• Eve's heart pounded as she looked into Tony's eyes. She gulped and took a deep breath.

    "Um, Hi," Tony started.

    "H---hi," Eve stammered, "I'm Eve. Its, um, nice to meet you."

    "Eve. That's a nice name," Tony replied nervously.

    "Thanks! Its---"

    "Eve! We're ready to go!" her mother shouted from the other stand.

    "Well, I guess its time for me to go. It was really great to meet you."

    "Wait!" Tony started before Eve left, "I'll be here all week. Um, maybe I'll see you around."

    "Yeah, that would be great! Bye!"

    Eve ran off and Tony went back into the crowd of people. Eve and her parents walked off.

    "Damn, right when I was getting to know him," Eve thought to herself, "Well maybe I can get my parents to come back another day."

    Eve was so caught up in her thoughts that she almost ran into a light pole. She regained herself, and they continued throughout the park until it was dark.


    The next morning, Eve did her daily routine: wake up, get ready, wake Oinkers, make his food, and take care of the animals. Also, today she had an extra chore of watering the crops. This took much longer than she expected. Once she was done, she immediately went to get her mother, who was cleaning the chicken coup.

    "Hey ma, can I go over to Tess' house today?"

    "Sure sweetie. Go on ahead," her mother said.

    "Thanks ma!" Eve said, running out of the chicken coup.

    She ran upstairs and put on her work clothes. Then Oinkers followed her out the door, down the dirt road to Tess' farm.

    Tess was sitting on her back porch drinking lemonade. She saw Eve and Oinkers coming, and waved. She put down her Lemonade, and ran over to the back gate to open it.

    "Hey Tess!"

    "Hey Eve, and hi Oinkers!" Tess said.

    Oinkers squealed with joy.

    "Hey Tess," Eve started, "Do you want to go to the town? That fair is going on all week and I want to go again."

    "Did you ask your parents?"

    "Well they are busy cleaning, so I didn't want to bother them."

    "Well," said Tess, "My parents are at that fair today selling things at a booth somewhere. But, they'll be held up there the whole day, so we can go around them."

    "Awesome! Let's head back to my house to drop off Oinkers, then we can go!"

    Eve and Tess dropped off Oinkers in her yard, then they headed down the path to the city. After walking for about 15 minutes, they made it to the park where the fair was being held. Eve, leading the way, wanted to make it to the stage to see if Tony would be there. Instead, she noticed him at a picnic table next to a tree, eating and talking to another boy.

    Tess saw him, and had a feeling what Eve was up to just by seeing her reaction. She played along and waited for Eve to go over to the area. But, suddenly, she grabbed Eve's arm and pulled her behind a booth.

    "Eve, my parents must have left their stand! They're over there at that booth!"

    "Oh crap," Eve said quietly, "Well, we'll just have to hide from them. If we try to make it towards the exit, they'll see us."