jonuku's eyes got wide as he let my legs go. I landed on my hands and pulled off a upside-down whirlwind kick to his face. As I spun I got back to a vertical bass.

    “You've got to be kidding? How did you dodge that?” Manana asked. I looked up with a smirk.

    “Cause of this. Watch closely,” I said as I got into a fighting stance. My right hand was raised as my torso was leaning forward on my left leg. Within a second I rammed my hand into his chest, crushing his sternum. Manana doubled over in pain. Sanji tried to catch him, but I cut him off.

    “Not this time,” I said. I could see the fear in his eyes. He knew what was about to happen to him. My open hand quickly turned to a closed fist. I punched him so many times I lost count. He was left standing for about 2 minutes then dropped. Kinako watched in horror as his two friends dropped to the ground. But he was in for a surprise as well. In his eyes you could see my reflection disappear and reappear 3 inches from him. My fist dug into his stomach and sent him flying through some of the desks. He lay there limp. Nokome just stood there frozen. I saw his knees knocking as he stared at my devastation. I shot a glare over at him. One that means if he even thought of moving he would be stroke down. His face turned pale, he souled himself, and dropped to the ground knocked out. I looked over at Jonuku.

    “Get your trash, and get out of here,” I said to him in a low growl. He glared at me, but he knew he was beat. He got his boys and left the room. As they left, everyone else just watched as I sat down. I looked at Mizara-sensei.

    “Sorry about that,” I said as I sat and went to sleep. As soon as I was having a good dream a low rumble woke me up. It was a huge crowed of students who had been terrorized by those five running at me. I jumped up from my desk and ran.

    “What the hell?!” I screamed running. Marco-kun, Kira-san, and Yukino-san all chased after me, narrowly escaping the mob. Thank god it was the end of the day. I ran all the way back to Kira-san's house. The others closely followed. We all sat in the living room panting. I layed down on the coach and attempted to catch my breath.

    “Damn. What the hell just happened?” I asked out loud. Marco-kun was sitting against the wall.

    “I think you just became the top link in the food chain,” He said gasping. I looked over at him.

    “What do you mean?” I asked finally catching my breath. He started to get up.

    “Well think about it. You have two girls that like you a lot, you just took out the 5 meanest bastards in the place. And apparently you have a enormous fan-girl fan base,” he said explaining. I put my hand on my forehead.

    “You have got to be kidding me,” I sighed. As I started to relax a little, something caught my attention. It was a light buzzing. Then a louder buzzing started to ring in my ears. I got to my feet. The buzzing got louder and louder. At that point I saw something in the window. It was.......large......STINGERSSS!

    “Hit the deck!” I yelled dropping to the ground. Marco-kun followed suit and dropped. The stingers whizzed through the air, through the windows and pelted the walls. As the barrage ended we started to get up.

    “Surrender the wind winch and we will leave you be!” a demonic voice called out.

    “ 'Wind winch'?” I asked looking at Marco-kun. He looked at me and I looked back. Thats when it clicked with both of us. We both looked over at the girls, who were passed out from running. I looked at the silver streak in Yukino-san's hair.

    “Five thousand yen says she's one of us,” I said to him. He looked at me.

    “Lets discuss that later. For now, lets handle this,” he said looking out the window. I nodded. We both ran out the door and looked up in the sky. It seamed like the sky was darkened by the wings of hundreds of wings. These were a special task force for searches and captures. These were Oni-Kiri. Winged dragons. I looked at Marco-kun.

    “This could be bad. These guys aren't sent unless its to find one of us,” I said looking at the sky.

    “Well, I guess they hit the jackpot,” Marco-kun said smirking.

    “You ready?” I asked.

    “Oh yeah,” he said.

    “Fenikkusu Kaihen!!” we shouted. My body burst into flames as my Phoenix cloths appeared as the flames vanished. Marco-kun's body started to glow until lightning shot out of it, lighting up the entire area. His hair went from his dark green to a dark yellow. His jacket and shirt seemed to meld together, creating his Phoenix shirt. His school pants changed to the dark yellow jeans that he wears. His school shoes sparked and changed to boots with lightning streaks on the sides. His eyes changed from dark blue to dark yellow. As the changes finished, two bolts of lightning struck his back. The bolts turned to his twin Katanas. We looked at each other and then looked at the demon.

    “One who kills the most gets a chocolate cornet,” I said to him with a smile.

    “Deal,” he said. The demons landed around us and created a circle. Marco-kun and I were back to back. We both had our swords in hand. I gripped my shield as a bead of sweat dripped down my neck. All was still. Until that one drop hit the ground. As if it was a start signal the demons all charged us. Marco-kun and I darted at the demons. The fight was on.

    Marco-kun decided to show of his mastery of the thunder arts. His swords flew as swift as lightning itself. Tearing through enemy after enemy. He connected his swords at the ends and charged them with electricity, using them as a bladed BO staff. He was obviously a master of both twin sword style and Bo style. He whipped his newly formed Bo in a whirlwind of death as he slashed the jugulars of demon after demon. As the swarms of demons fell he struck a finishing pose. Showoff. My own battle was also going smoothly. I had placed my shield on my back and used both hands on my sword. As I slashed I could see their blood burst into flames as I cut through. The over oxygenated blood made quite the show as demon after demon fell to my blade. One of the demons tried to get lucky and tried to attack my back, but he failed. I sensed his attack coming and reversed my hold on my sword, stabbing him in the stomach. Upon stabbing I pulled my blade straight up through his body. Normally this would be when a huge fountain of blood to gush from his body, but instead it was a ragging fire. The flames stayed on my blade as I split another one in half. His body incinerated instantly. My Blade sung through demon after demon. Finally I started to go into the Phoenix-style of swordsmanship my father taught me.

    “Fushicho-Ryuu: Rotation Blade!” I called. I once again reversed my hold. With the blade now at my side and the hilt facing the enemies I whipped around in a huge cyclone. All the enemies near me where burned to a crisp. I stopped spinning and struck my own finishing pose. My right arm was raised with my left still with the reverse hold. My knees were bent leaning towards my right side. My left knee hit the ground as I stared down the remaining opponents. Marco-kun looked over at me with the same look I gave him. After I finished posing we both stood together, Our blades stained with demon blood and a raging fire behind us. Yeah, we looked cool.

    “Do you think that you have one?” the head demon said. He pushed his way through the crowd. He was wearing armor around his shoulder, and a metal sash around his waist.

    “I can just summon more,” He said with smirk. He reached behind him and pulled out a summoning scroll. He said a few words under his breath and more demons appeared in the skies. The sky got darker and darker with the wings of more and more demons. The leader started to laugh very evilly.

    “See if you can defeat this many at once, you Phoenix fools,” He said cackling.

    “Marco-kun, how well can you manifest your energy?” I asked him.

    “Well enough shot a concentrated blast, why?” he asked back.

    “Cause thats how we can get these guys. Follow my lead,” I said. I spread my legs into a deep horse stance. I clasped my hands together. My fire energy started to pulse out of my shoulders and forearms. Marco-kun was focusing his energy via movement. His middle and index fingers where outstretched as he manifested his electrical powers at the tips. As the lightning started to shoot out of his body, the light from it got more and more bright. My own flames were burning brighter and brighter as my own energy boiled over. As our energies reached a fever pitch we shot the energy. My hands were the path out of my body, as was Marco-kun's. Our blasts ripped through them all and lit up the sky. It was a blinding display.

    “What!?!? Impossible!!!” The leader said. As he said this he turned his attention back to us. Marco-kun was right in his face.

    “Oh, its very possible,” He said with a smirk as he rammed his shoulder into the leader. The demon stumbled backwards. Marco-kun hunched down on one knee.

    “Sano! Now!” He yelled. On command I ran and used his back as a spring board. I jumped high in the air, the light of the sun blinded the demon. He attempted to shield his eyes, but it was a few seconds too late. I had already landed 30 cm infront of him. He looked down. I could see his head split. His arms dropped to the ground, with the cut marks burned shut. His entire body burst into flames as it seemingly fell apart.

    “Fushicho-Ryuu: Descending Hell Fire,” I said calmly. I was on one knee looking into the flames of my devastating attack. My blade stuck in the melted sidewalk. I got to my feet and sheathed my sword. Marco-kun also sheathed his blades. As we de-transformed, the flames of started to fade. As things finally got back to normal, we stood face to face. Our eyes still locked in our respective death glares. We finally started to laugh and clasped hands. We shuck hands and were about to go back inside, when I noticed something.

    “Hey Marco-kun, were our shirts ripped when we started fighting?” I asked him confused.

    “I don't know. I guess,” he said. My eyes got wide. I grabbed his shoulders.

    “DO YOU REALIZE WHAT THAT IS!!!!?!!?!?!?!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. I heard a low rumble coming twords us, Marco-kun and I looked at each other then looked to the side. It was A hoard of demons more dangerous then the demons we fought.

    “FAN-GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” we shouted. We made a mad dash for the door to Kira-san's house, but we failed. The fan-girls surrounded us, and proceeded to rip our shirts off. I was more scared of them then I was fighting the demons. The girls screamed at the sight of our chests. They screamed even louder when They started throwing buckets of water on us, making us shine in the twilight sun. We looked like a couple of golden drenched anime guys. That is until Kira-san and Yukino-san walked out of the house, and saw the huge mob of girls taking pictures of us. Marco-kun and I looked at those two and laughed nervously. They erupted in anger and attempted to kill all the fan-girls.

    After all that was said and done and things calmed down I explained what had happened. Kira-san was a bit calmer but she was still pissed.

    “So you guys saved the day, and you were mobbed by fan-girls, and were forced to pose half naked by said fan-girls. Is that about right?” she asked. Her arms were folded and she still had a scowl on her face. Marco-kun nodded in my behalf as I prepared dinner. As I was making the terryoki a huge tremor hit the house. I dropped the scolding chicken on my head. I ran into the other room with chicken still on my head. I saw Marco-kun in a bloody pile on the ground. He was at Kira-san's feet, her hair covered her rage filled eyes. With her fist still clinched she shot a hateful glare at me. I quickly cowered back into the kitchen and started to make dinner again. This time I made it twice as fast. As I was making dinner, I could hear Yukino-san explaining why she was here and what she was doing in our area. Apparently she was given the Phoenix power of wind and sent to find the warrior of land and sky. She doesn't know that its me, so we're keeping that on the down low.

    “Well, as long as your here Yukino-san, I guess you can stay here,” Kira-san said with her arms folded again. Yukino-san's face lite up and she hugged Kira-san. After that we all sat down and at the meal I prepared. Yukino-san kept staring at me though. I finally got nervous enough to say something.

    “What is it Yukino-san?” I asked her.

    “I just want you to know that I will be with you everyday now, Sano-chan,” she said winking at me. Kira-san quickly attempted to punch her in the head.

    “The only one allowed to call him 'chan' is me got it?” Kira-san said with a huge smile and a pulsing vein on her face. Yukino-san smiled and sat down again. With all this going on, the dragon demons who attack will be a huge stress relief .

    End of chapter 5