• Hi my name is Veronica. I have a secret. Don't tell anyone. I'm a vampire. My entire family are. Most people don't believe me, but my best friend Katy does. I just moved to California. The worst place for a vampire to go to. I have to walk around with a huge hat or umbrella to keep the sun out of my eyes. And whenever anyone asks why I'm so pale, I tell them I don't have enough time to go to the beach, even thought i live in a house that's right next to one. The new school I go to is weird. Everyone is in groups or "cliques" as they would call it. And everybody is calling or texting in the hall or secretly in class. So, on with my new Californian life. It was 7:30 in the morning when the sun was shining through the window.
    " Dad! Why did you keep the window open?!" I yelled. No reply. I bet he's on his usual biting spree. My bother just woke up and did his usual. Yell at dad for keeping the window open, drink blood, eat cereal and finally go back upstairs to go on the computer. At least its Saturday, so I can go to Katy's house. 1 hour later i went off. As i was walking the usual path i take to go t Katy's house, I say the weirdest thing in my entire life. Well, there's this guy at school, and i sorta... like him. Everyone says he's single and that he's so cute. But they were wrong. I noticed that the boy was a vampire too. Okay, okay. I know you're surprised. "Why would that boy be a vampire?" you're thinking. I have no idea either. So I just ignored it and went on. But the idea of that boy being a vampire kept going on in my mind. But when I reached Katy's house, it just went right out. " Hello, Katy!" I said when Katy opened the door. " Oh hi, Veronica". As I walked in, we went to Katy's room. When I opened the door, I was shocked to see what had happened to her room...