"The alarm is sounding?! At this time?!"
    "Assemble the Ecto-Gaurds! It's that theif again! She's stolen the Main Core Engine of the Science Lab!"
    "The Main Core Engine? Without that the scientists will never find a cure for the Black Disease!"
    "Assemble the Ecto-Guards, NOW!"

    A dim blue light shone on the top of the Black Corps. Science Lab. A slim figure in a silver and black body suit stood with the a diamond like object in it's left hand. "You'll be a big help for me." whispered the voice from the suit. Sky blue eyes smiled at the blue diamond object in it's hand.
    "There she is! After her!" called out the voices of the Ecto-Guards. The head of those guards had a helmet that looked like a cat's head. The lines that ran over his suit were golden. These lines shoed the suit was running and in well condition and it also symbolized his authority. He held a long metal rod with a tranqulizer on the end of it. "Drop the Engine and step away from it." he commanded.
    The metallic wings of the small theif's suit sprang out. "Don't count on that." she said, speeding into the dark night. She sped around the tall buildings, past the hover-cars, around people. Ducking into ally-ways, flying through company stores and much more destruction. Finally, she found a holo-cube and quickly programmed an image of herself threw it off. She ducked into a dark ally-way and grinned to herself.
    "Can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Girl." she snickered, removing her own helmet. She leaned against the metallic wall of a random building, sliding down to the ground. She reached into the compartment in her Ecto-Wings. She pulled the dim diamond from it and smirked at it. "You cause me too much trouble." she sighed.
    Not noticing the soilder that stood before her, she was pushed against the wall roughly and the diamond taken from her hand. "You're arrested for theft and cause of destruction." he said. The siler haired girl smirked. The black haired, young guard looked at her confusingly. "What?" he asked. She smirked and her eyes glinted at him.
    "Let's make a deal." she said suductivly, "You give me the diamond, and we both pretend this never happened." The man glowered at her.
    "Not a chance." She smiled and drew closer to him.
    "Oh really?" she asked again. She came closer, making him go into a cold sweat. Soon enough, she pressed her lips against his. The man went into a daze and she carefully slipped the engine from his fingers. "Thank you, very much." she smirked. Flying of into the abyss