• Peace and Quiet
    (Day 1)
    Tera sat staring at her reflection, her dark hair framing her face. Her father had summoned for her, but she refused to come. As Tera contemplated what to do, someone knocked on her door.
    “Dear! Come now child, let me in,” a voice called.
    “Come in Nan,” Tera replied, still sitting as the door opened.
    “Look at you. Come now, your father wants you,” a stout, elderly women said gently, walking over to Tera.
    “Well tell His Highness, I’m busy sulking,” Tera snapped.
    “Terresa! Don’t give me that cheek!” Nan said, grabbing Tera’s hand.
    “Alright Nan,” Tera answered, looking away from the mirror and unwillingly walking with Nan.

    Tera shut her door and then sat down at her vanity. Her father didn’t understand that she was capable of looking out for herself. Now she wouldn’t be able to go anywhere without being shadowed.
    Tera spun around as she saw a black cat sitting on the balcony. “Did your master send you?” she snapped at the cat, realizing it was that man’s pet.
    “Yes he did,” Cornelius hissed back. Tera jumped.
    “Y-you talk?!” she exclaimed. Her door opened and she looked over her shoulder. Thadeus was leaning against the jam, his arms crossed. “What do you want?”
    “I don’t want anything. Just for you to accept that I’m staying,” Thadeus said, looking straight at Tera. Tera laughed.
    “As if. Why even take the job? The sum my father is giving you is pathetic. He could give you more,” she said, hoping this would dismiss Thadeus.
    “I know that. But your father is the most powerful man in the area. If I work for him for the pitiful fee, word will spread and more money will come my way,” Thadeus explained, walking over to her. Tera stood and walked over to the balcony. Thadeus followed her.
    “Look,” he said, Cornelius jumped up onto his shoulder. “I know you don’t want me here, and believe me, Princess, I don’t really want to be here either.” He sighed. “I will give you your space but I will still follow you,” he added. Tera just shook her head.
    “If you will give me room, then get out of it,” Tera snapped, pushing Thadeus back a bit. He just laughed.
    “Your father is only doing this because he cares for you and believes this is best.”
    Tera laughed harshly. “If he cared for me, he wouldn’t have hired you.” Thadeus shrugged and started to walk out of the room. Cornelius jumped off of Thadeus’s shoulder and stayed in the room. The door closed and Tera looked at the cat. “Your planning on watching over me as well?” she asked. Cornelius just nodded.

    (Day 4)
    Cornelius sat down next to Tera as she munched on an apple. “When do you think my father will be done talking to Thadeus?”
    “Don’t tell me you miss him,” Cornelius teased.
    “What! No, of course not,” Tera said and then took a big bite of the apple.
    “And trying to make it so you can’t talk only proves it,” Cornelius said. Tera just ignored the cat, and stood up. She started to walk away, and Cornelius ran after her.
    “You know what I just realized?” she asked, tossing the apple core into a bush, making sure no one was around.
    “What is that?” the cat asked, catching up to her.
    “I don’t know your name, that is if you have one,” she said stopping and looking at the cat.
    “Every creature has a name, no?” he said with a grin. “I am Cornelius Sparrow,” he added and began to walk again.
    Tera followed absent mindedly. “Sparrow? Isn’t that odd for a cat?” she asked, looking towards the sun as it set.
    “Isn’t Tera an odd name for a human? I am not a bird, but have been affiliated with birds most of my life,” Cornelius said.
    “Tera is not odd. It is short for Terresa, and I don’t like that name because it was my mothers,” Tera explained.
    “Tera, as in earth. Sparrow, as in winged creature. You have a reason for your name, as do I,” Cornelius said. He looked up at Tera, who’s brow was furrowed. He laughed a little. “See, Thadeus found me when he was a youngin’ of only 5. I was thrashing around Sparrow’s nest,” he said. Tera nodded and sighed as she saw Thadeus approaching them.
    The three of them stood still for a few moments.
    “Alright that’s it,” Tera said, turning towards Thadeus.
    He looked back at her. “What’s it?” he asked. He looked at Cornelius who returned the confusion.
    “We need to get past this hatred we have for each other,” she explained.
    “I have had no hatred of you. It is you who hate me,” Thadeus replied. Tera just shook her head.
    “I declare we put aside our differences and just get along with each other until this whole thing is over.”

    10 minutes of Eternity
    (Day 7)
    Tera closed the balcony doors, drew the curtains, and sighed. She closed her eyes as she felt the last cool breeze of the night. Tera grabbed the white night gown that had been laid on her bed by Nan and she changed into it, throwing a few glances over to the black mass of Cornelius in the corner of her room. She pulled the nightgown over her head and then smoothed it out once it was on. She placed the dress she had worn on the stool near her vanity. Tera gazed into the mirror to receive a wide smile from her reflection. She furrowed her brow in frustration and tried to frown. Nothing but a strange twitch on her face. She gave up and went and laid in her bed.
    Tera pulled the silk sheets up and rested her head on the soft pillow. She closed her eyes and heard the small pitter-patter of Cornelius walking around. She jumped slightly as the cat hopped onto her bed. “May I?” he asked, his yellow eyes were clear in the dark room. Tera just nodded, knowing full well the cat could see her. Cornelius kneaded the bed and then sat down. Tera watched him, only able to see the outline of the cat. She was actually getting used to Thadeus and Cornelius now. It had been a week since they had arrived, and though she longed to return to her normal routine of sneaking out of the castle, it was refreshing to have someone who, to an extent, understood her and how she felt.

    Tera woke with a start as a cold breeze broke into her room. She sat up rubbing her eyes and pushing her hair out of her face. She looked around and screamed as a man appeared in front of her. The man grabbed her and pushed his hand onto her mouth, shoving her into the head board. He pulled her from the bed and then yelled, letting go of Tera. Tera ran to the other side of the room. She looked back and saw Cornelius’s small figure on the man, something glinting in the cat’s mouth. She ran out into the hall, to scared to do anything else. Where is Thadeus? She thought but ran to her fathers room. She pushed open the door to find her father sitting at his desk. She ran over to him and wrapped her arms around the king.
    “Father, there was a man in my room!” she sobbed. “That cat stopped him, I think.”
    Leo held her tight and yelled for the guards to go to her room. “Are you alright, my dear?” he asked, noting a bruise on her face. She just nodded and continued to cry.
    “Tera?!” a voice called from the hallway. She looked up from her fathers embrace.
    “Thadeus?” she mumbled. She stood up and started to walk towards the door, but her father kept a tight grip on her arm. “Father, let me go and tell Thadeus I am alright,” Tera said, looking at her fathers hand. Her arm was going numb from the pressure Leo was putting on it. “Father?!”
    “My daughter,” he said, pulling Tera closer. She pulled from him more. “My darling daughter.”
    “Tera!” Thadeus called from the open door. “Get away from him!” He drew his sword and pointed it at Leo. The king pulled Tera towards him and grabbed her chin, his other hand still holding her arm. He held her so she couldn’t run away.
    Leo laughed slightly. “What do you plan on doing with that, boy?” he asked. “Do you want to save the poor princess?” He gave another laugh. Tera began to cry more. What was going on? Why was her father acting like this? She closed her eyes and then slammed her foot down on Leo’s, then elbowed him in the gut. Leo bent over in pain, and Tera ran over to Thadeus. She hid behind him. The king stood up and then drew his sword. Thadeus stood his ground and stared at the king.
    “Tera...” She looked over to her right and saw Cornelius. “Come with me.”
    “But what about Thade...”
    “He’ll be fine. Now come!” he said in a low voice. She nodded and then ran over to the cat. He led her to the kitchens and then through to the courtyard. They found the lowest part of the wall and climbed over it. Tera had difficulty climbing and slipped couple of times, scraping her knees and hands. She made it over with Cornelius and they made their way deeper into the forest. Tera slowed down looking back towards the castle.
    “What’s going on, Cornelius? Why was my father acting like that?” she asked suddenly. Cornelius looked up and sighed.
    “I fear I am not the right person to answer that,” the cat replied. He looked up at the moon. He muttered a swear. “Thadeus is late.”
    “No I’m not,” Thadeus called. He came from the way Tera and Cornelius had come. He was walking with a slight limp. Tera ran over to Thadeus and hugged him.
    “I never thought I would be so happy to see you,” she said. Thadeus just smiled at her.
    Cornelius walked over to the two slowly. “What took you so long?” the cat hissed.
    Thadeus looked down at the glaring Cornelius. “The King sent his men after me. I didn’t want to bring them here,” Thadeus explained. He pushed Tera off him and sat down.
    Tera gasped. “Your leg! Your bleeding!” she said, and crouched down to look at the wound. Thadeus just pulled away.
    “I’m fine. Here,” he said and passed a blanket to her. “Your going to get cold.”
    “Forget me being cold. Your hurt!” Tera said grabbing Thadeus’ bleeding leg. He grimaced as her fingers hit his gash. She looked back at Cornelius. “Do we have any water?” she asked. The cat nodded and jumped next to Thadeus and stuck his head into the bag. Thadeus shoved him over and pulled out a pouch. Tera unplugged the hole and poured some water on the wound. “No wine or anything?” she asked hopefully.
    “I only got what was necessary,” Thadeus said standing up and pulling his leg away again. Tera just looked at him.
    “Well fine,” she started. “But if you die, don’t blame me.”