• Shadows

    Slowly the sun rose above the horizon, it’s long rays faintly lit up the ground, slightly warming up the freezing earth. Small clouds started to form around the sun; there normal white color was replaced by purple and orange.
    A dark haired girl twisted and turned in her bed, dark purple covers tangled around her lean body, she looked mummy like. Long dark hair resting on the left side of her pillow and shoulder, it was a ruffled mess; it almost looked like there was no one in the tangle.
    A small cry came from her sleep, and a small tear fell down the left side of her sleep. Within moments the girl swung up from her bed, breathing heavy as she cried quietly.
    Her dark eyes looked across her plan bedroom, focused on nothing she thought quietly; as her heart raced in her chest and pounded in her ears. This wasn’t normal for her no, for some reason she felt as if she had looked into the future, but she didn’t understand how.

    She had seen a blurry figure running, it felt as if this figure was close to her, but she couldn’t lay a finger on who it was. She could see herself, dark green tie out of her hair, and her neat bun had fallen out.
    Her delicate dark brown chopsticks with small golden markings, laied a few feet away from her, a small crack in them. She wasn’t looking at the chopsticks; no she was looking at the person who was about ten feet away from her.
    He had something in his hand, she couldn’t make out what it was, but she could see that it was long and it had a point on the end of it. The other person was just as blurry, but she could just make out a small smirk on his face.
    For some reason it looked like she was shaking, her knees looked like they were about to buckle, and tears rolled down her face as she yelled at the person. The person only shook their head, smirking more, neither could see the person who was running.
    A slight second of nothing, and then the person threw the object they had in there hand at her. She closed her eyes, waiting for the pain of the object to strike her in the stomach, were she would die slowly in pain.

    She opened her eyes, a small gasp escaped her throat…

    Then she had woken up, shaking, and shivering as she thought of the vision she had. Her dark eyes looked down at her light wooded floor, slowly her breathing slowed down, and her heart had stopped racing.
    Well, since she was awake, she mine as well get her day started. Sighing she got out of bed, the dark purple covers fell down to the ground were they laied; not caring the girl left the room.
    Her footsteps echoed down the hallway, clicking lightly, around the walls and ceiling. Making a small left, she made her way into her kitchen, looking threw the fridge she tried to find something to eat.

    I close both locks below the window.
    I close both blinds and turn away.
    Sometimes solutions aren’t so simple.
    Sometimes goodbye’s the only way.

    Sighing she gave up; shutting the fridge she walked across the room and stopped. Her head angled down, her dark eyes moved to the right, looking at the open window, a cool breeze blew threw it.
    She turned and walked over to the window, her dark eyes emotionless, she closed it. Without saying a word she locked the window, and shut the dark green blinds, she looked at them for a moment before turning away from them.
    She stared at a wall, deep in thought towards the future events, a knocking on her interrupted her thoughts. Snapping out of them she ignored the knocks, they were soft and barely heard, but she knew someone was there.
    The knocks came again, much quicker, like the person was starting to get impatient with her; still she ignored the knocks. Trying not to pay attention to them she looked around the kitchen, maybe today she’d pretend that she was sick…
    The sound of a lock being turned, made her turn around herself, dark eyes blazing as she heard the front door open. Couldn’t they understand that she wanted to be left alone?!
    She could hear soft footsteps walking down the hallway, she thought she saw a shadow go across her wall, she didn’t care who it was but she wanted them gone. She was about to turn around, for the footsteps were going that way, but something stopped her.

    On her hips she could feel someone holding her against them, their body tempter was oddly cold for a summer morning, and a head resting on top of her head. From that moment she knew who it was…
    “What are you doing here?” She asked, her voice cold and harsh.
    “Coming to visit you, silly.” He replied, his voice in a small whisper sounding innocent.
    “Andrew.” Her voice got sticker.
    “Ana.” His voice also got sticker.
    “I’m not playing.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Stop it… You know what I am talking about.”
    “No I don’t.”
    “Andrew… Why are you here?”
    “Because, I want to see you.”

    Ana sighed, as she tried to pull away from the boy’s hold on her. She found it hard to pull away, it’s like he was holding her tighter than he really was…
    “Aw, come on… Don’t pull away.” He whispered softly, pulling her back against him.
    “Let me go.” She demanded, trying to pull away from the boy again.

    and the sun will set for you;
    The sun will set for you.
    And the shadow of the day,
    Will embrace the world in gray,
    And the sun will set for you.

    “…Okay…” He whispered sadly, his dark blue eyes looked down at the ground as he let go of her.
    “Now go, I don’t want to see you.” She added harshly, her voice had an edge of pain in it.
    “…” Andrew said nothing, his dark blue eyes filled with pain and sorrow as he walked out of the kitchen. His feet were dragging across the floor, as he slammed the front door shut.
    Ana stood there, Her right fist clenched, her dark eyes still blazing with anger, and she shook slightly. Why didn’t she know what was wrong with her? She never acted like this, especially when Andrew was here…
    Slowly she walked out of the kitchen, her dark eyes misted with confusion and sorrow. Why was this happening to her? Sure, she could be a bit moody on days, but never this badly.
    As she walked down the hallway, she could see some of the sun shinning into her window, it’s reflection bounced off of her light wooded floor, causing a bright glare to interfere with her seeing.
    Her dark eyes looked away from the glare for a moment before she walked into her room, quietly shutting the door. The window that above her bed was still open, a cooling breeze blew through it.
    Slowly she jumped up onto the bed, getting onto her knees she shut the window, noticing the sun was going to be going behind the clouds. Frowning, she shut the blinds as well, worried about Andrew.
    How could she see him when she just yelled at him to go away? He would be confused and hurt if she went over to talk to him…. Yet alone his sister, Brook, would rip off her head for doing this to him….
    She laied down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling, her dark brown eyes closed for a moment as she sighed. Reopening them, they moved down to the wall to her left….

    Slowly Andrew walked down the road, his head was looking down at the ground, dark eyes full of sorrow. He wasn’t paying attention to were he was going, and was bumping into most of the people.
    They turned and looked at him, eyes blazing with anger; most looked ready to yell at the heart broken ANBU, or push him back. To his relief, no one did anything to him; they just kept on walking…
    Silver hair covering his face now, no one could tell what was wrong with him, and they didn’t want to ask… They all thought he wouldn’t mind if they left him alone, besides what ever it was he would get over it sooner or later…
    His strides were much smaller than usual and he was walking much slower… He didn’t understand why or how this happen… So what if he came a bit early… But she gave him a key and said come by anytime…
    But why did she snap at him like that? A small tear ran down his cheek, slowly he shook his head with confusion. He just couldn’t understand the reasoning behind this… Maybe he wasn’t meant to understand…

    Slowly he opened the door to his chilling house, without a word he shut the door. His dark eyes scanned the chilly atmosphere; nothing seemed out of the ordinary, that’s good.
    Well, Brook must not have come to visit him yet; if she did he would be dead… The young redhead would be sitting on the sofa, her legs and arms crossed, with a small attitude on her face.
    He couldn’t help but laugh at the face she gives him, for some reason the look just didn’t fit the optimistic redhead. Sure, she could be a bit bratty at times, but he loved her just the same.
    Sighing he walked down the hallway, his light footsteps echoed off of the walls and bounced around through the empty house. His dark eyes looked at the door at the end of the hall, so this is what this led him to…
    Slowly he opened the door, without a word he walked into the room and shut the door behind him. Dark eyes scanning his neat bedroom he sighed, he slowly walked over to the bed and sat on the end of it.
    Putting his elbows on his knees, and his hands around his chin, he stared at the wall… Thinking about the events that had happened….

    Pink cards and flowers on your window,
    Your friends all plead for you to stay.
    Sometimes beginnings aren’t so simple.
    Sometimes goodbye’s the only way.

    Ana looked over at her dark brown nightstand, her dark eyes stopped when she got to the dark blue vase with a few flowers in it. The lilies, and roses hadn’t wilted yet and she has had the vase of flowers for months.
    She smiled slightly, remembering how shaky Andrew was when giving them to her. She couldn’t help but laugh about it now, but not in front of him, no if she did that he would probably get offended.
    She frowned slightly, remembering the blue card that went with the vase, for some reason she couldn’t remember were she had put it… Knowing that if she brought it up to the silver haired boy she would be dead in his wrath.
    Sure he didn’t get angry all that often, but when he did everyone had to pay. She hated it when he was angry, but she knew that everyone gets real angry at one part of their lives…
    Her dark eyes moved down the wall some more before they slowly closed…

    “Andrew.” Brook called at his door; she lightly knocked on his front door, hoping he was home.
    She stood there for what seemed like forever, she knocked again, this time a bit louder, and she lightly tapped her left foot with impatience. Wondering why he wasn’t answering the door, normally he would have came by now, greeting her…
    Sighing, she turned the doorknob, surprised to find that it was unlocked, but no Andrew. She pushed the door open, and walked into the living room; he wouldn’t care if she entered the house…
    Looking around she couldn’t see him, she thought for a moment, before the idea hit her… He had to be in his room, he couldn’t be asleep, no that’s not like him at all… He’d probably be laying their staring up at the ceiling thinking…
    Brook slowly walked down the neat hallway, her dark green eyes focused on nothing she stopped in front of the bedroom door. Quietly she knocked on the door, she hoped he was in their, it wouldn’t feel right if he wasn’t.
    No answer, she sighed, why was this happening to her? Normally her big brother would be outside, or at least see her and talk to her… But why was today different? Her mind was whirling as she grabbed the doorknob.
    Turning it slowly, she looked into the bedroom; she nearly jumped when she found out what he was doing. Opening the door all the way, she rushed into the room, dark green eyes blazing.

    “What are you doing?!” Brook said, looking at her brother tie his knapsack.
    “Leaving.” Was the simple reply he gave her.
    “But why?”
    “Because, no one wants me here.”
    “Don’t say that! I want you here!”
    “… You’re just saying that.”
    “No I am not!” She sounded hurt. “I want you to stay! Please don’t go!”
    “…. I am going… That’s final…”
    Sighing he slipped the knapsack over his shoulder, she would never understand the real reason why.
    “Andrew, don’t go!” She buried her head into his chest, a small tear welded up in her dark green eyes.
    “I’m sorry, but I have to.” He whispered, sighing softly.

    He pulled her away, not wanting the good-bye to be any longer, he just didn’t know how much longer he could take of it. Sighing he walked out of the bedroom, his dark eyes clouded with sorrow and confusion.
    Oh, he hoped he was making the right choice, if he wasn’t then he would feel stupid and wonder why he even did this… He was hurting everyone he loved and would only love over something so stupid…
    “Andrew!” Brook ran behind him as he walked out of the front door; she was shocked when she skidded to a halt.
    Andrew was missing, there was no way he could have ran, no she would have seen him leave… She didn’t understand… Grumbling about having a horrible brother she walked around town looking for him…

    and the sun will set for you;
    The sun will set for you.
    And the shadow of the day,
    Will embrace the world in gray,
    And the sun will set for you.

    Ana’s dark eyes slowly opened, she had a restless nap, but she wasn’t feeling tired anymore. She sat up looking around the room; the next thing she knew was that the memories of what happened earlier flashed threw her head.
    She shook her head, trying to push them away; she didn’t want to remember them now… For some reason whenever she did something she regretted, she could never forget it.
    Muttering quietly, she swung her legs out of the bed, she thought for a moment before putting her feet on the floor. Dark eyes looking at the wall, she stood up, still leaving her dark purple covers on the floor she walked over to the door.
    Slowly she turned the hard doorknob, she opened the door and walked down the hallway, not even bothering to shut her bedroom door. Sighing, she opened the front door, looking outside she noticed the sun was now hidden behind the dark clouds, looks like a storm was coming.
    She walked outside and shut the door, dark eyes looked at the ground as she let her feet take her to wherever they wanted to go; she just didn’t care where she was going…

    Turning to her right, she made her way into the empty park, for some reason no one wanted to walk before the storm. She knew this wouldn’t bother her; maybe she would be able to think right, without the sound of running children, talking, and screaming.
    She needed to figure out what to do, she knew she couldn’t just go to Andrew and expect him to forgive her, no, he would never do that… Besides, he was probably moping at home…
    She walked down the dark brown trail, her mind lost in deep thoughts about the possibilities… Looking to her right she saw a bench, luckily no one was sitting on it. With a small sigh she sat down on it, crossing her legs she looked up at the sky.

    and the shadow of the day,
    Will embrace the world in gray,
    And the sun will set for you.

    Slowly Ana stood up, turning to her right she continued her journey down the lonely path. The clouds above her got thicker, the rain was soon to come, and she would still be out in it.
    A cracking twig from somewhere behind her made her stop, her dark eyes wide she tried to figure out what had made the noise, it was too loud to be a animal, it almost sounded like a human.
    If it was a human, than whom could it be? It wouldn’t be Andrew, no, he wouldn’t be outside because of the weather, and Mikeala was on a mission with Becky so it couldn’t be them…
    A black arrow shot past her right ear, she froze, her body stiffened up as she slowly turned to see who shot it at her. She frowned slightly as she saw who shot it at her, her own brother Christopher, who had a smirk on his face.

    “I finally found you.” His smirk widened as he looked at his sister.
    “Yes you did.” She replied coldly, she wondered why he was here.
    “Now it’s time to die.”
    “Go ahead, I have nothing else to live for.”

    Christopher pulled back his black bow, the arrow was set and ready to be fired, his smirk widened as he pulled back on the arrow. Swiftly it flew threw the sky, missing Ana by an inch, it landed on the ground.
    Ana could almost laugh, is this how he was going to kill her? He couldn’t even hit her, and there was no wind. Her eyes widened slightly when she noticed a piece of paper on the end of the arrow, how could she be so stupid?
    The paper bomb exploded loudly, smoke covered the place where the girl was standing, thick, black smoke… When it finally cleared, the girl was gone; she was about twenty feet away from where she use to stand.
    She coughed softly, trying to get some of the inhaled smoke out of her lungs; she ignored the gash on her right shoulder. On her way down her right shoulder slammed into a rock, and ended up taking it with her…
    Christopher saw her laying there, a small grin on his face as he reloaded anther arrow, this one was going to kill her… It would strike threw her heart, and she would be dead…

    Ana’s eyes widened as she noticed her chopsticks were a few feet away from her and her dark green tie was out of her hair, it was her vision… It was coming true; she feared that this was going to happen.
    For some reason she didn’t feel safe, something just wouldn’t let her… Then she remembered how someone ran in front of her as the arrow was shot at her, she didn’t want it to happen…
    No, she couldn’t let someone die for her! Maybe if she moved, maybe she could change her fate… But she couldn’t move, something just wouldn’t let her…why wasn’t it letting her?

    and the shadow of the day,
    Will embrace the world in gray,
    And the sun will set for you.

    The arrow flew at her; she shut her eyes, not able to look, for she knew what was going to happen. Why, why, why… Where the only things running threw her mind as the arrow came closer to her.
    She heard a small grunt of pain, and then someone fall into her lap. She slowly opened her dark brown eyes, and looked down, a small gasp escaped her throat. Tears welded up in her dark brown eyes, she was shaking slightly, as she pulled the person closer.
    “I-I-I thought you didn’t care.” She whispered to the boy in her lap, she moved a lock of silver hair out of his face.
    “I-I-I-I-I-I-I d-d-do c-care.” He whispered back, he coughed deeply.
    “A-Andrew why?” A tear fell down her face.
    “B-because I l-l-l-love you.” Weakly he moved his hand up next to her face and whipped away a tear.
    “A-Andrew…” She whispered again.

    A small raindrop fell from the sky, followed by anther, and anther… Quickly the small drops began to pour a heavy rain onto the three people, they were soaked in a matter of seconds.
    Christopher hissed quietly, and with a puff of white smoke he was gone…

    “Andrew…” Ana whispered again, the boy twitched in her arms.
    “Hmmm.” Andrew whispered back.
    “Please don’t go.”
    “You know I can’t chose…”

    Ana pulled the silver haired boy farther up on her lap, and silently pressed her lips against his. The rain dripped off of both of their faces and hair, making it look like they had been outside longer than they really were.
    She pulled back from him, her dark brown eyes misted with tears, as she held him against her one last time…