• CHAPTER 1: Dreams

    Some people dream BIG, like being a 5 star chef in Paris, or like being the president, or even like being a movie star. But some people dream smaller, like being a taxi driver, or a janitor at an Elementary school. for me I dream of being a "BROADWAY SINGER!!!! AND I'LL SAY IT OUT LOUD!!!!"
    "Coming mom!" I yelled don the stairs.
    "I can still dream big while setting the table" I thought to myself.

    CHAPTER 2: School

    "STEPH!! YOUR GONNA BE LATE!!!" I heard my mom yell.
    It was 10 minutes before school and I had just woken up to the loud yell of my mom from downstairs. I was tired as ever and I still had to..........
    1. Brush my teeth
    2. Comb my hair
    3. Get dressed
    4. Eat breakfast
    5. Print my Essay
    "Welcome to mission impossible" I thought to myself.
    I ran as fast as I could to the kitchen where my mom stood flipping the mouthwatering pancakes which I knew I wouldn't have tie to even have one tasty, delicious, sweet.
    I tried to take my mind off them, my little brother Joey would get them, not me.
    I heard the engines of the school bus from outside my window, I saw that that old yellow thing was standing to a hault waiting for me to come out, I grabbed my Essay as the last words printed and on my way out I grabbed a banana as my stomach grumbled like the roar of the hungriest lion in the pack. As I got into the bus a ROAR of laughter erupted even louder than the cries from my stomach, I looked down to see that me Unicorn Pajama pants were there, right on my two legs, My face was red as a ripe tomato and I could feel hoe hot it was. I sat mext to my best friends Skye and Marty. They tried to hold back laughter and you could tell, and as soon as Jessie laughed the bursted out with the loudest laughs I ever heard, I didn't really care, I was always the girl who was the class embarrasment.
    CHAPTER 3: School

    I ran into the School as soon as I saw that the bus had stopped. I ran straight to the girls bathroom, I took of the pajama pants and then my UGLY red skirt showed, our school had uniforms so we all looked pretty bad. I took up the tile of my stall where my dairy lay still as stone, it was safer here than at my house where Joey (he's 9 by the way) would eventually find after hours of hunting, I put the diary on top of my books and ran as I heard the 1st bell ring, but I somehow managed to run into Tiffany, the most popular girl in the school.
    "Hi Little......Stephanie!" she exclaimed. Suddenly I say her reach for my diary, somehow it had cought her eye. She began to read I the most annoying tone I had ever heard,
    "Dear Diary, I have the most loving crush on dearest Robbin, he Is SO cute with his beautiful eyes, I wish he would notice me!" She began to laught her annoying laugh. As did her followers. I suddely saw Robbin in the hallway. Tiffany ran up to him and exclaimed,"Awwww little Stephie has a widdle crush an you!"
    He looked over at me in astonishment, and I looked pale a a rock, and could feel my face flushing, I ran to my 1st period class and sat down at my desk, head in my hands, I saw a few tears plop onto my desk, I didn't care if anyone saw me, my life was officially over.